This bow is a reward from
a quest
given after getting the Ancient Petrified Leaf from Majordomo's (second to last boss) Chest in Molten Core.
It will require you to hunt down four demons. In Winterspring, Silithus, Un'Goro Crater and Burning Steppes. Each demon will have to be done solo and all four have unique abilities. You can't use your pet! But you can take buffs before the fight. If anyone heals/buffs you while you are engaging the demon he will "get bored" and reset.
After looting all four heads. Go to Felwood and you will get this beauty, as well as the
Monstrado's Model Viewer:
Note: Included in the picture is the staff you receive in addition to this bow during the epic Hunter quest (
As of patch 2.0 the new stats for this bow are as follows:
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
Binds when picked up
Ranged Bow
108 - 201 Damage Speed 2.90
(53.3 damage per second)
Classes: Hunter
Durability 90 / 90
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 14.
Equip: Increases ranged attack power by 17.
Since the new patch went live, this bow has become superior (depending on your build ofcourse) to Huhuran's Stinger or Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting.
To get the quest, go to Felwood, Irontree Woods, and walk up on the island in the pond. Three big trees will appear giving you a quest.
Other than stated above, you will also need Mature Black Dragon Sinew (
) that drops from Onyxia in Dustwallow Marsh.
To get this bow you get the leaf from Majordomo Executus and you go to Irontree Woods in Felwood and go on the Island and talk to a big tree that appears and you will start the quest. In the quest you must kill 4 demons they are located in Burning steppes,Winterspring,Un'goro, And Silithus. You must kill each demon alone and no one can help you at all but you can get buffs before you start the fight. After killing each demon you loot the head and after you loot all 4 heads you go and turn in the quest. To get the bow you need to finish the quest and you need a Mature Black SInew from Onyxia. There is also a 18 slot quiver you can get and you need to get a Mature Blue Sinew and go to the tree and turn it in.
Step by step of how to get this bow:
1. Go to Molten Core, and defeat Majordomo Executus. He has a 50% chance of dropping this item, and this item or the Eye of Divinity will ALWAYS drop.
2. Go to Onyxia's Lair and kill her, she can drop the Mature Black Dragon sinew, a necessity for the quest.
3. Travel to the lands of Felwood, and Irontree Grove. Speak to the ancients on the hill and obtain their quest.
4. The demons are listed in no particular order.
I. Winterspring - Artorius the Doombringer.
1. Buffs - Intellect Buff is nice
2. Potions - Health/Mana and a potion for removing a magic debuff.
3. Group - At least 1 other to run in front of you and train the mobs.
4. Go to near Wintersaber Rock in Winterspring and look for a Tauren named Artorius the Amiable. Approach him when you are ready to begin the fight.
5. Begin Kiting Artorius towards Everlook, Serpent Sting is his weakness and so, run and use Rank 1 Arcane shot to keep him tapped and use highest rank Serpent Sting to bring him down. WATCH OUT FOR HIS DEMON DEBUFF.
II. Burning Steppes - Klinfran the Crazed.
1. Buffs - Mark of the Wild, Intellect
2. Potions - Health/Mana
3. Group - Not required
4. Approach Franklin the Friendly south of Blackrock Mountain to begin the fight.
5. The fight starts and he will periodically enrage. If he hits you while enraged, he can do upwards of 2000 damage. The Solution: Scorpid Sting. It unenrages him and makes him hit you for a measly 1 damage. Run in and melee for 2-3 hits, wing clip rank 1, and run out, he will enrage. Rinse and repeat.
III. Un'Goro Crater - Simone the Seductress.
1. Buffs - Fortitude, Mark of the Wild, Intellect
2. Potions - Health/Mana, Greater Nature Protection.
3. Group - Not required.
4. Approach Simone the Inconspicuous and her pet, Precious, wandering around the Hot Springs of Un'Goro.
5. As soon as the fight starts, run in and Freeze Trap her pet Precious. Proceed to Viper Sting her, it is her weakness, it will Silence her. Run in and melee until she begins casting. At this point run out and Viper Sting again, her lightning bolt HURTS. If you don't make it away in time, the Nature Protection Potion will help. Keep Precious Freeze Trapped until the fight is over, then you can kill him separately.
