Hyjal Summit is located in the Caverns of Time, it is a 25-man raid encounter. The optional attunment quest begins when you talk to Soridormi in the Caverns of Time, you then must get Two vials that drop from Kael'Thas from the Eye and Lady Vashj in the Serpentine Caverns.
You're slightly incorrect. Archimonde drops Tier 6, and since he's the final boss of this instance, you should say that Tier 6 drops from BT and Hyjal, rather than just BT.
And Kazzak doesn't drop Tier 5 Last I checked. Gruul drops Tier 4... You seem to be a bit confused, friend.
I wonder about something..... In every Cavern of Time instance, the main ennemy is the Infinite Dragonflight. From what I've seen about Hyjal, they are not present. Am I alone to see something wrong here?
CoT is almost obviously not a simulator. The Bronze Dragonflight's purpose is to stop the Infinite Dragonflight or other parties from interfering with the past. Though the Infinite Dragonflight is absent from this encounter, it is possible that they did something to heighten the Legion's possiblility of winning. Such as Kaz'rogal who wasn't presented in the Warcraft 3 campaign. Perhaps the Dragonflight inserted him in the battle? Seems unlikely, but still possible. Also, I feel that AzerothRuler is onto something. Otherwise, the timeline would be furiously altered.
I hear different things from different people.
From some, I hear that the Wisps kill him.
From others, I hear that the Raid kills him.
Has anyone here done Hyjal, and can confirm what takes place?
There is no lore reason or even a purpose whatsoever to take part in the Battle of Mount Hyjal.
Quoted from Drysc
It's a "time pocket" if you will. There's no intended link to the Infinite Dragonflight or their dastardly deeds of altered timeways, and you're not literally interacting with history. It's simply a way for players to experience some of the larger moments in Warcraft history, and admittedly the Mount Hyjal instance isn't really linked to the world for any rhyme or reason. The timeway presented itself, it's an amazing opportunity to be there and experience such a major event, and Archimonde drops phat purples.
while there is no presence of the dragonflight INSIDE the instance the infinite dragonflight is going through tremendous trouble to see that no one can enter the battle of hyjal. you find that out doing the escort quest to get into old hillsbrad
The infinate dragonflight DID alter the timeway, and in a very basic way. They merely delayed the wisps' arrival - and, without the interferance of your raid group, archimonde would get to the World Tree before the wisps could blow him up. At the end of the Archimonde fight, the wisps blow him up - you could say you didn't kill archimonde, just merely delayed him.
I posted a screen shot of a gate barring you from entering what looks like an instance in Darkwhisper Gorge in Winterspring. I wonder if its something in the works?
no no
The whole idea is precisely TO save the world tree, and radical change the outcome of things hereafter.
It creates a time paradox, which Blizzard just left to mechanish , instead of trying to give a explanation on. Time paradoxes is a complex issue to discuss, and will easy grant you all a headace.
Lets just be happy with Hyjal <3
Where do you appear when you die and release spirit in hyjal summit? Near Gadgetzan?
Does anybody know how much rep a full run is (say, without whiping on trash waves)
On the large map, above Ashenvale is Hyjal, Is this the place? because after a long time of searching and looking i found a cave and a green portal for raid instances but i couldent get in because there was an invisable wall in the way..., i went over the wall (i was a GM) and it was just empty grasslands with trees and stuff and no npcs... so is this the same place?
Sorry, but there are something wrong in the "Quests" part, there show 1 LV47 and 1LV 28 quest. Find someone to fix please~
He must be talking about darkwhisper gorge in winterspring, I went there today and in the bottom of a cave there actually was a green portal sealed with a skull like gate...behind it you could see the trees of Hyjal summit >.< I want there so much.
No attunement needed in 2.4.
In Patch 2.4 the attunement will be lifted however the quests will remain in game and those that choose to complete the quests will recieve the title of “Hand of A’dal”.
While anyone will be able to enter the instance, only those who can complete the attunement or kill bosses/trash can get the jewel crafting designs.
What is the undead area outside the alliance base for?
Also for those who don't know, the tier 6 vendor and epic gem recipe vendor are here too
Omg, i just can't wait to get to Hyjal Summit!
Looking forward to do this Raid Instance.
As of 5th March 2007 a level 63 cannot start a summon from the CoT summoning stone, but CAN assist in summoning.
I found this useful with my alt engineer, getting the group there faster.
You can actually get through the gate. If you have a mage friend sheep you and you have the PvP insignia you can use that once you get through the invisible wall.
Unfortunately once you get in and you enter the zone "Mount Hyjal" you get a debuff (forget what its called) and once you touch the ground you get ported out to where ever your hearth stone is set to.
I heard that you can delete your hearth stone and you won't get ported but i didn't try it.But if you are a hunter you can use eyes of the beast on your pet and run around inside of the zone until it runs out.
Pretty cool actually.
For all your sightseeing wishes, please note that you must be at least level 65 to enter this instance.
For the new guild that think of doing this. You need a Prot paly to tank the waves. Just so you know. You need to gear upp a prot paly with Block Rating and Block value items. Just so you know :D
just as an FYI, the cliffs have invisible walls on them so you cant drop down, but instead of being at the edge were they should be, they're about half way down, so you wont die, but your will get stuck, i found this out when me and my friends were exploring it since because of 2.4 you don't need to be attuned.
EDIT: just some spelling errors
You don't need an attunement for Hyjal Summit anymore!
By way of a small Easter egg, Jaina (and presumably the other famed heroes from Warcraft III) speaking using the same sound bites as the ones heard in the previous game, including Jaina's notorious "Ssshh! I'm trying to think here!"
The debuff's called "No Man's Land"
When do things become lootable? me and 4 friends were messing around and made it phase 2 of the first invasion/attack but nothing we killed we could loot when can you loot stuff?
Well now you can teleport to Caverns of Times if you have enough rep, I think it's revered or honored, probly Revered. You can teleport to CoT from a girl in the world's inn in shattrath city. She is a CoT person wearing a white dress.
Realy good raid instance...very interesting...and very hard for not prepared group. But drop so beautiful :P
Whaen should i go here in terms of gear? (ZA, TK, SSC, etc)
The npc is called Zephyr and you need to be at least revered with Keeper of Time to use the teleport.
Hyjal is for players who have finished ssc/tk. But now with the new badge gear from the isle, you can skip these instances and go straight to hyjal/bt. I would recomend that you try to get some gear if your guild is in ssc/tk/za but if you can't, try to get the badge loot (some of it is better than T5 items)
A fun thing to do here is to kite abominations to a base and watch the guards get annihilated.
Rogues can use Distract on all bosses but Archimonde before they reach the camp to delay the boss for a bit while the raid does some quick ressurections, rebuffing and drinking.
does anyone know how long this raid takes?
With a good group and good group make-ups of people who have done the instance many times, a full instance clear should take about 2 hours (give or take a couple of minutes) however i am sure there are guilds who do it in less time.
Each time you wipe (whether it be on a wave of trash or on a boss encounter) resets the entire fight which means you would have to clear all 8 waves of trash again to get to the boss.
