Lmfao 10$ for a name change... talk about cashgrabsThat's nearly the price for a monthly subscription...and it sure is going to make WotLK a heaven for all sorts of abusers. Never been happier to have unsubbed
Will inactive names that have been claimed and been inactive since Vanilla get freed on top of the Name Change Service announcement? :)
why would you ever pay for this service when you can do it for free? delete character, make a new one with that name, restore the character, it'll be flagged for a name changeits 2022 people, start acting like it
what about stupid people who reserved your main name because he doesn't like you and your name is reserved by a 1min /played toon ?
Takes 30 days and you have to claim the name on an account not affiliated with your bnet. If you want to live without your toon for that long you can save $10. I would rather have paid than do it the other way.
It is funny how people r complaining about all that needs to be paid but when changes like changing gender hit WotLK etc no one is complaining about it. 10 USD is nothing, in general, I would understand if is something like 25 or 30 USD..
Can you rename others? I would pay for that :p