IV. Silithus - Solenor the Slayer.
1. Buffs - Everything you can get.
3. Group - WARLOCK
4. Approach Nelson the Nice as he wanders around Southern Silithus.
5. BEFORE THE FIGHT: Duel the Warlock and have them Curse of Recklessness you. DO NOT END THIS DUEL. Have the lock keep using the curse every time it wears off.
6. Begin the fight and run in and Wing Clip Rank 3. It will immobilize him. Run out and shoot him, but keep moving in circles so his Creeping Doom Bugs don't touch you. They deal 150+ damage if they touch you. Every time he is un-immobilized run in and Wing Clip again. Repeat this tactic and keep using shadow protection potions.
5. Return to Felwood to obtain your reward.
OPTIONAL - Collect a Mature Blue Dragon Sinew (Azuregos or Elites in Winterspring) and bring it for an 18 slot quiver.
*NOTE* It is possible to group with another hunter, spawn the demon, and have them kill it for you. If you don't feel so hot about one of them, have your friend try :)
go here and you'll kill all demons easly ;)
Wasnt sure as to where to place a shot rotation guide for fellow hunters but since hunters get this bow it was the only logical place:
Hunter Shot Rotations
Clipped Rotation
A clipped Rotation is where you spam Multishot/Aimed Shot, you use them every time your timers are up, and if Multishot and Aimedshot both cooldown at the same time, you always use the aimed shot first.
Full Rotation
A full rotation is where you would let your autoshot finish shooting before you would use your Aimedshot and/or Multishot. So if say you begin with an aimedshot, follow it up with autoshot, follow the autoshot up with a multishot, after the autoshot follwoing the multishot, you would wait for you next autoshot to finish shooting rather then instantly start casting Aimed Shot again.
How to Know Which Shot Rotation to use.
For Rhok'Delar you would want to use a Clipped rotation since the High End Damage isnt very high, your autoshot would not be doing as much damage as say, Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting.
With the Xbow of Smiting you would want to run a Full rotation as the Autoshot does a significant Amount of damage.
Preserve your mana for Aimedshot and Multishot, serpent sting does not output enough damage to justify the mana they use, so try to always use aimedshot and multishot. Only really usable when the extra DoTs are needed.
Consumables are an amazing way to maintain your DPS.
Buying Consumables such as Nightfin Soup, Lesser Mana Oil and Mageblood potions will increase your DPS by ALOT because of the mana regen, you might not think it but a hunter with alot of +mana per/5 is a hunter that is outputting alot of DPS.
Try getting your ZG Bracers and getting the +4 mana per/5 Enchant on them, also try to get your ZG Shoulders.
Also bringing Major Mana Potions increases your dps alot, you shouldnt have to worry about it messing up ur Major Healing cooldown because well, your a hunter, your have feign death, use it and you wont need to use healing pots.
Also a good way to increase your DPS by ALOT is by using a Flask of Distilled Wisdom.
I wouldnt reccomend using it unless we are trying really hard to bypass a milestone in AQ40, as it would increase your dps by ALOT.
Im pretty sure this is right, start using a shot rotation in raids and you WILL notice your dps increase.
Also if you pick up a Wolf Pup from LBRS, they have an AOE shout taht increases your next attacks attack power by 30, using it over and over in a raid will also increase your dps alot.
if you want this bow you need one part from onyxia and i thought that you could just enter the instance but u need a necklace and to get that
This is a step in the long chain quest to get your Onyxia Key. Below is the Horde side chain from start to finish:
- Warlord's Command(LBRS) -
- Eitrigg's Wisdom (Orgrimmar) -
- For The Horde! (UBRS) -
- What the Wind Carries (Orgrimmar) -
- The Champion of the Horde (Desolace) -
- The Testament of Rexxar (WPL) -
- Oculus Illusions (UBRS) -
- Emberstrife (Dustwallow Marsh) -
- - The Test of Skulls, Chronalis (Tanaris) -
- - The Test of Skulls, Scryer (Winterspring) -
- - The Test of Skulls, Somnus (Swamp of Sorrows) -
- The Test of Skulls, Axtroz (Wetlands) -
- Ascension... (Desolace) -
- Blood of the Black Dragon Champion (UBRS) -
Once you've completed all that return to Rexxar in Desolace to pick up your key!
thats a repeat from some1 to get the necklace you need to do all of that as one part to getting this bow including going to onyxia's lair, killing onyxia and then killin executus in mc. After all of this you must slay some demons from a quest in felwood. You cannot use your pet while fighting these demons so basicly you will need to be marksmanship. Good luck all you want this bow cause its very hard to get....
