This bow is a reward from
a quest
given after getting the Ancient Petrified Leaf from Majordomo's (second to last boss) Chest in Molten Core.
It will require you to hunt down four demons. In Winterspring, Silithus, Un'Goro Crater and Burning Steppes. Each demon will have to be done solo and all four have unique abilities. You can't use your pet! But you can take buffs before the fight. If anyone heals/buffs you while you are engaging the demon he will "get bored" and reset.
After looting all four heads. Go to Felwood and you will get this beauty, as well as the
Monstrado's Model Viewer:
Note: Included in the picture is the staff you receive in addition to this bow during the epic Hunter quest (
As of patch 2.0 the new stats for this bow are as follows:
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
Binds when picked up
Ranged Bow
108 - 201 Damage Speed 2.90
(53.3 damage per second)
Classes: Hunter
Durability 90 / 90
Requires Level 60
Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 14.
Equip: Increases ranged attack power by 17.
Since the new patch went live, this bow has become superior (depending on your build ofcourse) to Huhuran's Stinger or Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting.
To get the quest, go to Felwood, Irontree Woods, and walk up on the island in the pond. Three big trees will appear giving you a quest.
Other than stated above, you will also need Mature Black Dragon Sinew (
) that drops from Onyxia in Dustwallow Marsh.
To get this bow you get the leaf from Majordomo Executus and you go to Irontree Woods in Felwood and go on the Island and talk to a big tree that appears and you will start the quest. In the quest you must kill 4 demons they are located in Burning steppes,Winterspring,Un'goro, And Silithus. You must kill each demon alone and no one can help you at all but you can get buffs before you start the fight. After killing each demon you loot the head and after you loot all 4 heads you go and turn in the quest. To get the bow you need to finish the quest and you need a Mature Black SInew from Onyxia. There is also a 18 slot quiver you can get and you need to get a Mature Blue Sinew and go to the tree and turn it in.
Step by step of how to get this bow:
1. Go to Molten Core, and defeat Majordomo Executus. He has a 50% chance of dropping this item, and this item or the Eye of Divinity will ALWAYS drop.
2. Go to Onyxia's Lair and kill her, she can drop the Mature Black Dragon sinew, a necessity for the quest.
3. Travel to the lands of Felwood, and Irontree Grove. Speak to the ancients on the hill and obtain their quest.
4. The demons are listed in no particular order.
I. Winterspring - Artorius the Doombringer.
1. Buffs - Intellect Buff is nice
2. Potions - Health/Mana and a potion for removing a magic debuff.
3. Group - At least 1 other to run in front of you and train the mobs.
4. Go to near Wintersaber Rock in Winterspring and look for a Tauren named Artorius the Amiable. Approach him when you are ready to begin the fight.
5. Begin Kiting Artorius towards Everlook, Serpent Sting is his weakness and so, run and use Rank 1 Arcane shot to keep him tapped and use highest rank Serpent Sting to bring him down. WATCH OUT FOR HIS DEMON DEBUFF.
II. Burning Steppes - Klinfran the Crazed.
1. Buffs - Mark of the Wild, Intellect
2. Potions - Health/Mana
3. Group - Not required
4. Approach Franklin the Friendly south of Blackrock Mountain to begin the fight.
5. The fight starts and he will periodically enrage. If he hits you while enraged, he can do upwards of 2000 damage. The Solution: Scorpid Sting. It unenrages him and makes him hit you for a measly 1 damage. Run in and melee for 2-3 hits, wing clip rank 1, and run out, he will enrage. Rinse and repeat.
III. Un'Goro Crater - Simone the Seductress.
1. Buffs - Fortitude, Mark of the Wild, Intellect
2. Potions - Health/Mana, Greater Nature Protection.
3. Group - Not required.
4. Approach Simone the Inconspicuous and her pet, Precious, wandering around the Hot Springs of Un'Goro.
5. As soon as the fight starts, run in and Freeze Trap her pet Precious. Proceed to Viper Sting her, it is her weakness, it will Silence her. Run in and melee until she begins casting. At this point run out and Viper Sting again, her lightning bolt HURTS. If you don't make it away in time, the Nature Protection Potion will help. Keep Precious Freeze Trapped until the fight is over, then you can kill him separately.