An interesting fact from the boring nights of wandering in low level zones lol :)
As i sneaked by the demon elites in Frostwhisper Gorge (surprisingly hard to solo even as lvl 60-62), i thought to take a jump to Hyjal's original entrance. I found an iron gate with a raid portal behind it, looked very impressive, demonic even :)
EDIT: Saw Obelisk's comment just now :) I guess im not the 1st one to notice ;)
I believe it is still possible to get inside Hyjal. The character that gives the "No Man's Land" debuff is Sargath, a level 20 Night Elf. If a Horde player reached and killed him, it is assumed he would not give the debuff. The problems that arise from this are as follows:
-an unknown respawn time on Sargath
-finding a horde player to kill Sargath for an Alliance group
-consequences for killing Sargath
-getting to Sargath's location (very difficult since 2.4.2)
With Sargath out of the way, it is assumed you could run around inside Hyjal. If he respawns, you only have about 4 seconds to kill him, before the No Man's Land debuff is refreshed.
It is possible to use a type of Far Sight to get inside Hyjal, and view everything without consequences.
A macro like /cast !Eagle Eye will allow you to use your far sight from the one you have cast. You can basically move around Hyjal freely simply by clicking down the road inside.
Archimonde's skeleton looks sick, and I found a plane on top of a mountain south of the World Tree. There also appears to be another raid instance portal inside.
I have yet to find the Blizzard Construction sign; they may have removed it.
If you have a type of Far Sight, I suggest you look inside. It looks amazing.
don't forget about Sunwell now :D
These are the Horde quests for Hyjal Summit
Obtained in Serpentshrine Cavern after the
Tablets of Baa'ri (Aldor)
or the
Tablets of Baa'ri (Scryers)
quest chain is complete:
The Secret Compromised
Ruse of the Ashtongue
- quest for
The Eye
An Artifact From the Past
- raid quest
The Hostage Soul
Entry Into the Black Temple
A Distraction For Akama
Seek Out the Ashtongue
- quest for
Black Temple
Redemption of the Ashtongue
- quest for
Black Temple
The Fall of the Betrayer
- quest for
Black Temple
The actual level requirement for Hyjal is 65, not 70.
In Kalimdor, the zone is unaccesible. I wonder if they'll do something with it in Wrath of the Lich King? They have a lot of places around Azeroth that have not been opened up yet.
The following was originally posted by the player Gragnarth on the US WoW Raid & Dungeons Forum and is preserved here for lols.
< Simple Math >
So you're off to BT/Hyjal (A Guide for bads) is brought to you in part by:
Simple Math JewelCrafting Services, Your ONLY source for BT Gems until 2.4: Speak to Grouch For Availabity and Pricing,
The Corporation for Public Forum Posting,
Readers like You!
Kael Got you down? Vash not your cup of tea? Fear not young baddie, you will soon be entering the dynamic world that is Black Temple and Mount Hyjal raiding. So pack your flasks and lets hop right in:
In this exciting 25 man raid zone you will engage the legions of (bad guy) and protect the forces of (good guys) also this instance has the awesome pacing mechanic of 8 waves of trash before every boss attempt. You will love it. Now lets take a look at the encounters:
Rage Winterchill:
After 8 waves of slaying exciting and dynamic pacing mechanisms, you will do battle with Rage Winterchill, who you may have met before in your adventures to Scholomance. He hits nearly as hard as the guy in Scholomance, so make sure you have at least 1 person Bandaging the Main Tank every minute. He will also periodically do an ability called death and decay which kills people, but dosent cause your raid to wipe. In addition he will shoot an iceblock at random raid members, you should heal this person unless they are a fury warrior in which case you should refresh blessing of salvation on him instead and let him die (this is Simple Math's strategy and we win every week) Collect your 20th pair of mail healing bracers and prepare for:
Another 8 waves of pure bliss will lead you to the next exciting encounter with this dynamic and challenging boss. He has a conal attack that gives you a debuff that reduces your healing done by alot, so make sure everybody stacks up. He also puts people to sleep, but dont worry because according to bosskillers you can probally tremor totem and WOTF out of it. Anetheron also drops Mans from the sky, if you kill them they die. After his exciting and dynamic death animation, you will recive purpals and then you get to see the guild miners strut their stuff as they consistently fail to mine crimson spinels. This brings you to the horde camp and:
Khaz Rogal:
After some Trash waves that are both filled with excitement and rife with dynamism, you will get to fight Khaz Rogal, who is a fearsome big guy with cataclysms edge. The goal for this fight is for every caster to spend all of his or her mana as quickly as possible so that they can quickly attend to the buisness of blowing up their raidmates. If your DPS dosent suck, you will win. Next Comes:
You wont beat the azgalor trash, but you shouldnt worry because, he drops leather healing chest and double vanquisher 100% of the time, so you arent missing much.
if you do somehow manage to beat Azgalor its time for the master of Mt Hyjal:
The key to this encounteris to make sure that all the people in your guild are playing as either hunter, shaman or druid. if anyone besides a Hunter Shaman Or Druid Dies, its a wipe. Another exciting and dynamic facet of this encounter is playing the game of "who the #*#% ran the fire through the raid!" and of course "who fergot to get their #*#%ing stars tears?" A great way to prepare your guild for this encounter is to have all your guildies meet up in real life and kick each other in the balls repeadley, until they break down and cry. Collect your t6 helms except for your main tank because his t4 one is better.
Stay tuned for part 2: THE BLACK TEMPLE(##RESPBREAK##)16##DELIM##Sas148##DELIM##
Can some of you who have been on this Raid talk about how you killed Archimonde?
i just completed a full run of this and, starting from 0 neutral, ended up with 5632/6000 friendly.
this would suggest that anybody would reach full exalted after 5 runs.
I went on my hunter and saw Archimonde's skeleton with the macro / cast !Eagle eye. they removed the roads warning things. His skeleton looked awsome! I don't understand why they got rid of Hyjal...
My guild and I completed this raid with 11 players. The players were Level 80 Naxx 25 man geared. We completed the raid with relative ease. We had 3 healers, 2 tanks and 6 DPS. We never wiped once. DPS with AoE capabilities is highly recommended.
I hate Hyjal in Kalimdor because I can't get in there... My sis tells me there's a way and insists that I'm too impatient to do it... :( She won't even tell me how.
Does it look a lot different from the Hyjal Summit raid instance?
So I was looking around in Hyjal with chain Eagle eye today and there to my surpise was end road signs that they removed awhile back...Does this meen Blizz will be bring back Hyjal starting with the signs? I'm hoping so!
Yay! well now that blizzcon came out they said hyjal is back! So I wasn't insane wene i thought they may bring it back.
in the third expansion, Cataclysm, you can go to mount hyjal as a seperate are like anywhere else!
They're gonna add Hyjal in Cataclysm
I hope they keep the archimondes skeletone
even though it says require lvl 70 we brought in a lvl 68 in our random raid the other day and she got in.
any1 else notice how they dont have the dark trolls from the ShadowTooth Clan there?
LOL i have a map addon that alows me to see the minimap version of the map instead of the old map style (Carbonite) and i saw the crater when i was glitching to MH BUT! in this instance theres no crater.
Also does anyone know why blizz removed MH from the game
Just wanted to add, for anyone looking to retro-raid this place for the achievement, specific loot and/or the Scale of the Sands rep, that the raid is super easy and every boss is just a "spank-and-spank" zerg (no real tanking required). Unlike other old raids such as Twin Emps in AQ40 and Vashj in SSC where certain gimmicks can wipe even a large raid of level 80s, no boss in Hyjal has any special raid-wiping gimmicks worth caring about for a raid of level 80s. With 15 people it's a steamroll, 5 people can probably do it with a little patience. Furthermore, it's pretty fun because of all the AoE :).
