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GEICO ONOG 2016 PAX Prime Finals Decklists
We've teamed up with the crew running the Geico One Nation of Gamers (ONOG) Finals at PAX West to bring you all of the decklists from the tournament!
Closing out Karazhan With Five All New Decks From the Spire
Now that we've finally closed out Karazhan by taking down The Spire's bosses and saving the party, we've been graced with our final group of cards.
In Defense of Yogg-Saron
Listen. We know many of you aren't fans of the RNG god that is. Thread after thread and player after player frequently discuss how much of a negative force it is. Some people don't like random effects and it's clear that Yogg is RNG to an extreme. But there's a reason this card exists and it can be defended, despite those that would have you believe otherwise.
The Spire Heroic Guide - One Night In Karazhan
You can earn your
Blue Portal card back
today by defeating the final Heroic bosses in Karazhan. These ones look to be a little more challenging than the rest we've encountered thus far, so you might actually need some help taking them down. Heroic Netherspite can actually kill you in two turns flat unless you know how to play the early game correctly!
The Spire Is Now Open - One Night In Karazhan
After the last three weeks we've finally reached The Spire atop of Karazhan. Now all we have to do is get through two more bosses, recover Medivh, and save the party!
Hearthstone September 2016 Ranked Card Back – The Burning Legion
Celebrate the release of World of Warcraft: Legion with an all new Burning Legion card back in September! As always, all you have to do is reach Rank 20 in either Standard or Wild and you'll receive it in your chest at the end of the month.
Tavern Brawl #64: Party Portals!
The Medivas have arrived! In this week's Tavern Brawl, Party Portals, you're playing Medivh and using a deck made entirely out of his portals including the uncollectible ! Since some of the new portals can be rather expensive, each player is granted an Immune, untargetable Mediva that does not count as a minion and reduces the cost of your portals by one mana.
Karazhan Brings About the Fall of Warrior
The astronomical climb of Warrior prior to One Night In Karazhan is easily one of the historic moments in Hearthstone. The class had a whopping six different archetypes all competitive at the highest levels of play including Aggro Warrior, Control Warrior, Dragon Warrior, C'Thun Warrior, Tempo Warrior, and OTK Warrior. That type of diversity within a single class is unprecedented for a title that just recently narrowed the card pool and struggles to inject this type of health into the eight other classes.
Does Hearthstone Need Better Patch Notes?
Depending on how long you've been around the Hearthstone scene, you've probably seen a few patch notes released by Blizzard when it pushes updates or hotfixes. The posts are notoriously short, full of humor, and mostly focus on what's new rather than what's been fixed.
New Hearthstone Decks Put the Menagerie Cards to Good Use
The Menagerie has long been pegged as the most influential wing in all of One Night In Karazhan. A large part of that was the weight behind with many comparing it to the pre-nerf , but it also helps legitimize the Dragon, Beast, Murloc zoo promoted by and .
Blizzard Hotfixes Moat Lurker, Silverware Golem Encounter, and Abomination AI Bug
If you've been having fun cheesing Karazhan's Heroic bosses, you'll now have one less tool at your disposal.
Can Hunter Compete Without Call of the Wild?
has been a controversial card since its release in Whispers of the Old Gods. Many think it to be too strong, but were fine with it at the time since Hunter was so desperately lacking any kind of early game presence. Most of the community thought it was okay if the deck had a bunch of mid-to-late game burst and presence since decks were afforded an opportunity to prepare a response unlike the days of old where Face Hunter would kill you before you could even afford a solution.
The Menagerie Heroic Guide - One Night In Karazhan
The Menagerie comes with three more Heroic bosses that you'll need to take down should you want
the Blue Portal card back
. We've teamed up with the folks at
to get you detailed boss decklists and some cheaper winning decks for those of you which can't afford many of the bank breaking lineups out there.
The Menagerie is Now Open - One Night In Karazhan
We've finally arrived at The Menagerie and that means a slew of new and powerful cards! But first we have to fix The Curator and help it get back some of the more troublesome minions Medivh had stored away.
Anduin v Garrosh: A Hearthstone Cartoon
Imagine playing Hearthstone as it's really played. From the incessant clicking to the emote spamming, Wronchi Animation captures specific aspects of play that we frequently overlook simply because of how silly they would be in the real world. In his latest cartoon, Anduin v Garrosh, we get to see what our favorite Priest and Warrior are up to during their one night in Karazhan.
Tavern Brawl #63: Captain Blackheart's Treasure
In this week's brawl we return to Captain Blackheart's Treasure for the first time since late January. Players are given decks consisting entirely of and are instead expected to Discover a card to add to their hand each turn. In essence, you're never supposed to actually draw from your deck. If you do using hero powers like or cards like , you will simply get regular Pirates.
A New Hearthhead Is Coming Soon
Over the last few months the Hearthhead staff has been hard at work on bringing our website up to date with current design standards, creating new features, and building a better experience for you users. It's been a very long process and we've had to remain relatively tight lipped about it, but now that we're getting closer to releasing the redesign, we thought we'd share a few teasers of what's to come!
Five New Karazhan Decks to Try - The Opera
Needless to say, The Opera took most players by surprise. Many were focused on the next wing of Karazhan and as a result they overlooked exactly how influential some of the new cards were going to be. and obviously stole the show despite the fact that the latter was actually the one running the Opera.
The Strength of Barnes - Is He Overpowered?
One of four legendary minions releasing in One Night In Karazhan, Barnes is easily the most controversial. This is largely in part due to his heavily RNG based effect that summons a random minion from your deck as a 1/1. The minions retains its effects such as Deathrattles and Spell Damage, however you can also Silence off the effect to restore its stats. But the former fact is what many are viewing as problematic for the next few years of Hearthstone.
Arcane Giant Overshadows Barnes Release, Shines in OTK Warrior
Earlier this week not a single person would have disagreed with the opinion that would be a very strong card in certain decks. What they couldn't possibly have predicted is that it would somehow manage to overshadow himself, one of the most highly anticipated cards in all of One Night In Karazhan.