IV. Silithus - Solenor the Slayer.
1. Buffs - Everything you can get.
3. Group - WARLOCK
4. Approach Nelson the Nice as he wanders around Southern Silithus.
5. BEFORE THE FIGHT: Duel the Warlock and have them Curse of Recklessness you. DO NOT END THIS DUEL. Have the lock keep using the curse every time it wears off.
6. Begin the fight and run in and Wing Clip Rank 3. It will immobilize him. Run out and shoot him, but keep moving in circles so his Creeping Doom Bugs don't touch you. They deal 150+ damage if they touch you. Every time he is un-immobilized run in and Wing Clip again. Repeat this tactic and keep using shadow protection potions.
5. Return to Felwood to obtain your reward.
OPTIONAL - Collect a Mature Blue Dragon Sinew (Azuregos or Elites in Winterspring) and bring it for an 18 slot quiver.
*NOTE* It is possible to group with another hunter, spawn the demon, and have them kill it for you. If you don't feel so hot about one of them, have your friend try :)
go here and you'll kill all demons easly ;)
Wasnt sure as to where to place a shot rotation guide for fellow hunters but since hunters get this bow it was the only logical place:
Hunter Shot Rotations
Clipped Rotation
A clipped Rotation is where you spam Multishot/Aimed Shot, you use them every time your timers are up, and if Multishot and Aimedshot both cooldown at the same time, you always use the aimed shot first.
Full Rotation
A full rotation is where you would let your autoshot finish shooting before you would use your Aimedshot and/or Multishot. So if say you begin with an aimedshot, follow it up with autoshot, follow the autoshot up with a multishot, after the autoshot follwoing the multishot, you would wait for you next autoshot to finish shooting rather then instantly start casting Aimed Shot again.
How to Know Which Shot Rotation to use.
For Rhok'Delar you would want to use a Clipped rotation since the High End Damage isnt very high, your autoshot would not be doing as much damage as say, Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting.
With the Xbow of Smiting you would want to run a Full rotation as the Autoshot does a significant Amount of damage.
Preserve your mana for Aimedshot and Multishot, serpent sting does not output enough damage to justify the mana they use, so try to always use aimedshot and multishot. Only really usable when the extra DoTs are needed.
Consumables are an amazing way to maintain your DPS.
Buying Consumables such as Nightfin Soup, Lesser Mana Oil and Mageblood potions will increase your DPS by ALOT because of the mana regen, you might not think it but a hunter with alot of +mana per/5 is a hunter that is outputting alot of DPS.
Try getting your ZG Bracers and getting the +4 mana per/5 Enchant on them, also try to get your ZG Shoulders.
Also bringing Major Mana Potions increases your dps alot, you shouldnt have to worry about it messing up ur Major Healing cooldown because well, your a hunter, your have feign death, use it and you wont need to use healing pots.
Also a good way to increase your DPS by ALOT is by using a Flask of Distilled Wisdom.
I wouldnt reccomend using it unless we are trying really hard to bypass a milestone in AQ40, as it would increase your dps by ALOT.
Im pretty sure this is right, start using a shot rotation in raids and you WILL notice your dps increase.
Also if you pick up a Wolf Pup from LBRS, they have an AOE shout taht increases your next attacks attack power by 30, using it over and over in a raid will also increase your dps alot.
if you want this bow you need one part from onyxia and i thought that you could just enter the instance but u need a necklace and to get that
This is a step in the long chain quest to get your Onyxia Key. Below is the Horde side chain from start to finish:
- Warlord's Command(LBRS) -
- Eitrigg's Wisdom (Orgrimmar) -
- For The Horde! (UBRS) -
- What the Wind Carries (Orgrimmar) -
- The Champion of the Horde (Desolace) -
- The Testament of Rexxar (WPL) -
- Oculus Illusions (UBRS) -
- Emberstrife (Dustwallow Marsh) -
- - The Test of Skulls, Chronalis (Tanaris) -
- - The Test of Skulls, Scryer (Winterspring) -
- - The Test of Skulls, Somnus (Swamp of Sorrows) -
- The Test of Skulls, Axtroz (Wetlands) -
- Ascension... (Desolace) -
- Blood of the Black Dragon Champion (UBRS) -
Once you've completed all that return to Rexxar in Desolace to pick up your key!
