We were using petrification flask for 15 people instead of full RN, was abominable in term of farming but very effective.
Dur dur, vanilla was actually easier. <--- those are the rose tinted glasses
I'm usually the guy who prefers things "old school", but in the case of raiding I'm so happy they got rid of these fights where you had to spend weeks (weeks!) farming up crap just to be able to have a chance at a boss.
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
I sort of miss this, farming lower level content for then-current raid bosses was actually quite fun. Very few people will know Maraudon as well as I do for it. It was fun.. once. They did well removing it, but this wasn't as bad as it sounds.
I miss the feeling of needing such stats and resistances for fights because it was one of the many now-removed factors that enhanced my feeling of immersion, but I do not miss the actual necessity and the length of time it took to farm. That all said, it was time that always felt like it was spent productively if it was all to culminate in a victory later on. The sense of reward for the days and weeks of toil was immense once the boss actually goes down the first time. The slim pickings of drop aren't something I miss either though, where you were lucky if even a few people in the whole raid got anything haha...
Would the vanilla raiders been happier if blizz just gated the raids for a month or 2 like LFR and not have all this resistance farming artificial "gating" which probably took some guilds months to have the whole team ready?
#WoWClassicI can't freaking wait!
Maybe they meant to say one of the first nature resistance fights, and just forgot to specify.
You did not need FR for Rag, maybe the tanks could put some on, but we always just ran with FR aura and we had Rag on farm, also never used FR for Onyxia either,lol.