Raid Experience @ Level 75 with 20% XP Bonus and rested
First and 2nd Boss: 15k XP :-(
Not recommend for leveling!
For years, Mount Hyjal and the wounded World Tree, Nordrassil, have remained cut off from the rest of Azeroth. Sealed away within a protective field of dense foliage by Malfurion Stormrage, Nordrassil has been slowly recovering from the devastation of the Third War, when Malfurion called upon the tree's power to destroy the archdemon Archimonde and repel the forces of the Burning Legion and Scourge. Now, with the impending cataclysm, the World Tree's well-being is threatened once more. From the Firelands within the Elemental Plane, Ragnaros and his minions prepare to burst into Hyjal and set Nordrassil ablaze -- and the conflagration would endanger all life on Azeroth.
In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, players will have the opportunity to explore the newly reopened Mount Hyjal as Azeroth's heroes, with the help of Ysera, Malfurion Stormrage and Hamuul Runetotem, are called upon to push back the armies of the Firelord, banish Ragnaros to the Elemental Plane and lay waste to the twilight dragon stronghold in nearby Darkwhisper Gorge. This all-new level 78-82 zone will feature multiple quest hubs, phased terrain and quest lines, portals to micro-zones within the Firelands, an all-new raid dungeon, and much more.
TL;DR: Mount Hyjal is gonna be AWESOME!
(Edit awaits as soon as the Expasion Launches)
I think I speak for all of us when I say this: It's about bloody time.
So, we will be fighting Ragnaros again? I knew it!
They should put guards on the well of eternity, that react if somebody touch the water. "be gone, you shall not defile the sacred pond" (or sumtin')
Finally! Nordrassil AND the biggest drop in the game! Time to take my pally, jump, and bubble!
Hell yes! When I saw everything destroyed at the beginning I was thinking "wtf" but dayum! And did I see a LoTR reference with that tower?
all the items have amazing stats!
Sulfuron Spire = Sauron Spire ?
remind me of that giant rotating eye ...
omg sauron will destroy us all!
ne1 else notice the big ass turtles
How do you get out once you go in?
Weird Captcha: mistreats Me!
Is it possible for this to be done in a 5 man group with people in 251+ gear?
ZG is out of the game as of now right? and MH is closed for now just waiting for cata's release, what about BWL and MC are they going to shut them down too any time soon?
How to get to Mount Mt Hyjal. First make sure you go to all of your craft and profession trainers to be able to do cataclysm items (skinning, herbalism, mining, enchanting, blacksmith, etc.). Get your flight license for 212 gold from the flight trainer at the stormwind flight point in the trade district.
Then go to the heroes board by the SW auction house to pick up all the heroes call quests. Clean out those old quests from your quest log down to 15 or less so you'll be able to get all the quests in Mt Hyjal. Then it is your choice of whether to go to Mount Hyjal or Vash'jir. To go to Mt Hyjal, complete the call quest on the island right under the M in Stormwind on your map. Then fly a short distance over to Stormwind Keep to get teleported to Moonglade. Speak to Emissary Windsong to get As Hyjal Burns quest. Ride Aronus the dragon to Mount Hyjal. You should be able to make level 82 before you leave Mt Hyjal, so you can get into Deepholme. If you decide to try Vash'jir, you get that quest for the boat ride from a guy on the docks.
anyone attempted this at 85 with 5 people? or at least something similiar? just curious to see if its doable.
This place is easily soloable as a Blood DK at 85. I went in using a standard Lichborne tanking spec and equipped in full Bloodthirsty PvP gear and had no issues clearing the place.
Hardest fight is actually Rage Winterchill. Getting stunned right as he begins to lay a DnD that ticks for a % of your health every sec really hurts.
Aside from that, use NPCs to take down mobs quicker and have fun.
About how long does it take to run now a days?
me (prot pally), hunter, and boomkim (all 85) cleared this place no problem at all. took about an hour
you can drag all the trash to jaina and thrall they will just dominate all of it
the only one that was tricky was azgalor because of his doom debuff. if you are not a self healing tank you will fail
the hunter and druid died at about 40% leaving me to solo the rest. he didn't cast doom on me because i was the tank or only one left. rest was a cakewalk
Solo'd as a Blood spec DK in DPS gear. PTR 4.0.6
Rage Winterchill - hardest, DND hit for about 20k per tick.
Anetheron - Wasn't too hard, just used Necro Strike to help with his healing aura.
Kaz'rogal - Easiest
Azgalor - If you pull Thrall, be careful to not let him die from Azgalor's Rain of Fire spell. His HP did get low in the video
Archimonde - Easy. Only thing to watch out for was burning ground and fear. Did not knock me in the air.
I tried doing this as a pally and was unable to get past the 2nd boss. First of all, as prot, I wasn't able to do enough DPS on Winterhill to beat his enrage timer. Mainly because I had to heal and stop DPS during DND. I did beat him as a holy pally. Anetheron I was unable to beat even as ret spec. Mainly because of the self healing and ret DPS wasn't that great. Didn't come close as a prot pally either. Soloing it as a DK was a lot easier.
Cleared last night solo as a Retribution main spec/protection off spec paladin (post Word of Glory nerf, so had to get creative in some respects). My average Ilvl for prot was 352 and 353 for retribution, so I had very little T11 level gear.
Trash: of all the trash, only the abomination packs gave me any form of trouble, their stun lasts for 2 seconds, but enough of them can chain it together for disastrous effects. The frostwyrms and Gargoyles were only mildly irritating, as neither did any real damage, but it was a bit of a job to spam exorcism and judgement to keep mana up. Other than this, stay retribution for all trash and use Divine storm, keep inquisition up, and pop WoG at around 80% health to keep yourself safely high (especially against abominations).
Bosses: Rage Winterchill
Use: Ret spec, Resistance Aura, Blessing of Might, Seal of insight.
Rage is the hardest boss you will face in here by a long margin. His ice blocks come often, and there are times he will block and start to cast death and decay. Don't be afraid to use bubble to get out of this if you are below 80% health (at maximum health you can get away, pop a WoG as you flee, and survive). While he channels DnD, simple pop a few divine lights will dropping judgement to replenish a bit of mana. Use Divine plea after you have healed up a bit, then resume the beating. Note, that Rage does an ice block and a frost nova, if he only frost nova's before casting DnD, simple use hand of freedom and get out of the way, saving your valuable cooldowns.
I wiped twice trying this out (and had to clear the trash again), however, I found using Jaina to be better than not using Jaina, as it was VERY hard for Rage to kill her, and the mana regen buff was slightly useful while popping divine lights. Overall, this boss may require a few attempts, but he is completely beatable. Don't fall into the trap of seal dancing, it isn't worth it, 10 minutes is plenty of time, as I had him killed in just under 8 minutes at 8kish dps.
Use: Ret spec, Seal of insight, Blessing of Might, Resistance or Devotion aura.
In my opinion, Anetheron is harder tied with Archimonde in difficulty, neither posed a huge threat, but I did have to play it safe and pop a few cooldowns. Simply keep up Seal of insight, get a few of the guards involved to spread the healing debuff (you don't want to be getting this all the time) and kill the infernals as they spawn. Overall, you can seal dance, but once again, I'd stick with insight.