thats a repeat from some1 to get the necklace you need to do all of that as one part to getting this bow including going to onyxia's lair, killing onyxia and then killin executus in mc. After all of this you must slay some demons from a quest in felwood. You cannot use your pet while fighting these demons so basicly you will need to be marksmanship. Good luck all you want this bow cause its very hard to get....
No offence or anything but WHAT HUNTER IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD TURN TINS INTO STAFF.. I mean we dont need staffs we have DW for weapons and we rely on a good bow. So to all the hunters out there WHY WHY DID U TURN A GOOD BOW INTO A STAFF
personaly i think this bow sucks it has ok dps but no stats and only 14 crit strike rating and 17 ranged attack power plus i just like bows i htink they should make a quest to get a gun
This was not the best pre bc ranged
was and it was a crossbow that dropped in naxx
It seems to me that this is the most epic bow pre-BC a hunter could get... considering the stats of some other weapons I know this may sound absurd, so please stick with me for a minute. I don't consider this the best bow due to stats, because clearly it's not. Rather it's the most epic bow due to the series of quests you had to complete to obtain the bow.
The quests require a hunter to go solo against four elite demons. A single buff, heal, point of damage or etc. from another player was enough to reset the encounter. Basically anything that put another player on the demon's aggro table reset the encounter. These quests were custom created so that you and only you could defeat the demons. So if you have this bow it meant you learned how to play... There wasn't much you could do to get around this shy of having someone else play our account.
Thus I consider this the closest thing in the game to graduating from college for a hunter. On a guild application the Rhock indicated this players can kite, dps hard, manage aggro, and etc. I can't think of a single piece of hunter gear that indicates as much about a hunter's skill than the Rhok.
Don't confuse what I'm saying here, it isn't the best bow DPS and stats wise, but rather the best bow for proving one's merit as a epic hunter.
I agree with Lorelander...
You had two uber hunters pre-BC. There were hunters who had decent gear (inc BWL/Naxx) and then there were hunters who were able to take on the Rhok'Delar quest line.
Out of my old guild which tackled all the end game instances to completion, there were a fair number of hunters who looted the leaf, but only a couple were ever able to complete the quest.
The demons took real skill and quick thinking to handle... add to that anyone interfering in any way (including passers-by trying to lend a hand) would cause the demons to despawn for hours, meaning that a hunter on this chain had to endure alot of waiting, tracking and patience.
Hunters who did achieve this great task on their own (as opposed to those who got another to do it for them) where not only rewarded with 3 epic items, but skills and tactics that shine through to BC and beyond.
On a side note, what brought me here today was that I decided to equip my Rhok'Delar to have a look at it, and it's been updated since I last saw it (probably just after 2.1). The bow used to have red flowers blossom on it on equip, now the bow seems to continuously blossom different colour flowers and has a particle effect rising from it.
Nice to see, but I'd rather have a title awarded for those of us who completed the chain :p
O.o he is on my alt's guild XD
This bow is perfect for Aimed Shot
This bow has required great deal of skills, time and patience from whomever wields it. And that makes this item TRULY epic. nots its purple text.
Hands down to those of you that got this bow!
Also known as
Rhok'delar, Longbow of Epic Bragging Rights
this bow kicks asses
The Troll mobs in Drak'tharon Keep use bows with this model. Which is the most epic ever in my opinion.
<3 Rhok'delar
I dont get it ? I have the Mature Black Dragon Sinew.. And im trying to get the quest. Im standing on the hill in IronTree Woods, surounded by the 3 big trees.. Nothing happens. How do i get the quest ?
