Not much a fan of the vengeance changes
Hopefully one alpha update will be blizzard taking listen to the resident lore hounds and adding the lore fitting classes to the still early in development but upcoming races, the classes being Paladins for Zandalari look up free thinkers and the Prelates of throne of thunder if you still doubt the class fits the characters especially since we are fighting blood magic wielding trolls, and Shamans for the dark iron dwarves seriously they're more connected to the elements than their bronzebeard cousins by literally living in a volcano have constant burning beards and summoned a freaking elemental lord using a combo of shamanistic rituals and sorcery, if a goblin can be shaman dark iron really should be too since they bend the elements in similar ways according to lore.and if the neighsayers say well blizz does not want to add these classes to save n model building cause they need to make unique mount and totems right away I say bull an easy solution is place holder mount like a color swap of the trolls racial mount earned upon unlocking them/reskin collectors raptor or a scaled down horidon for tempt measures. same for a dark iron just use a pallet swap of their cousins totems till a nice one can be made blizz has done this in the past people.
Holy smokes those Ret changes. Pre-Legion mastery returns! Judgement-Smash window is gone! HAMMER OF WRATH! Huzzah!Not sure about Inquisition coming back... It's super boring and tedious and I was very happy to delete the weakaura I had for it during Mists.Yet another Crusade nerf... I really wish they would restore its haste buff back to where it was at Legion launch, but reduce the damage some to compensate. I love how fast the rotation is during Crusade.The AOE talent row is interesting, especially with consecration generating HP now. I hope Wake of Ashes is competitive just because I really like that ability.Glad to see Ret get some love... now just have to hope they listen to feedback and don't make it worse this time again like they did with Legion launch (blessing of mastery? ahahahah no).
Glad you're changing mastery to make sense again, but please, don't bring back Inquisition! It was the spell that made the least sense in MoP. Just buff the damage a bit and add talents that makes it fun to play. Inquisition is NOT fun.
Please for the love of god do not let SB go live, please keep MG, just remove the Malefic Grasp talent from the talent tree. Master of damage over time and drainsDemo looks like it has alot of flashy demons but it still has same issue as legion demo 2 sec hard cast abilities in a game that no longer allows turret classes to shine anymore. Just eat your pride blizzard and return Meta demo.
I'm confused by something. Cavalier Divine Steed now has 2 charges.Now requires Level 75, up from 60Tier 5 Talent, in place of Divine Purpose, Hand of the Protector, Unbreakable SpiritFor Ret, I see Consecration takes the old Divine Steed spot. But for Holy and Prot, I don't see any accompanying changes.Is Hand of the Protector simply moving to 60?
Changes to Elemental Shaman reverted! HAPPY DAYS!
Ugh, Deep Roots nerf. Yea, probably needed but still...Not sure I like having one less healing spell on my resto though. Sheesh, I barely have any! :'[
Wake of Ashes needs to be baseline... And Inquisition needs to back in the fire it was sent to die in, fraaaaack that thing. I know, some people might have liked it, but to me it was always tedious - "Judgement Smash Window" might be a tedious thing to keep up too, but at least the ability itself does damage on it's own... Inquisition always felt like a waste of a GCD, even though I knew intellectually it was increasing my DPS, it didn't feel that way...
Its like as if they put zero creative thought into MM hunters. Armor piercing arrows, fire arrows, poison tipped arrows. exotic munitions was so awesome in WoD. good grief we have like three lame core abilities. Survival is looking way better
I like most of the ret changes honestly. I didn't like the whole judgment window thing we stole from Arms Warriors. I also like the AoE talents right now. Divine Vengeance looks like it could be pretty cool actually. It doesn't look like Wake of Ashes generates HP anymore (please tell me if I missed it). We will be a little faster with the change to Hand of Freedom (Not from this build). I don't like the increase to divine steed cd. Inquisition isn't my favorite thing, but I will accept it over Holy Wrath. I would prefer something like zealotry. You could use at 3 HP for a 10% secondary stat boost for 16 seconds. But if you used at 4 it would 15% for 14 seconds and 5 would be 20% for 12 seconds it would be on a one minute cd. You wouldn't lose the holy power either on use. I like that judgment and consecrate gives HP. I am liking execution sentence change and bringing back hammer of wrath is a godsend. Also Righteous Verdict is basically the Legendary Cloak baked into a talent. We might be execute team again with Hammer of Wrath and this pleases me. Now just give us back divine protection and remove retribution buff damage component. Retribution skews damage especially during progression. It isn't fun to see a player die so you do more damage. If you have to keep it just give us a non execute HoW during the buff and if someone dies during AW/Crusade just have HoW hit harder or have a cd reduction on it.
"Righteous Verdict - Templar's Verdict increases the damage of your next Templar's Verdict within 6 sec by 15%."Please, not this utterly boring talent (((
I kinda like the changes for Ret, adding hammer of wrath is nice, but imo should be baseline, as it was a long time ago. That would be perfect.As for inquisition, I personally didn't hate it, but I understand why people find it boring. P.S. Kinda strange on blizzard's part to take out abilities from a class, and then re-add them as talents two expansions later, I mean we are getting new talents, but they aren't really anything "new".
Everyone into the time machine! Grab your hammers, Rets, we’re going back to Warlords of Draenor!
Many nerfs to Guardian and Feral Druids. why?