Use: Ret spec, Seal of Insight, Blessing of might
Very easy fight, his cleave does hit for a bit of damage, so keep WoG to keep yourself healed up. I did seal dance between insight and truth, but I could have easily taken a bit longer and used insight (I'd recommend the safer route, as there really isn't an enrage timer, and I assume dying would mean reclearing trash. Better to be safe and kill him reliably.)
Use: Prot spec with DPS gear, Seal of insight and truth (seal dancing is fine here), BoM, resistance aura
Once again, very easy fight, probably a bit more difficult than Kaz, but not by much. Simply fight him well away from Thrall (you won't need him in the fight) and kite out of the rain of fire (doesn't hit very hard, but you'd be better of using insight and saving your 3HoPo for SotR). Pop WoG at 70% and you should go fine. I will try this with ret spec next week and see if it is easier.
Use: Prot spec with DPS gear, Seal of insight, BoM, Resistance Aura
This fight is more difficult than the previous two, but only because the damage is higher. I used protection spec again, as block, a few defensive cooldowns went a long way to keeping me safe during fear bombs. Simply keep up SoI and dps away, using Wings whenever available and cycling safety cooldowns to minimise his damage (Tol barad resistance trinket is very nice here). You will get fear bombed, and sometimes through the fire. Simple pop WoG at 3 HoPo afterwards and keep bashing. I used Lay on hands 6 minutes into the fight, and had him down 8 minutes in. NOT ONCE DID HE FLING ME INTO THE AIR! Simply stay out of the fires and cycle cooldowns, and he goes down easy.
Overall, Rage caused exactly that, but the rest of the instance (trash sans Abominations included) was very easy, and good for the wallet (1300g from boss gold, around 200 from epix and vendor trash, quite a bit from disenchanting and cloth and random mob coin).
I highly recommend doing this place, as it takes about 90 minutes, and reaps some nice rewards (including a raid achievement, and a reputation achievement!)
Happy soloing!
I was able to solo the first 2 bosses as a ret paladin in full s9 vicious pvp gear, and a few s10 ruthless pieces, such as bracer belt and rings.
It seems pretty reasonable to be able to do a lot of stuff in here, I just didn't have the time. Be careful on Anetheron because of his heal reduction debuff though.
update: I actually finished the whole zone solo later the same day after writing this.
There's talk of Archimonde being bugged, but he was fine for me. I was able to defeat him after about 7 minutes with Seal of Insight up for healing / mana to spend on hardcasting flash heals
I wore a PvP trinket for Archimonde Fear and Rage Winterchill, to escape iceblocks if he DnD's you while frozen
Anyone with tank-ability power and 2 hours to kill can solo this
Next I will try on my warlock. Blueberry ftw! I don't expect to get very far though.
update: I was actually able to do 4/5 bosses on my Warlock. It took a while to learn but it was no problem when I finally figured it out. Everyone leaps at the opportunity to do Archimonde so I just invite people to duo it with me.
I saw a video of a warlock soloing archimonde but he had to bend over backwords in spec and glyph choice to make it possible, and I suspect he has a high mortality rate. The video was released in march, which i think is before 4.2. Not certain of that. It is much easier and safer to just grab a tanky dps like a ret pally, a bear druid, or what have you and just 2man it down.
I also saw a video released in February of a shadowpriest solo'ing all of the Hyjal bosses; guy was chinese or something. Had asian characters on his floating combat text. Now with the new gear tier and all, it would be even easier for shadowpriest solo.
Honestly it seems like anyone with some tact can do this zone. To me, that's interesting and fun.
Good luck solo'ers, may the RNG be with you.
final update:
After trying in 376 ilvl pvp gear on my shadowpriest, I can tell you it is really, really hard.
You can put out enough dps to clear the waves. I was mind spiking ghouls, ignoring casters and tab dotting spiders.
However, when the waves got bigger, say ~14 mobs per wave, I started failing hard. I wouldn't kill waves in time and the next wave would show up as I was eliminating the first wave, not leaving me time to drink/eat. Which I did a lot of, eating and drinking; a LOT.
The key is to abuse Fade so that the bulk of the mobs attack your NPCs. Nuke Aboms quickly, they will stun and their aura will AoE your NPCs down.
Ultimately I was unsuccessful. Out of 3 or 4 attempts I only successfully made it to Rage Winterchill in good shape one time. I feel like it is definitely plausible, however, I was only passingly interested in t6 for my priest, so I just decided to quit.
Good luck if you try it, it is definitely a more challenging solo with a Shadowpriest than most other classes.
Another Ret paladin here, 2pc T12, 2pc S10 Ruthless.
The only boss that was really any issue was Rage Winterchill, man he can be so annoying if you are just unlucky and get caught in a DnD too long. Too long being like 3 seconds!
So what I did was swap out Head, Bracers and Rings for Holy pvp gear. This gave me about 50k mana. Flash of Light on middle mouse button to spam after escaping DnD on Rage.
Everything else was easy. You can kite the first few bosses around the base to engage some of the npc's to help out. Just resposition them to be behind the bosses after engaging.
As usuall a loads of information about the place except the most important thing, how in the world do you find this place, what entrance is it in the CoT ?
Nothing mentioned about it here or on the CoT article, I would think that should be one of the first few things you need to know ...
Cleared the place as a fury warrior (ilevel 381). Archimonde is the hardest, followed by Winterchill, and then the other three. Winterchill is the only one that really requires special treatment, the others just require a strong self healing spec (blood craze, glyphed bloodthirst) and a LOT of dps which will come with good gear. Few notes on the difficult aspects:
1) Rage Winterchill: You need to get out of the death and decay - fast - and it's not a bad idea to let the NPCs in the camp help you with dps. Heroic leap out of every other DnD to reduce the damage taken and use bandages while the cast finishes. You will also need to grab the second wind talent from the arms tree as a replacement for incite as it will proc off every freeze and ice tomb netting you a very large amount of self healing. Frost resistance from an elixir/drums is helpful also. Keep the second wind talent for the third boss who uses a stun often.
2) Trash: Most of the trash is very easy, but there are one or two annoying mobs. The banshees will rarely hit you with a 5 minute curse reducing your hit chance by 66%. This will cause severe problems if you let them hit you with this, especially if it's close to a boss wave, so be sure to kill them first when they spawn. The gargoyles and frost wyrms can sometimes be hard to pull out of the sky. Use heroic throw/taunt to get aggro, then run far away or out of LoS to bring them onto the ground.
3) Archimonde: More of a harsh dps check than the others, you should probably switch second wind back to incite for this one. You have to save beserker rage; you can't use it for raging blows/enraged regen in case he casts fear, and if you let him do this is garunteed to wreck your attempt. Don't pull him to the tree :P and bare in mind that because of the RP at 10%, it's a bit easier than it might look.
Good luck, hope this helped.
Not sure if hunter - BM or MM - can solo Winterchill, but will try Archimonde next week.
May try to FD at some point and let npc's and pet to take care of Winterchill, but not sure if it will work.
The rest r easy fights :O)
Just keep your pet alive and stay out of trouble. Will take some time to solo it, but fun is a fun :O)
Will update.
Good hunting :O)
Here are 2 videos for a guide I made on how to solo Battle for Mount Hyjal.
