Auctioneer hasn't been updated to the 2.5.1 version
Why do you promote Overwolf / list it as 1st option? Was this article sponsored?They haven't even updated their client for TBC for the first days, that was such an embarassing moment - and that was exactly the moment when players needed it the most.Surely Overwolf can't be considered "fully featured" when it lacks many features that the others have. Their development of new features is also so slow, almost completely inexistent - compare it to WowUp which is constantly adding useful features so often.
Wowhead Client is about as far from "Required" as Retail is good. It's a horrendous addon. Rest are optional.
inb4 "this is classic no addons or nub!" lol has reborn!
Latest build (v1.13.6698) is for both Classic Era and BCC. Load out of date, since it is for both.
I'd like to highly recommend Angry Girls for raiding, it's a fork of Angry Assignments made and maintained by a couple members of the Mankrik guild <girls only>.It is a raid assignment addon whose primary features over the original include variables and multiple pages for single encounter assignments. You can find it on Curse.Also, ajour is a better addon manager than the others mentioned in this article, by a longshot.
Thanks for this, I'm probably only going to use a few of these but I appreciate the info.
Any of you have addon like Dr.Damage? is there something similar?
Adibags : This version work correctly : Leatrix Maps : kuinameplates think it did Just now
MikScrollingBattleText (tbc)
Thank you for this. Helpful. I use several already but there are some there I will be definitely checking out later today.(How awful were those first few days of TBC without Altoholic!)Couple of other suggestions. All The Things. Fishing Buddy. Skillet. I will check out Postal today, but EasyMail from Cosmos has been my mail addon for over a decade.