Quick Facts

Darkflame Cleft


  • Ol' Waxbeard – Howdy! Sit a spell. Hear about Ol' Waxbeard. Kobolds respect this old-timer for tamin' Wick, the rowdiest mole in creation! Waxbeard's seen folks come n' go. Now Candle King's in charge. That don't change nothin'! Ya still need to stay off his property! Why are here? Go on! Get!
  • Blazikon – Living flame hungers for fuel. Blazikon burns eternal in Darkflame Cleft, simmering with malice and rage. Loyal kobold attendants worship here, for his incendiary realm is surrounded by dire darkness. Fanatic kobolds would gladly sate this monstrosity's hunger by sacrificing... you.
  • The Candle King – Candle King was the tyrannical ruler of a kobold kingdom. His subjects toiled in his mines until an outlander from afar stole his crown and deposed him. Now he's fled deeper within Darkflame Cleft, seething with rage and threatening to return. Snuff his flame once and for all.
  • The Darkness – What terrors lurk in shadows? Why do kobolds keep candles lit? Tiny creatures huddle around campfires, telling tales of ancient evil. THE DARKNESS can be defeated but never destroyed. Instead, it inevitably returns in a new terrifying shape. Stay in the light. THE DARKNESS WAITS.