I use my hunter for the first 3 bosses (Rage Winterchill,Anetheron & Kaz'Rogal) then switch over to my Paladin for the last 2 (Azgalor & Archimonde).
Tacs can be used for any group or class.
I hope it helps in whatever you want to get out of the instance.
Part 1:Rage Winterchill,Anetheron & Kaz'Rogal
Part 2:Azgalor & Archimonde
Soloable with DK Blood 384 PvE Gear.
Only Rage Winterchill was a problem. But in the fight all u have to do is stay off his DnD.
I can't speak for other classes, but as a 381ish geared Blood Death Knight, the whole place is cake. Run around, hit trash. Beat trash's face in. Hope the Banshees don't curse your hit rating. Even if they do, who cares, it is just a setback, like Tempest Keep. DPS will be lower for 5 minutes, but it won't matter. Stand in any "fire" besides for Rage's D&D, it just helps stack Vengeance.
I can't say for sure, but I think Archimonde doesn't shoot you in the air if you're all there is to choose from. Even with AotD or ghoulie out, I didn't see it once.
Oh, also, the Wisps kill him. PERIOD. I got him to 1 HP, and beat on him for 20 more seconds before the Wisps blew him up. I wanted that killing blow, but NO!
Just solo'd as 387 Enh Sham half pvp gear.
(Spark of Life & Focused Insight talents)
No real trouble except Archi got me down to ~30k because I was standing in fire :)
A note for people chasing reputation and/or gold here just as I do: As soon as you clear the two bosses of each camp and talk to the NPC (Jaina/Thrall) to move on, lots of mobs will invade. For the human camp, a group of ghouls, abominations, and crypt fiends, totalling to 50+ mobs, will try to reach the camp and set it on fire if they get there. They come from where all the previous waves came, and if you kill them, you'll get gold (or, rather, silver) and reputation for each of them.
In the horde camp, it's slightly different. After killing the two bosses there and talking to thrall, 15 ghouls will spawn from where the other waves spawned. After that (roughly a minute), another wave will spawn, this time abominations and crypt fiends only. Another minute later a last wave of 15 ghouls spawns. If you travel back to the camp, you will find 20 giant infernals patrolling the camp.
Dispatching all of these adds as well as the gargoyles that terrorize the small village between human camp and horde camp will net quite a few g as well as normal reputation for all of them. Plus each of them can drop epics.
To anyone that wants to do this at 85, with a couple of friends or maybe even alone:
Bring a healer.
You do NOT want to wipe on the bosses before Archimonde. The waves are 10-14 elites that have some brief stuns and otherwise annoying abilites; there are 8 waves before each boss except Archimonde, 32 waves total. You'll want a melee dps with you to deal with the banshees, who pop an anti-magic shield that has a rather long duration.
This takes anywhere from an hour to 2.5 hours, depending on if you wipe on the waves at all.
There's a good bit of gold to be made here, as the first 4 bosses drop 250g each; Archimonde drops 300g. There are several gem deposits scattered over the "transition" areas between villages, that all drop at least one epic uncut 70 gem and some gray vendor junk. Along with the silver, cloth, and greens dropped from the trash waves, you can potentially make 1500g in one run (solo; accounting for other people, just divide it out). !
As a paladin with plate, I ran this raid last night and my group had 1 wipe, and I ended up soloing a few bosses through the last 10% of health or so, but my repair bill was quite manageable, maybe 50g. The run took about an hour and a half.
My two other group members had some difficulty on Archimonde due to lag. When he cast Air Burst, they didn't get the slow-fall effect on quickly enough and ended up splattered on the ground. The next attempt, they clicked as soon as they saw themselves in the air and only took minimal damage. The first time I tried it, I also took a LOT of damage from the fall because i used the tears at the top of the arc. If you're not lagging, wait until you're heading down to use the item and you'll be fine. The fire on the ground doesn't do much damage at 85, but try to avoid it in case you run into trouble with heals. When a group member dies, Arch casts an effect that lasts a few seconds based on which class died.
The hardest boss, in my opinion, is Deathchill. First boss. If your group is relatively inexperienced, the D&D will probably kill a few people. It ticks a large amount of health off every 2 seconds, even on an 85--it's %-based. As soon as he starts casting, run straight out from the boss. If you're only in the D&D for a second or two as you had started running, it's possible to recover from the damage while he channels. Anything more and you won't be able to heal fully before he finishes channeling.
Overall, I'd suggest looking at each boss's wowhead page here
you start the wave event for them--it could save you a wipe and a lot of time.
Happy Hyjalling!
Strategy for one/two players from the
Solo/Duo Old Raid Compendium
, done at level 85 at patch 4.3 with ilvl 385-395 gear:
Mount Hyjal
is duoable.
General Strategy:
This dungeon requires you to kill about eight waves of trash before every boss, and is quite time consuming. Two of these rounds/bosses will occur at the human base (talk to Jaina to start the events). After killing the second boss, the human base will get overrun and the next two rounds/bosses will occur at the orc base, where you will speak to Thrall.
The main boss in this raid that gives soloers trouble is the first one, Rage Winterchill because of his abilities. Most of the other ones are a bit easier and all can likely be soloed by those geared/skilled enough. The ratings below are for 2 man groups.
All bosses duo: Easy
Rage Winterchill
Extremely annoying due to his spells. He will chain
Frost Nova
attackers to the ground, then drop a
Death and Decay
which is very dangerous even at level 85, and also somewhat difficult to see and a much larger radius than a DK's D&D. Turning your spell effects up in your options will help you see it.
Will cast
which will kill the lowest of the two on the threat meter after a period, but will always leave one person up.
Will cast
Air Burst
. If you don't have a way to stop fall damage, make sure to pick up
Tears of the Goddess
from Tyrande before the fight and use it right before you hit the ground.
Soloed with a 85 DK ilvl 387.
Significant things to keep in mind for all soloers out there:
Rage Winterchill's DnD hits hard with a larger radius than normal DK's DnD, and sometimes he stuns you before using it. Use whatever you have at your disposel to break stuns and get out DnD ASAP! Be smart about it though-watch your debuff timer to see how much longer you're stuck. No use wasting spell/trinket if you only have 1or2 secs left. And because the PVP trinket has a long cooldown, try to save it as a last resort. On the plus side, once you're out, he's stuck casting it for a little while so you can heal up before resuming the fight.
Next 3 stages/bosses are cake, albeit a little chaotic on 3 and 4. Sometimes you get a debuff from a mob reducing hit rating by 66%! So if you have a another set of gear with high hit stats (as I happen to have for my seperate set of DPS gear) switch to that when you get a chance, to help offset the debuff a little bit- Especially if you get said debuff a wave or 2 before one of the bosses or else you'll be stuck doing ~5k dps, and risk the boss enrage timer. No 'Doom' spell being solo.
Archimode was a good fight, not hard but not exactly easy either. He fears a lot, and the fire hurts, so try to avoid that. No 'Air Burst' spell being solo, just blast him.
After 3 failed attempts at Winterchill, 4th attempt was a clean sweep through Archimode :)
Is this bugged? I went in to solo it today and around the fifth wave of the first gauntlet everything froze. I couldn't hearth out or use the help function to teleport to a graveyard. However the battle announcements from NPC's continued to appear on my screen and I could chat with my guild. Ultimately I had to log out and of course when I logged back in I was dead.
