Good changes. Thanks
Increase Bottled essence drop rates
Hmm, the gold on WQ's did feel a bit low, actually smart change. Anyone who wants to make real gold can obviously do so a number of ways, but this lines the pockets of the casuals, which is important.
For those who was looking for the "more improvements coming next days for guardian druid" they did it.By removing that part "This is a work in progress, and we intend to add more tuning adjustments to the list above over the next few days." But hey, 20% Armor on ironfur (bear weakeness wasn't physical dmg and the scaling of Armor ain't much important once you got already 1 ironfur) and useless talent are still useless but a bit less useless. Meanwhile BDK take a big damage up, not enough DK in raid and mm+ I guess 🤔
*looks at marksmanship hunter changes*LOL at low level pvp.
I like the idea of giving existing world content a bit of an update so it isn’t just relevant the first few weeks of a patch.
damn. those dk buffs tho
Where are the fixes for the Trading Post? I still can’t loot my Traders Cache :( And still can’t get my mount.
Is the cauldron change for quantity or the visual?
Cry in elemental
Buff moonkin
i saw that post on reddit about gold WQ guess blizzard did too
This "hotfix" didnt implement anything least not for guardian druid...big lol
Holy pala buffs when? Think MW got enough buffs for a while now
Will we see more Resto Shammies in higher keys now? Lets see if 10% buff if enough!Will we see Bear tanks NOT get one shot by magical damage in higher keys? Not with all the buffs to Ironfur ! Looks like they really want Bears to use Ursoc's Fury for "minor" survivability on magic damage. 🤔
Still no nerfs to massively overtuned M+ dungeons, Blizzard completely given up on game balance...
Still no word on the catalyst quest and charges bug? LOL