Few updates--potentially not on the upcoming PTR:
1) Not going forward with the
Maelstrom generation change. It's generally way too much disruption and potentially new problems introduced for something that's meant to be a somewhat minor set of changes in this patch. Given all the feedback that was concerned about the slowdown it would cause on 2-3 targets, it's okay to leave
Chain Lightning generating resource so quickly on 5 targets--it's a less bad problem overall, and also what people are already used to on live.
Reverting the Maelstrom change is also effectively a further buff to
Earthquake damage. This should be a clear net buff to steady
AoE where
Earthquake can be used well (which is not every
AoE situation). It may not completely cause Earthquake to surpass
Chain Lightning, but it is a big step in that direction. We'll likely tweak numbers further to balance all these concerns/goals. Namely:
--Helping out
Earthquake substantially
--Not causing a large buff to
AoE damage in steady Earthquake-friendly situations
--Not causing a large nerf to Chain Lightning-only burst (which is a strength that Elemental is used to in Legion)
2) Slightly buffing
Elemental Blast's own damage to mostly cancel out the reduction to the stat buff, as discussed earlier.
3) Buffing Frost Shock in parallel with
Earth Shock. We still need to look into
Frost Shock interactions with the 7.3 set bonus if we go forward with that bonus.