One important thing about being level 70 and getting the bow:
I made the quest on 68 now, after WotLk has released, since massive unse of potions is not allowed any longer, only one per fight. The fight has not become easier for hunters who try. I didn't read the strategies how to finish each of them because I wanted to figure it out on my own and it took six ours until I finally had the four of the heads in my Bag.
They all had about 20,000 to 24,000 lifepoints, which isn't done by easy standing and fighting, especially since they did not miss very often, wenn they attacked me.
The quest still prooves you as a good hunter, when you manage it.
I'm surprised that having ever completed this quest isn't a feat of strength achievement.
I deleted the quest from my log. I have the bark and sinew, but if i try to engage the demons they won't speak to me. How can i get the quest again so i can fight them? Do i have to get another leaf? I hope not.
I completed this quest chain tonight and when equipping the bow it has no flowers blooming at all, however when I look at it in the preview window it does.
Also if you equip this while having no quiver equipped in your bag slots you get a green quiver on your back.
More and more I regret not having played this game since classic.
I miss Rhok and Lhok and still put them on in Dalaran from time to time. It is one of the few items that served as a testament of the owner's skill. If you saw a hunter with the glowing green stick, you could be certain that he knew his class - especially if he got the bow during the period where the demons despawned for 4-6 hours rather than 15 minutes.
Status symbol items like this just don't exist in WoW today. Whereas Rhok and Lhok said "I _earned_ this item through my own skill", WOTLK epics say nothing more than "I was in a raid with 24 other people and I won the roll for this".
so i reactivated my account for the first time in about seven months and i have my rhok equipped and all my old gear and whatever. so i go to check my bow and i see all of these flowers and stuff growing in and out that i've never seen in the years i've had the bow. is this new or what? it's crazy.
hunter weapon
i have gotten this quest, yesterday and i skipped ahead to slaying the demon i burning stepps. since i was closer. and i been batteling him so long that it was all nature, it was so freaking hard i mean jump back trap shoot shoot arcane, and some other spells i can't spell it was crazy! i can't wait to get this all done.
i slayed them all! omg hahahaha yahh! the hardest one was the man by blackrock instance, in burning stepps by far for me atleast
WOOOOOOO i just did the quest chain all in one day on my LVL 60 hunter and yes the one in Bunring stepps was solid to do but im chuffed i did it i got both teh staff and the Bow =D now getting full pvp gear =D did it today Aug 14th =)
I don't know when it was added, but now red flowers and white flowers will sprout, as well as a row of mushrooms along the inside edge.
Would like to point out, that
As of Patch 3.0.3, this spell is trainable. The only requirements are to have trained the first mount, and have purchased the 150 riding skill.
Which means that the quests, which now give FoS, are not needed to gain the mounts in question. And the quests, which are long expensive and involved (much like the one for this bow) are now not needed (again, with the advent of outland/northrend, much like this bow) rightfully confer the EPeen FoS.
So it wouldnt be a stretch to expect that this quest confer a FoS as well, as there is no gameplay reason to do the quest other than roleplay or nostalgia.
I think this item deserves its own Feast of Strength. Maybe "Hunter of the Ancient Keepers" - Owner of Rhok'delar
I am just wondering, can one still obtaine this vice patch 3.2.2a as Ony is now a lvl 80 boss and no longer a lvl 60 boss, or sufice to say she is not a 40 man dungon seeing as how bosses scale. I was just wondering due to the fact my Hunter is almost lvl 60 now, and my guild and I run old dungons to obtaine loot for lvl 60 BGing and i would like to have this item also for aesthetics.
Confirmed. The Mature Black Dragon Sinew still drops from the Onyixa (Level 80) encounter. I picked this up a couple nights ago. Lost the roll on the Helm but... lol
I assume they have kept it on the loot table for hunter on the quest so that this questline can still be completed. Similar i guess to the fact that by now defeating Nefarin in BWL gives you the achievement for Onyixa (Level 60) as the level 60 Helms seemed to be transferd to his loot table now. Confirmed this the other night also by a greed roll on a warlock helm.