No offence or anything but WHAT HUNTER IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD TURN TINS INTO STAFF.. I mean we dont need staffs we have DW for weapons and we rely on a good bow. So to all the hunters out there WHY WHY DID U TURN A GOOD BOW INTO A STAFF
personaly i think this bow sucks it has ok dps but no stats and only 14 crit strike rating and 17 ranged attack power plus i just like bows i htink they should make a quest to get a gun
This was not the best pre bc ranged
was and it was a crossbow that dropped in naxx
It seems to me that this is the most epic bow pre-BC a hunter could get... considering the stats of some other weapons I know this may sound absurd, so please stick with me for a minute. I don't consider this the best bow due to stats, because clearly it's not. Rather it's the most epic bow due to the series of quests you had to complete to obtain the bow.
The quests require a hunter to go solo against four elite demons. A single buff, heal, point of damage or etc. from another player was enough to reset the encounter. Basically anything that put another player on the demon's aggro table reset the encounter. These quests were custom created so that you and only you could defeat the demons. So if you have this bow it meant you learned how to play... There wasn't much you could do to get around this shy of having someone else play our account.
Thus I consider this the closest thing in the game to graduating from college for a hunter. On a guild application the Rhock indicated this players can kite, dps hard, manage aggro, and etc. I can't think of a single piece of hunter gear that indicates as much about a hunter's skill than the Rhok.
Don't confuse what I'm saying here, it isn't the best bow DPS and stats wise, but rather the best bow for proving one's merit as a epic hunter.
I agree with Lorelander...
You had two uber hunters pre-BC. There were hunters who had decent gear (inc BWL/Naxx) and then there were hunters who were able to take on the Rhok'Delar quest line.
Out of my old guild which tackled all the end game instances to completion, there were a fair number of hunters who looted the leaf, but only a couple were ever able to complete the quest.
The demons took real skill and quick thinking to handle... add to that anyone interfering in any way (including passers-by trying to lend a hand) would cause the demons to despawn for hours, meaning that a hunter on this chain had to endure alot of waiting, tracking and patience.
Hunters who did achieve this great task on their own (as opposed to those who got another to do it for them) where not only rewarded with 3 epic items, but skills and tactics that shine through to BC and beyond.
On a side note, what brought me here today was that I decided to equip my Rhok'Delar to have a look at it, and it's been updated since I last saw it (probably just after 2.1). The bow used to have red flowers blossom on it on equip, now the bow seems to continuously blossom different colour flowers and has a particle effect rising from it.
Nice to see, but I'd rather have a title awarded for those of us who completed the chain :p
O.o he is on my alt's guild XD
This bow is perfect for Aimed Shot
This bow has required great deal of skills, time and patience from whomever wields it. And that makes this item TRULY epic. nots its purple text.
Hands down to those of you that got this bow!
Also known as
Rhok'delar, Longbow of Epic Bragging Rights
this bow kicks asses
The Troll mobs in Drak'tharon Keep use bows with this model. Which is the most epic ever in my opinion.
<3 Rhok'delar
I dont get it ? I have the Mature Black Dragon Sinew.. And im trying to get the quest. Im standing on the hill in IronTree Woods, surounded by the 3 big trees.. Nothing happens. How do i get the quest ?
One important thing about being level 70 and getting the bow:
I made the quest on 68 now, after WotLk has released, since massive unse of potions is not allowed any longer, only one per fight. The fight has not become easier for hunters who try. I didn't read the strategies how to finish each of them because I wanted to figure it out on my own and it took six ours until I finally had the four of the heads in my Bag.
They all had about 20,000 to 24,000 lifepoints, which isn't done by easy standing and fighting, especially since they did not miss very often, wenn they attacked me.
The quest still prooves you as a good hunter, when you manage it.
I'm surprised that having ever completed this quest isn't a feat of strength achievement.
I deleted the quest from my log. I have the bark and sinew, but if i try to engage the demons they won't speak to me. How can i get the quest again so i can fight them? Do i have to get another leaf? I hope not.
I completed this quest chain tonight and when equipping the bow it has no flowers blooming at all, however when I look at it in the preview window it does.
Also if you equip this while having no quiver equipped in your bag slots you get a green quiver on your back.
