Quick Facts

City of Threads


  • Orator Krix'vizk – Orator Krix'vizk of the Fifth Strand desires nothing more than ascension, and spends his days extolling the virtues of Queen Ansurek in hopes of gaining her favor. Despite his obsession, he is not without his defenses. Should any cross the Orator, they will find the sound of his bark is far, far worse than his bite.
  • Fangs of the Queen – Twins Nx and Vx were born together, raised together, and trained in the ways of subterfuge and assassination together. A deadly pair, they earned their ascension together as well. Together they now serve as Fangs of the Queen, taking out any would-be threats to Ansurek's reign with relish.
  • The Coaglamation – The Grand Splicer's evolutionary experiments often result in by-products of waste and sludge. This abhorrent glop may appear useless to some, but to Izo's clever ingenuity, it offers excellent material components for more experiementation--and a vicious monstrosity waiting to come to life.
  • Izo, the Grand Splicer – Evolution has long been a central part of nerubian life, and none possess greater passion or mastery of this process than Izo. Granted the methods of ascension by Ansurek, Izo pursues this path of perfection with determination, and little concern for who she serves, to what end, or at what cost.