Ah, this bow is so nice, flowers, leaves, mushrooms sprout, and some magical sparcklys vaporate off the bow when you are not shooting and inbetween shots the flowers, shrooms and leaves appear.
Hoping for a way to upgrade it some day, love the look.
Too bad the bow is not a 'Legendary', then it would have been a Feat of Strength today.
As of 3.2.2, one can still do this Q-line, but it might get removed in Cata Expansion, or before
Just wanted to say that you can loot it from a black dragonkin from Burning Steppes.
is this still acquirable with onyxia now lv 80
*hunter weapon*
Yes, if you have the quest the
Mature Black Dragon Sinew
can still be looted from Onyxia.
Being a
level 78 hunter
at the moment of writing this, I also can confirm that the
whole quest chain
Ancient Petrified Leaf
still active in Patch 3.3
. I specifically went for it to
Majordomo Executus
yesterday and was lucky to get it out of his
at the very first kill.
That done, I went to
Vatrus the Ancient
, one of the three old trees in Felwood. Turning in this quest then will give access to one new quests from each tree.
(Advise: you will have to dismount to be able to turn it in/see the question mark!)
Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina
This quest requires a
Mature Blue Dragon Sinew
which can be bought from the Auction House or be looted from either
or blue elite dragonkin in
Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina
(18-slot Quiver)
Stave of the Ancients
Here you have to kill four level 60 elite demons:
in Ungoro Crater,
in Silithus,
in Winterspring and
in the Burning Steppes. (Advise: do not engage them with your pet. This will result in the demons fleeing from you and despawning for good half an hour. Just do it solo.).
Ancient Rune Etched Stave
A Proper String
accepted the quest
you will simply have to head to the
Burning Steppes
(where you have to go for the other kill quest anyhow) and kill any black dragonkin there to acquire the
Mature Black Dragon Sinew
. This is a 100% drop, the tooltip will provide this information as well. It is said to still drop from Onyxia as well, though it seems fairly more complicated than going solo to the 'steppes.
Enchanted Black Dragon Sinew
Achievement: Onyxia (Level 60)
Combining the
Ancient Rune Etched Stave
with the
Enchanted Black Dragon Sinew
will ultimately give you the famous
Rhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers
, Vatrus will give you
Lok'delar, Stave of the Ancient Keepers
once you talk to him again. There will be no further question mark, you simply have to talk to him again.
Congratulations, hunter!
Very irritating quest. Just got Artorius down to 300 health before dying to a bear on my first try at level 60. Clearing the area yourself does nothing whatsoever because the mobs respawn so fast and have a massive aoe when you are low level. Getting a second party to constantly clear for you may be the only option.
Looking back I'm amazed at how much work I put in to getting this bow (and the staff) back when I was 60. Re-equiped it for the first time in...ohhh...4 years today and got a nice surprise of the updated graphics. The staff graphic still sucks tho.
The one thing this quest line and reward taught me is to quit chasing rewards this difficult to get...as they can be replaced by FAR superior items by AFKing in BGs or tagging along on some random raid. It IS one of the most memorable and epic quest lines in WoW, unfortunately they should have found a way for hunters to keep upgrading this bow as the game progressed.
I recommend all new hunters try to carry it out at 60. I'm not sure how challenging it is now, but it was hugely challenging back in 2005 when many hunters were trying to complete the quest line and camping demons spawns or having people grief your demon kills. Ugh. I imagine the quest line is significantly easier now, especially since most people will have their level 80 guildies knock out raid portions for them.
I just finished the quest to make this bow after getting the leaf from MC earlier today. Interestingly enough, when I completed the quest that gives you
, I received
, despite having never set foot into Onyxia's Lair on my hunter. Ever.
In reply for *where do u get the Quest*
The Quest starts from when u get the leaf drop from MC after killing Major Dommo
Hope this helps :)
i've just killed klinfran the crazed and i wanted to thank you for giving us this cool guide. im now on the way for simone the seductress
at the end you have made some mistakes
1.: the despawn of the demons is now 30 minutes because recent patch have modified the despawn time of these demons
2.:after you kill the demons and turn in the quests you gain an ancient rune etched stave wich is not a weapon just an item. You need to get the mature black dragon sinew from onyxia in order to create Rhok Delar/Lok Delar.