More and more I regret not having played this game since classic.
I miss Rhok and Lhok and still put them on in Dalaran from time to time. It is one of the few items that served as a testament of the owner's skill. If you saw a hunter with the glowing green stick, you could be certain that he knew his class - especially if he got the bow during the period where the demons despawned for 4-6 hours rather than 15 minutes.
Status symbol items like this just don't exist in WoW today. Whereas Rhok and Lhok said "I _earned_ this item through my own skill", WOTLK epics say nothing more than "I was in a raid with 24 other people and I won the roll for this".
so i reactivated my account for the first time in about seven months and i have my rhok equipped and all my old gear and whatever. so i go to check my bow and i see all of these flowers and stuff growing in and out that i've never seen in the years i've had the bow. is this new or what? it's crazy.
hunter weapon
i have gotten this quest, yesterday and i skipped ahead to slaying the demon i burning stepps. since i was closer. and i been batteling him so long that it was all nature, it was so freaking hard i mean jump back trap shoot shoot arcane, and some other spells i can't spell it was crazy! i can't wait to get this all done.
i slayed them all! omg hahahaha yahh! the hardest one was the man by blackrock instance, in burning stepps by far for me atleast
WOOOOOOO i just did the quest chain all in one day on my LVL 60 hunter and yes the one in Bunring stepps was solid to do but im chuffed i did it i got both teh staff and the Bow =D now getting full pvp gear =D did it today Aug 14th =)
I don't know when it was added, but now red flowers and white flowers will sprout, as well as a row of mushrooms along the inside edge.
Would like to point out, that
As of Patch 3.0.3, this spell is trainable. The only requirements are to have trained the first mount, and have purchased the 150 riding skill.
Which means that the quests, which now give FoS, are not needed to gain the mounts in question. And the quests, which are long expensive and involved (much like the one for this bow) are now not needed (again, with the advent of outland/northrend, much like this bow) rightfully confer the EPeen FoS.
So it wouldnt be a stretch to expect that this quest confer a FoS as well, as there is no gameplay reason to do the quest other than roleplay or nostalgia.
I think this item deserves its own Feast of Strength. Maybe "Hunter of the Ancient Keepers" - Owner of Rhok'delar
I am just wondering, can one still obtaine this vice patch 3.2.2a as Ony is now a lvl 80 boss and no longer a lvl 60 boss, or sufice to say she is not a 40 man dungon seeing as how bosses scale. I was just wondering due to the fact my Hunter is almost lvl 60 now, and my guild and I run old dungons to obtaine loot for lvl 60 BGing and i would like to have this item also for aesthetics.
Confirmed. The Mature Black Dragon Sinew still drops from the Onyixa (Level 80) encounter. I picked this up a couple nights ago. Lost the roll on the Helm but... lol
I assume they have kept it on the loot table for hunter on the quest so that this questline can still be completed. Similar i guess to the fact that by now defeating Nefarin in BWL gives you the achievement for Onyixa (Level 60) as the level 60 Helms seemed to be transferd to his loot table now. Confirmed this the other night also by a greed roll on a warlock helm.
Ah, this bow is so nice, flowers, leaves, mushrooms sprout, and some magical sparcklys vaporate off the bow when you are not shooting and inbetween shots the flowers, shrooms and leaves appear.
Hoping for a way to upgrade it some day, love the look.
Too bad the bow is not a 'Legendary', then it would have been a Feat of Strength today.
As of 3.2.2, one can still do this Q-line, but it might get removed in Cata Expansion, or before
Just wanted to say that you can loot it from a black dragonkin from Burning Steppes.
is this still acquirable with onyxia now lv 80
*hunter weapon*
Yes, if you have the quest the
Mature Black Dragon Sinew
can still be looted from Onyxia.
Being a
level 78 hunter
at the moment of writing this, I also can confirm that the
whole quest chain
Ancient Petrified Leaf
still active in Patch 3.3
. I specifically went for it to
Majordomo Executus
yesterday and was lucky to get it out of his
at the very first kill.
That done, I went to
Vatrus the Ancient
, one of the three old trees in Felwood. Turning in this quest then will give access to one new quests from each tree.
(Advise: you will have to dismount to be able to turn it in/see the question mark!)
Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina
This quest requires a
Mature Blue Dragon Sinew
which can be bought from the Auction House or be looted from either
or blue elite dragonkin in
Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina
(18-slot Quiver)
Stave of the Ancients
Here you have to kill four level 60 elite demons:
in Ungoro Crater,
in Silithus,
in Winterspring and
in the Burning Steppes. (Advise: do not engage them with your pet. This will result in the demons fleeing from you and despawning for good half an hour. Just do it solo.).
Ancient Rune Etched Stave
A Proper String
accepted the quest
you will simply have to head to the
Burning Steppes
(where you have to go for the other kill quest anyhow) and kill any black dragonkin there to acquire the
Mature Black Dragon Sinew
. This is a 100% drop, the tooltip will provide this information as well. It is said to still drop from Onyxia as well, though it seems fairly more complicated than going solo to the 'steppes.
Enchanted Black Dragon Sinew
Achievement: Onyxia (Level 60)
Combining the
Ancient Rune Etched Stave
with the
Enchanted Black Dragon Sinew
will ultimately give you the famous
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
, Vatrus will give you
Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers
once you talk to him again. There will be no further question mark, you simply have to talk to him again.
Congratulations, hunter!
Very irritating quest. Just got Artorius down to 300 health before dying to a bear on my first try at level 60. Clearing the area yourself does nothing whatsoever because the mobs respawn so fast and have a massive aoe when you are low level. Getting a second party to constantly clear for you may be the only option.
Looking back I'm amazed at how much work I put in to getting this bow (and the staff) back when I was 60. Re-equiped it for the first time in...ohhh...4 years today and got a nice surprise of the updated graphics. The staff graphic still sucks tho.
The one thing this quest line and reward taught me is to quit chasing rewards this difficult to get...as they can be replaced by FAR superior items by AFKing in BGs or tagging along on some random raid. It IS one of the most memorable and epic quest lines in WoW, unfortunately they should have found a way for hunters to keep upgrading this bow as the game progressed.
I recommend all new hunters try to carry it out at 60. I'm not sure how challenging it is now, but it was hugely challenging back in 2005 when many hunters were trying to complete the quest line and camping demons spawns or having people grief your demon kills. Ugh. I imagine the quest line is significantly easier now, especially since most people will have their level 80 guildies knock out raid portions for them.
I just finished the quest to make this bow after getting the leaf from MC earlier today. Interestingly enough, when I completed the quest that gives you
, I received
, despite having never set foot into Onyxia's Lair on my hunter. Ever.
If you have the quest, you can get the Mature Black Dragon Sinew from the dragons in Burning Steppes on your first kill. I picked it up while heading to kill the demon.
Killing the demons doesn't mean anything now. You can two-shot them at level 80. Grinding for the Mature Blue Dragon Sinew (quiver) will show you're dedicated at least. Unless you're lucky enough to get it off Azuregos, who wasn't around at the time I did this.
Edited to add that I really, really hope Blizzard updates this quest and makes it available to Hunters at level 85 with revised weapons (that have the same appearance) so we can do it again.
In Cataclysm they really should reuse this type of quest, make this item, along with the priest one, a drop from Rag or one of his raid bosses, and make us do the quest again for a very good level 85 version of this or the staff.
4.0.1 has made this quest very hard to solo, it IS possible to obtain the quest now, aparently that was hotfixed in thank god
Following changes
Scorpid sting removed for Klinfran the Crazed
Viper sting removed for Simone the Seductress
Wing clip doesn't immobilize Solenor the Slayer
Serpent sting doesn't do extra damage to Artorius the Doombringer (unconfirmed)
Ways to get around this are, klinfran can be kited and unenraged with a tranquilizing shot, keep cheetah up as well as concussive shot (glyph may be useful here)
Simone the Seductress would either require a bunch of miscellaneous items as well as using every spell you can (silence shot, scatter shot, deterrence, readiness to refresh cooldown)
Solenor would require a bunch of outside buffs as well as a perhaps the engineering nets may work, you can scatter shot him and freeze him, slows arent as effective
Artorius is the same just a longer fight
I would personally recomend a level 80 assist for both simone and solenor unless you are a die hard achiever thats wants to use every way possible to get this done
Good luck.
After The Shattering, the whole quest chain has been removed: this bow is currently unobtainable.
Personally, I hope they bring it back.
This beautiful, classic hunter item is no more since the Shattering.
