간단 정보
[Subdue the Subduer]

[Subdue the Subduer]

[Illidari Lord Balthas at Dragonmaw Base Camp in Shadowmoon Valley has tasked you with using the Soul Cannon on Reth'hedron the Subduer in Nagrand.

You must also return the Soul Cannon.]
영혼 대포 (제공됨) (1)


[Subdue Reth'hedron the Subduer] (1)


[<Balthas holds up an alien looking device.>

This is a soul cannon. Its effects are devastating when attuned. This one is attuned to my blood. The same blood flowing through the veins of Reth'hedron - my brother. Aye, his misplaced allegiance will be the end of him.

Take the cannon and fly to the Twilight Ridge in western Nagrand. Locate Reth'hedron and fire! You must stay on your mount and within range for the effects to take hold. Stand your ground against him and he will have no choice but to flee!]


이 보상들 중 하나를 선택할 수 있습니다:
일리다리의 뿔투구 일리다리 군주의 튜닉
수양의 일리다리 마법봉 사색의 다리보호구
다음과 같은 것들 또한 받습니다:
일리다리 군주의 튜닉 사색의 다리보호구
일리다리의 뿔투구 수양의 일리다리 마법봉


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이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(11090))

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