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The Power to Destroy...

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Bring the books Spells of Shadow and Incantations from the Nether to Varimathras in Undercity.
Feitiços da Sombra (1)
Encantamentos do Éter (1)


Many denizens of the Legion bestow gifts on their followers as you may well know. Some of these gifts the Dark Lady feels would be better off in her hands than in the hands of those with... lesser vision.

A sect of the Shadow Council hidden in caverns below Orgrimmar known as the Searing Blade are a prime example. The Lady tells me that members of the Searing Blade have come into the possession of two powerful spell books--she would like to "borrow" these books from them. You will get them for her.




Você vai poder escolher uma dessas recompensas:
Calças Medonhas Perneiras Dragalodo
Perneiras da Gárgula
Você também receberá:
Calças Medonhas Perneiras Dragalodo
Perneiras da Gárgula


Completando essa missão você ganhará:
Veja se já completou isto escrevendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(5725))

