[Obtain 3 Super Soul Splinters from Rumbler's Purses, which are rewarded from winning rumbles.
Rumbles are large group fights that pit all players in the Brawl'gar Arena queue against a challenging enemy. Anyone can start a rumble by purchasing a Rumble Card from Tiana Nevermorn.]
[<Skrizzik mutters to himself again:>
Will these be big enough, though? It gets SO hungry for souls, and when it doesn't get enough, it gets angry, and we definitely don't want to trigger a void apocalypse in the middle of Orgrimmar. Oh dear, oh dear...
<He notices you lingering.>
Oh! The <race> is still here! Heh heh. Never mind me! Nothing evil going on here!!]
[Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen.]
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