RE: Blue Post
"Azeroth is on the eve of a dramatic transformation, and as World of Warcraft changes, sometimes the old must go to make way for the new. Since the world elements that support them will be gone, many aging quests will exist only in the mists of the past.
In particular, there's been some confusion regarding lower-level class specific quests that can no longer be completed. Never fear: class mounts and abilities remain available via class trainers, even though the quests associated with them are no longer available.
Also, there are several low and mid-level weapons, trinkets and robes that were once awarded via class specific quests which are no longer available and their associated quests have been removed.
We are looking forward to offering new quests, quest lines and rewards as players level through World of Warcraft: Cataclysm instead. For example, we plan a level 20 dungeon based quest which will offer weapon rewards appropriate to all classes. There will also be a similar level 50 dungeon quest which has a headpiece reward. "
The Ancient Petrified Leaf which was the quest that lead to this bow as a reward no longer drops and it is not coming back.
**NEW** WOOT we can transmorg it, no need to pine after it and worry about it rotting in my bank, now I can show it off (♥_♥) such a yummy bow.
I miss the pre-tbc days!
I still keep my rhok in my bags! That quest chain was so hard and so awesome, when you completed it you were just overwhelmed with pride!
Hunters Rhok!
Sadly i didn´t get this bow ;_; couldn´t find silithius demon and un´goro one...*cries in a corner*
Blizz has made many enemies now that they removed the questline for this.
hopefully Blizz will decide to bring this bow back, same model, as a new Epic item for Cataclysm. so that way, all the people who never got a chance to get this wonderful weapon back in the days when WoW was young will finally get a chance to wield it. it's only fair, since they plan to do (relatively) the same with Sulfuras, in the form of "Sulfuras: The Extinguished Hand" for patch 4.2
*Did not notice that I already commented on this previously*
This bow deserves Feat of Strength.
Transmogrification in 4.3 is nothing but good news for me! I will have this awesome bow again, with powerful stats! :D
Can't wait to transmogrify my Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher gun to this bow's model in patch 4.3. ^^
Please Blizz, bring the model back!
WTB this quest chain so I can really, truly, un-equivocally, WITHOUT QUESTION learn to play my hunter like a true professional.
Heh kinda even feel good, as this item is no more avaible in game. As i loved to keep those hard to get or just nice looking items, now as from pach 4.3.0. this bow is something unique, as not everyone will have ranged weapon in this design. Just coudnt resist to comment :D
And now the bow is back.
With the transmogrification after all these long years of sitting pretty in my bank it will now be used to kill Deathwing!
And yes, although people state the staff is ugly, it is by far the best match to go with this bow.
I have i feeling the next legendary will be a remake of this considering after the dual weapon legendary they had a bow.
The Draenic Wildstaff is the best staff to go with this bow.
Am sad now. I just spent 10 minutes tracking down this chain, I found the Black Dragon Sinew on my hunter, she's had it for years now, but I never ran for the leaf. Now I missed out on an awesome bow! Bring it back, Blizz!
I have had the honor of acquiring this bow, although I was lvl 70ish on the hunter I did it on (belf). I now transmog every ranged weapon I get into this. It's hands down the prettiest ranged weapon in the game. I feel immensely sad that it's no longer acquirable.
So glad I have this bow now that xmog is so awesome. :D
I still remember trembling with adrenaline when fighting the demons in the questline for this bow. Such and epic questline and one I'm proud to say I've done. It was a nightmare at first however, I remember 14 weeks in a row running MC and being there for every raid for the priest item to drop everytime! But, the leaf eventually dropped and the next two days consisted of me wiping on these demons.
Probably the biggest sense of achievement I've felt in WoW when I first got this bow, and now thankfully I can show it off again thanks to transmogrification. And not to mention a slight smugness knowing this is no longer available, and that makes it feel all the more epic.
A point I'd like to add, you are no longer able to equip this and it's counter-part the
. It would be nice if Blizzard could perhaps strip the stats for the stave and make it an off hand weapon for the sake of old school Hunters who should be encouraged to show off this beautiful pair of original, truely "epic" weapons.
I made a matching transmog set to go with this awesome bow.
It's all green themed to match the bow.
Those who got it most likely want to show it off. After all it is : Rhok'delar, longbow of the epic bragging rights
I hope Blizzard will bring back this skin. I badly want it. And I'm sure, I'm not alone with this. :/
I had this bow on an old hunter of mine but i think i deleted it from my bags to make space during TBC >.< can a GM restore it?