As of the first patch before MoP is released, the bosses here give a
lot less gold
(20g or so) instead of several hundred.
Just ran this today. Last week bosses were dropping 250 gold, or more. Now most of them are dropping only 20. Archimonde dropped 24 gold.
Easily soloable as an Enh shaman in mostly FL 378 epics with 2 RF No'kaled's. Most of the mechanics that give people problems in here aren't even used on you going solo (ex. The Doom curse on Kaz and the knock up from Archi). The biggest problem you'll encounter is Rage and his DnD + Stun/Freeze combo. I got lucky in the fact that he never used them both in succession on me but I've talked to people have had been hit by both in a short time frame, killing them. Getting by him though is easily the most challenging part of the run and it's really easy the rest of the way. If your farming for your T6 xmog gear, this will probably be the best place to start since you won't need any other people to help if you have at least decent gear and some skill.
I cleared this with a friend the other day. The main difficulty was
with his
. Contrary to some of the comments here, it
affect every party member, even if it is the last one standing, causing a wipe. How I countered it as a level 89 Destruction warlock:
myself, then after dying and using Soulstone to resurrect,
to get my Voidlord back (saved at least one Burning Ember for that). As for the Archimonde, we found him to the north of Nordrassil. Contrary to some of the (obviously outdated/misinformed) comments, when he drops to 1 HP,
do the final blow, not the players.
Edit (since I can't reply to comments yet... -.-): Hmm, never thought of that. Unfortunately, as a warlock, I don't see how I could face him without a pet. Drain Life and Healthstones only heal so much.
Some good transmog gear. Bosses seem to be dropping 10g now.
Last night me and my guild master ran the instance, we were 90 boomkins geared at 470+. Nothing to kill you but the death and decay spell : if you dont get out fast, even geared 90s can die within seconds. That being said, the instance is now laughably easy, and I believe would be easy to solo as well. Empty your bags(for loot) or bring along one of those mounts with a vendor in it. Happy raiding!
As of 5.1, Azgalor still uses his Doom spell which gives you 20 seconds to kill him if you're hit by it (Either way you die lol), unless you avoid the spell (Running out of range, somehow resisting, etc)
It is cast 45 seconds after engage, which gives you 65 seconds to burn 3.7 Mil, which can be done easily if you blow your CD's.
Archimonds Airblast ability and Winterchills DnD are the only other problems, other than running back and fourth during the Horde phase.
Melee-only classes will have a REALLY hard time soloing this, due to the flying mobs in the Horde Camp phase of the raid.
And when you defeat Archimonde, loot your T6 token, you might want to get back to the nexus at the entrance of the dungeon to get your T6 gloves and helmet...
But as far as I know, the only way to get out of here is by your own way, like a mage portal or your hearth stone. So to get your T6 with the token after the raid, you gotta come back to the entrance of the raid after teleporting back to a capital... -_-"
I don't understand why Blizzard didn't thought of an exit portal...
No one really discussing this, but if you're soloing this it's a good idea to bring your miner because you can get quite a bit of gold vendoring the gems from all the gem veins here.
Having solo'd this many times at 85 as a raid-geared DPS Warrior (up to Azgalor) I decided to do so again as a 90 Warrior, figuring I can just burn Az before I die... However, I have found that I can no longer get past Rage Winterchill.
It seems as though none of his abilities are resistible with the removal of resistances in-general. All his spells hit me, including his Nova and Ice Block, making it impossible to deal enough damage in a short period of time to kill him before I inevitably get locked into place by Nova and die to DnD, especially beings Bladestorm no longer makes you immune to stuns.
Here's my method of grinding Scale of the Sands rep
(Note, I am aware most of this info has been posted here already. I'm just compiling it into one place along with the method I used)
There are many posts on here that say a full clear of
yields ~8500 rep. While this may be true, that would take you 5 weeks of full clears to reach exalted (due to the lockout after killing the first boss). It is possible, however, to go from 0/3000 Neutral to Exalted in an afternoon (approx 6.5 hours). The trash just before the first boss (waves 2-8) give rep through exalted for a total of 1305 rep per run (using the items mentioned below). Which means a total of about 33 runs.
I am a level 90 Arcane mage with a 483 iLevel. I also have the level 12 guild perk
along with the
for Alliance). Using all of these yields 15 rep per trash mob (with every 6th mob giving 16 rep). I was also using
so that I could repair and sell the looted items between runs.
: Normally, due to the "5 instance entrances per hour" cap, you need to spread out your entrances by 12 mins. I like to use the in-game stopwatch to make sure I am spacing my entrances out enough.
HOWEVER, for this fight
the 8 waves before the boss are part of the encounter and will reset when you wipe, removing the need to reset the instance each time.
Also note
. I was grinding
at the same time as this one. I would do two runs of this, then one of
which I have written a quick guide to as well
Now, my method
Enter the raid from Caverns of Time and start your stopwatch.
and speak to
and begin the fight. Mount up and ride over to the gate area where the waves will be coming in (I like to stand just in front of the six Alliance Footmen). Be sure to drop your
for Alliance) at this point (as it has a 10min cooldown before you can drop another one.) Let the waves come and just completely obliterate them. Be sure to use any healing/shielding spells you have (just to make sure you stay topped off between waves. Also, be sure to loot the mobs, the stuff you sell easily pays the repair bill (well, at least it did for me, as I am a clothie).
The Boss
Now here you have a choice. There are posts on here that say to run to the other side of the camp and let the boss kill
which "wipes" you and resets leaving you with no repair bill. While this *does* work, the repair bill isn't that much, and using this method adds an additional ~5mins to each encounter (resulting in an additional 2hrs 45mins overall). So I prefer to go with the "Let the boss kill you" method.
. There is a method to doing this. Yes you can just stand there after the 8th wave and let the boss come in and kill you, but that will have the same effect as running to the other side of the camp. If the boss isn't fighting you, he will single-target melee the NPCs in the area. Which means he will kill all 8 footmen, then go over and kill all of the riflemen on the hill, then any other NPCs in the area, before he makes is way to Jaina, resulting in the additional ~5mins per run. The most effective way I've found of dying is this. After the 8th wave run back about 1/2 way up the hill where the riflemen are standing and wait for the boss. Once Rage comes out, let him aggro the footmen for a few secs. Then, if you have any ranged attack, hit him with it, this will pull threat to you, once you've done this run up the hill and stand with the riflemen. He will freeze trap you a couple of times. When he casts
, RUN! You want to avoid his first D&D, run toward Jaina and stand next to her while the D&D kills all of the footmen, knights and riflemen (otherwise he will single-target melee them. Once they are dead he will come after you again. At this point you are done, he will eventually cast D&D again and kill you as well as Jaina's companions. THEN he will single-target melee Jaina. Once she is dead you will wipe and be able to release.
The Reason
: You may ask yourself why such a lengthy death. The reason is, that Rage will only cast
if you (or a member of your group if you're not soloing) are alive. Otherwise he will single-target melee the NPCs and it will take MUCH longer to wipe.
Rinse, Repeat
: Once you're able to release, do so and run back. Once you hit the portal in Caverns of Time, you will be resurrected but not go in. Be sure to "reset all instances" before you enter. Also, if you are using the in-game stopwatch, check the time to make sure it's been at least 12 mins. If it has, enter the raid, then stop/restart the stopwatch. Summon your
and repair and sell the items you looted.
