The "complete 30 world quests" requirement is now 20 world quests. (Changed on my Druid and shaman alts.)
Also new to the patch, DKs can Wraith Walk while dead. Found out on accident last night!
Mailboxes have been added to the Crumbling Palace in Aszuna and to Lorlathil in Val'sharah. Also the Dreamweavers Emissary, Sylvia Hartshorn is now the correct gender to match her name.
Just a note on undocumented things!The Reddit post, which we've mentioned a few times in the post, compiled a ton of things. Instead of reinventing the wheel and listing all that out again, we'd rather highlight some cool bits and link back to the source (like we do for comments/other posts for hidden appearances). It's totally cool to share what you think are hidden things in the thread, but I just wanted to point out that it was a deliberate choice not to repost everything :)
Sephuz's Secret no longer procs from Blinding Light on bosses and Avenger's Shield on stunnable mobs.R.I.P. Sephuz's Secret for protpalas.
I was just reading another undocumented change: Galakras in Siege of Orgrimmar can now be soloed, and will come down after being shot twice with the same cannon. A huge QoL improvement for avid transmog hunters =)
travel form is a saber mount not a mana saber while under masquerade in suramar
One of the best undocumented changes is that you actually can now transmog epic pre-versions of legendaries - like the sulfuron hammer, shadows edge or the rogue daggers (these can be even transmogged on non-rogues like priests)
It's amazing how there are still hidden things for us to find, I can't even imagine where they might be.
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
Another change is that there is alot more spawn points for fish schools, like highmountain salmon and stormrays. Previously farming them was almost impossible because of their rarity.
"As a thank you to our community we are having YOU, the readers, choose which topics you would like to be highlighted here on Wowhead!" Community? Well that part of the community that's also part of Discord. tsk tsk /walks away shaking head