I think that those of us who actually earned Rhok'delar, should get a Feat of Strength, something like
Proud owner of this lovely bow, glad that you could restore it when you had deleted it long time ago. Im using it with my Transmog set.
"I think that those of us who actually earned Rhok'delar, should get a Feat of Strength, something like "
"Lok', Rhok' and two smoking arrows.
Since I didn't actually start playing until mid way through BC, I was never at a point to do this incredible quest line until some time at the beginning of WotLK. Doing the old raids was at that point a thing to do for rep and cool gear (and this was before transmogging even) and I picked up the leaf during one such trip into MC. Despite being able to basically overpower the poor demons rather easily, I still had to track them down, and I have good memories of the whole experience. I totally understand why people used these as a skill check back then and it's amazing to me that people were able to complete it. Talk about skill! I ended up hanging onto everything for posterity's sake and would wear them around town occasionally because they just weren't something you saw. Even now, I don't recall ever running into another hunter with their bow transmogged as such, and I do a lot of PVP and am all over the world...it makes me sad. You'd think that I would have run across at least one other person in these days of CRZ. It's 5.2 and I'm still using the quiver as a main inventory bag because I just can't bear to use it for a bank bag. Since I'm in the home stretch of finishing Ogri'la rep (blech), I've been using Rhok as my low level (how ironic that is) weapon to kill what I need to as I run around in pretty much only a tabard and a couple of rings. So even at 90, this set of beautiful epics is useful, just not strictly to what they were designed for. And yes, my bow's been transmogged as Rhok since the feature came out. =P How could I not?
I love this bow i transmog all my weapons in to it
The red text above states "This item is no longer available within the game." which is untrue.
It is now unattainable, but very much available if you already have it in your bank like a lot of us do.
Just thought I would make that clear as the text kind gave me the chills, after all I went through to get that bow. It'll be the last thing still sitting in my bank until they bury it, clasped in my cold and dead hunter hands! :D
Would be the Staff Version of this blossoming bow.
I just got this bow restored to my account after having sold it many years ago. Although the GM said the only reason they restored it was because they were able to see from my characters record that I had completed all the quests at
level 60 well before BC expansion
. I was very surprised I expected them to upright say no.
So hunters that did this at lv 60 it may be worth dropping a ticket to get this restored. :)
Getting Ancient Petrified Leaf for the first time was one of those memorable moments in Classic Warcraft, you know, those same moments you never forget, such as:
- Having enough gold to purchase your very first Epic mount (level 60, 100% speed)
- Entering Molten Core for the first time.
- Receiving your very first Level 60 Epic piece of armor or weapon.
- Killing Lucifron for the first time.
- Gathering in Silithus for the banging of the Scarab Gong. (2006)
- Loading up WoW after Shadow of the Necropolis (Naxxramas) patch launched.
- Acquiring Ashjre'Thul off of Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair, the single most powerful hunter weapon in the game until Nerubian Slavemaker from Kel'Thuzad.
- Killing the Four Horsemen for the first time.
- Equipping your full Tier 3 set and entering the Dark Portal, ready to begin a new phase of Warcraft--then getting to Zangarmarsh before everyone else on the server.
- Being the first on your server to reach Level 61, and not getting an achievement for it.
Why does blizz make something awesome, only to take it out of the game? That's pretty lame.
Oh how much I wish that Blizz would bring this bow back! I searched and looked at every bow that wowhead could show me and the only one that I desperately wanted was this one. Blast it! Why did they have to take this bow out of game? Why? This is the most beautiful and spectacular bow I have ever seen and would be the perfect piece to complete my mog set. Oh how I hope that Blizz brings back the quest line, or makes a new one with the same bow!
Bow got some new animations in 6.0 patch
Still got the videos from when I did this quest so I uploaded them :)
Because I'm new the links won't work :( just youtube Smiteme69 and the mob name :)
Hunter Epic Quest - Artorius The Doombringer ....
Hunter Epic Quest - Klinfran The Crazed ....
Hunter Epic Quest - Simone The Seductress ....
Hunter Epic Quest - Solenar the Slayer ....
One of the greatest feelings as a Hunter ever were achieving the 4 epic bosses, as well as the Sinew from Onyxia, and receiving Lok'Delar and Rhok'Delar as my just reward.