Time Breakdown
: This whole process *should* take around 12 mins. I do know that some classes can kill stuff MUCH faster than I can, but you'll just have to slow down your attacks just a bit, plus the time it takes the waves to run in helps.
The waves usually take me about 9mins to complete, It takes about another 2mins to let the boss kill me and then finish up with Jaina. Then about another 30 secs to run back and reset the instance for a total of about 12mins. If you find yourself below 12 (around 10 or so) you can summon your
after you've reset the instance and before you go in, using the extra time you need to go through your inventory and sell the loot.
I hope this is helpful to people. I know this is old content and people may not care about this faction but I'm injured and on bedrest for a week and thought I would keep myself busy. he he.
Have fun all.
Actually you can gain over 11500 reputation in just one run or even get to exalted if you are patient.
The ideea is to wait after each mass teleport, there will be another wave coming (big wave). Also, after you finish the raid, go back to each camp, there will again be another big wave coming. Kill all and you get around 11500 rep.
If you are patient, waves respawn at 5-10 minutes, each one giving you another ~550 rep, just go between camps and when you come back there will be another wave coming. Just go straight to it and do aoe, easy kill. This works best at the alliance base (first camp), mobs respawn all the time.
This means that you can
get all the way to exalted
with just one run, without having to wait another week.
So, I have a fun time comparing maps. Here's what I got by comparing CoT Hyjal and modern Hyjal:
-The Alliance base is located in the Grove of Aessina.
-The secondary Alliance base (that is later turned into a Scourge one) is at the Shrine of Goldrinn.
-The Horde base is in the Circle of Cinders.
You can actually get into the tower behind i used the travel form version of wild charge.... you can get in but you can't get out. if your wondering there's nothing inside... just a standard tower
I haven't been through this one yet properly, but I'll say this - there is no shame in letting the Alliance punks take your blows for you. Let Rage use his first Death And Decay on the entry punks, then go in and start pounding hard and fast.
Singel full run -> only 245 gold. Netherweave Cloth to make 7 Netherweave Bags.
Reputation: 11162. Has Mr. Popilarity and Battle Standard of Coordination.
So thanks to a WONDERFUL idea by andreipop I found an easy way to solo this zone to exalted in a single sitting. I entered tonight at 54/21000 and I'm currently at 16160/21000 during this one run.
The method:
Go to Jaina. Initiate waves, kill bosses. When Jaina initiates mass-teleport... STAY! Go BACK to the archway and intercept a HUGE wave of baddies. Free rep!
Go to Thrall. Initiate waves, kill bosses. When Jaina initiates mass-teleport again, STAY! Another huge wave will come for MORE free rep!
Go slaughter the final boss.
Now run back! Thrall area should have new baddies. Kill them. Run back further. Jaina area now has baddies!
Here's where the information changes. According to andreipop, waves come every 10-15 minutes. I sat for TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES and nothing came. So after some trial and error I got it all figured out.
Run from Alliance section ALL the way to the Elven section PAST Thrall's area. When you get to the NPC that gives you the slowfall item, TURN AROUND! Now when you run back... Thrall's area will be completely overrun by Infernals along with some Ghouls and Crypt buggers. Stay mounted, grab them all, ?, Profit! Same goes for when you run back to Jaina's area. If you are quick enough, you'll catch them en route and be able to slaughter them without cherry picking them. Then just run ALL the way back to Elven and repeat. There is NO TIME ISSUE HERE! I saw wave repeats in as little as 9 minutes. So you can easily knock out Exalted in one sitting. Just have a Jeeves or Argent Squire/Guild Squire and Guild Bank summon. You will fill up and the grays ARE worth vendoring.
Good luck and enjoy possibly the EASIEST (but still quite tedious) raid rep in the game!
Knocked off the last bit about an hour ago. Long, boring grind but TONS of vendor gear, rare/epic patterns, gems, and more cloth and disenchantables than you'll ever want lol. Made about 500g in this raid tonight just from vendor.
Probably one of my least favorite raids, perhaps slightly above AQ which I hate with a passion...ugh Hyjal just seems pieced together hastily and almost every boss is tank and spank.
As far as now soloing it at 90...there's no advice to give. I believe on my boss fights my health might have dropped to 90%. Just clear waves, smoke boss, repeat 4 times until Arch.
I'm gonna answer the question everyone's too scared to ask: you cannot fish in the raid.
For real.
"There are no fish here" message comes up when you try to cast.
i just tried running this place, after killing kazrogal i went up to night elf town be4 talking to thrall & when i returned to orc city a few dozens of bad guys were assaulting the orc base & when i cleared enough to talk to thrall it said 'wave 1, invading enemies = 40' & every time i killed 1 it increased that # instead of decreasing it, so i hearthed to try to reset it, but when i returned & talked to thrall again, it instead said 'invading enemies = 0' & didnt say anything about wave # at all, the only way i could get that to change was to go up to night elf town & bring a couple dozen of bad guys, which didnt help with the problem
Tip for warriors dealing with the airborn mobs in the Horde encampment:
If you jump within range of the gargoyles and use Disrupting Shout, it will silence them and force them to ground level (save your Heroic/Shattering Throw for the higher up ones). For the dragons all you gotta do is get agro and start running away, inciting them to give chase and eventually they will be close enough to the ground to dps normally.
This might be broken now? I tried soloing this at level 100 and for some reason halfway through the Horde encampment battle the enemies just stop coming. My status says
Invading Enemies: -55
(yes, minus) and
Current Wave: 4 of 8
Weird behavior during a run today--my 70 priest, friend's 100 DK.
The first wave of mobs at the orc encampment never showed. As such, the game always thought there were 14 mobs alive and each wave 2-7 took the maximum time to spawn. Finally at wave 8, my addon declared
was incoming along with some mobs. Kaz'rogal even said his
first line
. But none of them ever showed and I noticed
had disappeared.
After reading kethry's note on ErrEff's comment, I tried a /reload. Thrall reappeared. After talking to him, wave 1 came and the rest of the instance functioned as expected.
EDIT 3/21/2015: I ran this last week and cleared the gargoyles just off the path between the human base and orc base, as suggested in the replies to this comment. I had no trouble with the orc base waves spawning correctly. Just a correlation, but who knows.
How to get out of the instance without using hearth stone?
Ok, Pay attention, since serveral people have posted about this, how there is no way out that returns you to the start. (Like say you want to visit the vendor)
You can write these down and sticky note them to your computer monitor for easy reference.
At any point that you want to exit to the start..
1. Find a big cliff and jump off
2. Die in a shattered heap of crushed and broken bones
3. Release spirit and spaw at the grave yard
4. Ghost run back and enter the first gate (but not the 2nd gate)
5 Talk to vendor and leave via the gate you just entered!
For those of you wondering why the first wave on horde camp isn't coming, and bugging it at the end,
after you dispatch both bosses at alliance camp, when you're on the way to horde's, at 18.0, 55.6 get into the valley and clear if of the all the Gargoyles around, then proceed normally to horde camp
Did this on my 4th toon (didn't do it on 3 previous) trying to drop those pets, and after talking to Thrall, DBM warned of first wave, and there they came, first boss done without resets.
I think those gargoyles are bugging the raid somewhat
For faster clear of first two bosses, just 'push' the waves till the 'spawn point', and keep aoeing them all.
