_Bane_ of the Jailer?We defeat the Jailer confirmed..?
Guardian of the Pattern, it must refer to the pattern of reality setup by the first ones
So another "Bane" title, looks like the Jailer ain't gonna die.. Yikes.
Guardian of the purpose / first ones like comments before said sounds better, looks better.Please #changes.
„Behold, I have returned and I am known now as the Famed Bane of Zovaal the Jailer!“Everyone on Azeroth: „Who?“*crowd starts laughing
Bane...again, aka, he doesn't die, just like Sylvanas sigh
For the love of God please change this blizzard, Sylvanas' title was bad enough
Bane of Handsome Squidward?they could have gone a lot better than these overused templates. Would be nice to keep the names we keep getting called in shadowlands: Maw Walker or Chosen One or The Prophecy. Maybe Destroyer of Chains,Solution to a Horrible Plan,The Horribly Disappointed…
Better off just giving them a gold star at this point that says "You Did It!~"In all seriousness, I feel that this perfectly encapsulates the absolute miss of an expansion that was Shadowlands.Epic build ups, stories that could lead to big payouts and...just nothing.Call it disappointing, I call it exhausting...
The Hall of Fame title feels too long. It should just be Famed Bane of Zovaal or Famed Bane of The Jailer, not Famed Bane of Zovaal the Jailer. It feels way too drawn out. But then again, I have no stake in that.What I do have a stake in though is Guardian of the Pattern. It's so lame. Why not Guardian of Reality or Guardian of Eternity, or Savior of the Shadowlands, or something more compact like Jailbreaker, as I saw someone else say? Hell, even Protector or Preserver of the Pattern rolls off the tongue better and is illiterative, even though the Pattern part is a large part of what makes it sound so lame. Guardian of the Pattern just doesn't feel good to look at, it doesn't feel good to say, it doesn't feel like a title befitting the accomplishment of defeating someone who intends to reshape all of reality.