After completley forgetting about this item (and for some mysterious reason deleting it?) I today made a ticket to have it restored. Well see how it goes :D
Best-looking weapon for hunter transmog, period. It's a shame they took this out of the game so new players cannot obtain it. I'm asked at least 5 times a day how/where I got this bow. I'd love to tell them how I got it, but unfortunately I have to tell them that it's no longer obtainable. Still, I believe this is the coolest/best looking hunter weapon in the game. Before they took away melee weapons for hunters, I paired this with
and it was an awesome-looking combo. It definitely went better with Rhok'delar than
Every class except hunters have a quest of some sort for an awesome looking weapon. Hunters used to... Come on Blizz!
Today, i made a request to blizzard in the hope of getting my
bow returned, after having destroyed it maaaany years ago, and the surprised was they send it to me + the
! :D
In the ticket, i explained that i destroyed it a very long time ago because of bag space, and now that we have transmog and soon the wardrobe, i was so sad not having it in my collection. I explained them that the related quests chain was marked as completed for my character. I have used :
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(QUESTID))
If you have done this before and destroyed the item, try to send a request like me !
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
is set to get a FoS in Legion same as
is a Legacy achievement to be added in Legion that will be awarded those who complete the epic
questline to obtain
There is a similar achievement being added for
s that obtained
before they were removed -
I'm sure it will be some recognition much appreciated by those who took the time to acquire these weapons!
Here is the outfit I put together to go with this amazing looking bow. The cloak was the hardest for me to figure out, but I liked this one best.
Let me know your thoughts.
In legion, there is a variant of
that looks like a "remembrance" of this bow you can see it here:
but this variant will not be obtainable at launch but in a later patch.
Omg I wanted this. Sad removed... Hope it back
Just did the artifact questlines. 10 minutes and I got a "artifact" gun. Pathetic.
This weapon should have a color of its own because of the insane quests you had to do. I completed those quests back in 2005 at lvl 60. Of all the equipment I saved in my bank until Legion this bow and the staff (and the bag (which was a quiver at one point)) are the only ones I still have in my inventory.
I remember the awesome feeling when the four demons were dead. I had to do them late in the night (PVP-server) with the help of guildies (to clear thrash and buff). I also used certain engineering items to help me (stun-helmet on the Un'goro demon for instance). The Burning Steppes demon was the only one I did completely on my own (at 5.30 AM). The Winterspring demon was the most fun. Kited him all the way to town with 5 guildies aggroing mobs on mounts in front of me.
Afterwards I had to wait until the damn questitem dropped from Ragnaros... I think i waited for a month after clearing the demons.
Wow is a lot better today, but it was more fun back in the days.
WOW! VERY disappointing! Blizzard yet again messed with the graphics of this bow! It used to drop a lot of green leaves when firing the bow and now its 1-2 leaves. Wow! So sad!
My biggest hope for WoW Classic is to finally be able to experience this quest line!
My first 60 was a hunter. When I started in Mulgore and was told to go hunting animals, I though each of the classes had their own custom quests. I eagerly anticipated and hunted the unique pets as I leveled, seeking those special "hunter" experiences.
But after hitting 60, I shifted to other main classes, putting off this quest. I didn't realize the hunter epic quest was going away until it was gone, and I have regretted missing it ever since.
I enjoyed the epic druid quests, warlock quests (even in pandaria for green fire), and paladin quests, but I missed this epic hunter experience and the Priest Benediction chain.
Blizzard talks about how they don't want to invest in content that only one class can see, but that just makes the classes and experiences all the same, while variety encourages players to level alts and experience the game in a new way.
Transmog is class specific, only works on Hunters (surprise, surprise!) Thought I'd mention it seeing as my Rogue bank alts couldn't transmog it.
I see a lot of comments with people saying they added the flowers/mushrooms. If I recall right they have all been there from the very start because I remember making a forum post in my guilds forum about it because noone believe me when I said the bow kept sprouting shrooms. I do believe they made the mushrooms sprout differently though.
Still turns heads. And breaks hearts when I explain it's unobtainable.
An awesome iconic bow.
Sadly it seems to had its particle effect nerfed with the leaves..
Blizzard really should add a bow with this exact model to the game. Better than bows like "Yew Bow", that's for sure
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