This way you clear the whole raid faster than waiting and having bugs. Good Pet farming to all. ;)
Edit: It may seem that if the toon you're attempting those drops have already cleared the raid in the past (Have the raid Achievement for beating Archimonde), he may not experience these bugs, but fresh toons may. Let me know if you get into these.
The buildings, NPCs and their abilities in this Dungeon closely mimic those in Warcraft III
The following pets have been added to this zone for
, listed in boss order:
You can mount in this zone.
You can use
for easy vendoring if you have it.
The next, closest vendor would be either
within the instance
Ranged abilities are recommended for this raid, as there are multiple flying mobs in the 2nd encampment.
Movement speed boosts are recommended for this raid, as you will be running to kill mobs in the 2nd encampment.
The fastest way to this zone is through the Caverns of Time portal in
Take this port, fly down into the cavern, keep right to enter the instance
The actual instance portal is to the left,
this antechamber.
There are
major areas of this instance: the Human encampment, Horde Encampment, and the Night Elf Village.
: You will be silenced via
if you enter any body of water within the instance, leaving you with the
debuff for 30s.
Human Encampment
Enter raid and speak with
, at the Human encampment, to begin the raid.
Defeat 8 waves of (12) enemies, then
You can stand at the wall opening southwest of Jaina, where the mobs run in, and just aoe them down.
Speak with
once more to continue on.
Defeat 8 waves of (12) enemies, then
You can stand at the wall opening southwest of Jaina, where the mobs run in, and just aoe them down.
Speak with
again to continue.
She will mass teleport all the friendly NPCs out of the raid.
When she is gone, a mass of scourge will come through the wall opening, aoe them down for rep and loot.
Don't bother traveling Southwest through the wall opening.
The south-most path is blocked off and the remaining scourge in the scourge encampment will not give you loot OR reputation.
Take the Northeast path to continue.
Those with at least a 375
skill, note that
will appear along this path.
Head East at the fork.
Though you can kill the
below for reputation.
Horde Encampment
Speak with
, once you arrive at the Horde Encampment, to begin the fight.
Defeat 8 waves of (12) enemies (including flying NPCs and lots of running), then
Speak with
to continue.
Defeat 8 waves of (12) enemies (including flying NPCs and lots of running), then
Speak with
again to continue.
arrives and will mass teleport all the friendly NPCs out of the raid.
When they are gone, a mass of scourge will attack the
Horde encampment (including flying NPCs and lots of running). Can be killed for rep and loot.
Take the biggest Eastward path.
Those with at least a 375
skill, note that
will appear along this path.
: after you complete the entire raid, you can suicide off this mountain to quickly get to the entrance. Take your armor off before doing so.
Night Elf Village
You don't need to speak with
, unless you'd like to obtain
for the
encounter (prevents falling damage from his
You can also use any other slow falling ability, or simply run down..
He has a very large aggro radius.
Only the last two bosses drop armor tokens:
drops gloves:
drops helms:
For a
list of armor sets
these tokens can buy, and
where to exchange them
, please see my comment
Hyjal Summit Entrance:
Not sure why they did this, or if it's a bug, but it appears that at some point after the addition of the new raid pets to the bosses, the mineable gem nodes were removed from this raid.
Previously, when trying to get the new pets, I stopped and collected these nodes on my miners for a bit of stuff to sell. Today I ran this raid and there were no longer any nodes showing on my mini-map despite ore tracking being turned on. Poked around the rocks and such where I know nodes used to spawn and nothing there.
Makes little to no sense to me for them to remove these as the uncut gems were not worth much vendor wise and the stats on the cut gems were negligible and far outstripped by Wrath gems.
I've been farming patterns recently and I noticed that after killing the first 4 bosses, there will be 2 more waves of combined land and air units coming to the orc base. I killed them as well, then went to the Undead base and faced a gigantic undead wave, around 30 mobs. Afterwards, nothing else spawned and the mobs inside their base didn't give any loot.
Did they remove the gem clusters? Took my mining toon in there to snag a few gems, but there were none in the instance.
It's only happened to me twice. Both times were the only times where I let myself get distracted from the business at hand.
You know how, when you leave the wee village at the end of the Jaina section, you find yourself looking ahead at the long, canyon ridge road, and you also see that little path to your left that winds down to the village being attacked by gargoyles?
The only two times the Thrall section wigged out on me was on the only two times I went left and took that little path. The first time was to go kill gargoyles. The second time I just moved in a few feet to mine a jewel vein.
Both times I touched that path, the Thrall section bugged out.
So I don't touch that path anymore. I just move on ahead to Thrall, and only mine the veins that are to my right.
Circumstantial evidence, it may be, but it's what I have. Hope it helps.
Bonus information: You can still mine jewels. Just did it a few days ago.
Hyjal Summit Raid Entrance Location -->
Would highly recommend Eido's guide on this, also located in these comments, but I'd like to add one thing.
If you're lazy like me, and just need to speed farm the second boss for the pet you can run past the gate after talking to Jaina and kill the mobs where they spawn- on the right a little ways down the hill. You can see a small encampment of scourged land which you can actually go explore (not that there's anything interesting there but still).
Saves you the few minutes of waiting for the waves to run up the hill.
Happy hunting!
Since nobody actually mentioned this in the comments, this raid is actually bugged as hell. On the second encounter in the orcish camp, you can actually get stuck inbetween waves. Sometimes the wave doesnt appear at all, sometimes the boss does not appear, something you get minus minions remaining.
I have not found a solution for this yet.
If you are stuck at 2.camp let thrall die and use game menu-help-character stuck create a custom grup convert it to raid reset all instances and go in this should reset waves.
One more thing dont get too far from camp if you see -(minus)invading thing it means waves bugged dont kill adds let them kill thrall
Seems to have bugged out again after 7.1.5, first wave of Kaz'rogal trash isn't spawning. Tried a few times, no luck.
When you go to Caverns of Time and enter the Mount Hyjal portal room, there are two portals. One is "Night Elf Village Portal". It's locked for me though. Is there any way to unlock it? Does doing the old attunement quest unlock it? (I'm posting this during BfA).
To grind Scales of Sand rep:
A very basic How To (and how I messed up and still made it work.)
Race Human: 10% Rep Buff
Event: Winds of Sanctuary (50% rep gain) June 15- July 11 (2023)
Spec/Class: Prot Paladin
Guild Buffs: None
Darkmoon: None
iLVL: 403
Talk to Jaina and nuke the first boss' 8 waves
I accidentally killed him, soooo yeah
Talk to Jaina again and kill Anetherons 8 waves (I found a sweet spot just past the gates to drop Consecration)
As soon as Boss starts speaking "Defenders of (stop listening and Mount Up)" Run behind the stables just behind the cart on the left and watch the chaos unfold
Boss R.I.P.s Jaina
Wait 4-5 minutes for reset
Note: Sometimes he paths from the gate to the
of the keep unless Jaina tries (and fails) to merc him, just run over to the opposite side and wait until he R.I.Ps Jaina.
I got fluctuating
rep for a full 8 wave clear each time with the buffs.
On second boss the first wave does not grant rep. Unsure about the first boss because I messed up.
Since you can mount up, during the reset, feel free to vendor the drops that are not AH worthy, grab your transmogs if any, rake in a mild profit, and repair. Lucky-dos and loots!
Raiding with Leashes III
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