Guardian of the Pattern... for beating what's supposed to be the biggest bad guy to date... Roger...Was expecting something on the scale of Savior of the Universe or something crazy... lol
I find these names kinda Lame...I am not a big Mythic Raider, and I will not get those Titles myself, but even if I did, I would never use these titles on my character.
Why not Jailbreaker?
Famed Bane of Zovaal the Jailer doesn't roll off the tongue well at all. Nevermind the people protecting their knitting patterns.
they don't even know how to make titles sound cool anymore
Guardian of the pattern...That means we don't get any changes on how the universe works. The Shadowlands remain the same. And so do the worlds of the living. We're stuck.And even with Pelagos choosing the afterlives of who's coming, we still have no free will. We only have the will to go against those who try to change the designs of the makers. I guess we can see the analogy of this with how a game is made: We just do what the developers allow us to. But this is not a sandbox game so it's only natural for things to remain unchanged.
why not Purple Nurpler? I'm assuming Zovaal's defeat cinematic is us giving those luscious nipples a titty twister
When we can see the loot?
Guardian of the pattern? This might hit differently if we actually knew what the heck you are talking about, Blizzard. No clue what makes Zovaal clue on "The Pattern"....Its like talking about an inside joke to people on the outside..smh.
Why not Twinkle Niple to match Zovaal's greatest atribute?
Agreed with most of the feedback people have written, hope blizzard listens
The Pattern! It must be guarded! At all costs! Do not ask why, azerothian peasant!
And now I am 100% certain Sire Denathrius is biggest bad guy of Shadowlands. Atleast his mythic title was cool
Kingslayer, Bane of the Fallen King, Light's Dawn, Savior of Azeroth, the Eternal, the Immortal, the Undying, Titanslayer, Vengeance Incarnate, the Darkener, Herald of the Titans.And now.... Guardian of the Pattern. That's the best you got?
Guardian of the Pattern does sound....a bit pathetic, if I'm honest.Although if it turns out we're defending some kind of pattern in Zereth Mortis from Zovaal trying to remake the cosmos, then I guess it does make some sense....but it still sounds kinda lame though.
Guardian of the Pattern? Makes it sound like after dealing with the Jailer, we are going to go knit ourselves a sweater xD