3.: the staff sucks its only good if you are farming demons in winterspring or in blasted lands. The Hakkari Warblade set with +15 agi enchant on each is better than any weapon-pair in the game!
From what I've read, they just changed the respawn time of all the demons to 30 minutes, so it should be a lot easier to get now
What many people doenst know is that someone who has done the 4 Demon Quest before can do it for you! He can attack and solo the demons for you without they despawn or do the famous 10k AoE!
i was wondering if you can get stuff and bow and use both, i seen hunters with both but i never got how that was bc the stuff forms in to the bow so idk can anyone tell me plz
Basicly,u get the leaf from majordomo(50%drop rate,other drop is eye for priest bene quest),u get mature black dragon sinew from onyxia and i dont know if all guild do this but if u have 1 u get the other by default.
First of,u should head to winterspring and take this demon first,all u have to do is kite him for a few mins,catch him on the south west part of his patrol so u can kite him striat to the road and along the road,serpent sting and aimed shot rank 1 is all u will need for this,stay at about 31-41 yard range(if u get under 30 he will turn u in 2 a demon and u die)...my advice download itemrack(feign and take ur geer of 2 avoid armor bills),also take a restorative potion if u haveing trouble
Next up 2 burning streppes,this 1 i found really easy,have a mate kill all ads around u when u fighting.The way u kill this 1 is meelee/ranged,wat u do is auto shot to start him of,range for a few seconds ,wingclip and run to ranged distance,wait for him to enrage then scorpid sting him (witch will disenrage him) and auto shot a few time,then rinse and repeat. bring a mana pot/health pot incase u get low ...save all ur mana for wingcliping/scorpid sting
Next 1 is ungoro crater,this 1 is very very easy,if ur a engineer is even easier,wat u do is lay a freezing trap,trap the pet and meelee the demon for the whole fight,when the pet comes out its handy if u have a rocket helm but its not neccesary,Bring a health stone and major health potion and a nature resist potion,get a stam buff,,motw,also its helpfull 2 have a hunter in the group with u to have aspect of the wild on and be feigned neer u so u get the buff and u have aspect of the monkey on
Last 1 is in silithus,this 1 is tricky but not if u know wat u doing,easy mode for this is take 3 major shadow protection potions,and a warlock,take the potion wait 2 mins then enter a duel with a warlock,get him 2 put COR on u so u immune 2 fear,now enter the battle lay a frost trap pull him on to it then feign,this will disenrage him for the fight,now lay a explosive trap drink 2 full mana and open with a aimed shot when he gets 2 u wing clip him witch will imobilise him for 30 seconds (do this the whole fight every time he gets close 2 u),run around to ur left or right,shoot again ,run around more,shoot again ,this is to keep his spawns chasing u not hiting u,multi shot when u can to help kill the spawns and when there are alot of them volley them and kil them,thats pretty much that.to do this without a warlock is a little harder but not 2 hard...also get a health stone and stam buff.
GOOD LUCK fellow hunters and also GO 2 >>
go 2 the hunter section and u will find a full run down on the strats,demon weeknesses,videos ,screenshots ECT
BTW.u can not get help on the demons as soon as they atack it it will despawn for 15 mins(that includes ur pet)
if u do not kill them in 15 mins they will despawn as well for another 15 mins
and if u kill it,or someone else does u have to wait 15 min
i got the quest at my second run as ahunter in MC.had it for 3 months now.i did many runs so i could get some better gear to start the q.i also changed to herbalist so i can get the herbs that i need to make pots etc.if any1 got the q and needs some advice for it,well it requires patience,a stuborn head,never give up,do not hesitate to pay some repair bills and dont trouble your mind if some1 screws your q.there will be lots of *!@#heads that will hit the demons so you can fail.you can check the videos of how to do it,but.as many advices you get and as many videos you see,you cant know for sure what are you dealing with.its a hard quest but not but not impossible.good luck to all who is trying to get Rhok'delar.its an awesome bow
its the bow that shows ppl u r a real hunter, got it withn 7 hours after i got the leaf and sniew, few ptions and 1 lock for the demon in silithus, thats all... learn to kite, learn to be a hunter
p.s. The demon in silithus and Ugo r ezy as i did it on the first try, but not the one in WS and BS coz of horde gankin all the time. ppl who gank the hunter while they doing the quest r worthless, got the demon in WS at 3% and a lock ganked me, got the demon in BS at 7% and a grp of hordes ganked me, wondering if all horde like that.
Scorpid sting no longer affects the burning steppes demon as it did before the patch.. I asked a GM about this.. he said it is working as intended and there are no known bugs, yet he couldn't explain how scorpid sting worked before the patch and how does it work nowadays. I had a nightmare killing the burning steppes demon, since I had ~ZG level equipment that time.. a nightmare really.. I completed the hunter epic quest the night before BC arrived, but I don't think that it worths the effort if you have BC. But it was a good, a very good challange. Now that blizzard took away kiting world bosses and such from us the hunter epic quest is the biggest and maybe the only bigger challange in a hunter's life ^^
By the way.. You can get an equal, even better bow (Splintermark) from Therokkar forest PVP vendor, you can get blades in BC instances equal to the staff and quiver equal to the epic quiver from AV PvP vendor.
When I saw Splintermark something broke inside me.. It was like: 'Man... I worked so hard for this bow, spent an assload of money on potions, a lot of time to get the sinew, the petrified leaf, DKP, whatever. Done the demons all alone, died many times, started over, paid for the potions, the repair bills again, I invested much effort in this bow.. And now here I am, standing at this vendor at LV 62 and now every single person can buy this bow for a maximum of one crappy hours of effort. It is even possible to farm the 15 honor hold marks in 5 minutes if you are lucky enough... So 5 minutes effort bow > a work of severeal weeks.. Thank you blizzard.
this is a very unique bow, just because of the design it has.
are there any other bows out there that have this uniqueness or is the only one?
because i like it allot! :)
You dont need this bow, you will replace it in outland shortly after you get it.
I'm in the process of making a hunter and I can't wait to go after this bow again. I know BC has introduced better bows. I know the Lich King Expansion in a year or so will even come out with better bows, but that dosn't matter. I love rolling hunters, and this bow is EPIC. Not the Professor Plum kind of epic, I mean the tasks one must go through to get the bow. It seems like the memories formed when going after this bow is what WoW is all about. It's more priceless than a master card. It also shows your love for the game and your class. And in the end, nothing in PvP or PvE is more powerful than that.
It will also work great for a level 60 twink ;) Pre-BC ftw!
Thats so typical, unfortunalty, you are all wrong, note that all the big guilds who had gear in the direction of tier 2-3 actually raided untill SSC and TK with there gear because nothing was better. It saves good guilds literally MONTHS if they have descent gear to level up to 70 fast and then not have to gear up before starting raids.
The same will be for WotLK, if you have Kara gear, you can keep it untill say lvl 75-78 probably except for a few exceptions where you will find good lvl 75 blue gear. It saves time and money to enter an expansion with good gear.
So where to obtain the first part of this quest?
I see, Molten Core it is.
Edited, Mon Apr 25 14:33:56 2005
Edited, Fri Aug 26 13:44:57 2005
For any one that has trouble with the demons for this quest:
If you do not know how to "kite" DO take the time before hand to learn.
Silithus Demon: Bring friends! get buffs that last 10mins or more, including greater blessings if your on allience. Before you enter combat with him, duel your warlock friend (gets a Healthstone also!) Have him cast curse of recklessness on you. This will make you immune to the fear effect, but not the shadow damage. The demon will NOT despawn, as the warlock is not affectly "helping" you, he is considered hostile. He can also refresh the curse while you fight.
Burning Steppes Demon: Do NOT use tranqu shot! its a waste of mana! Scorpid sting will remove his frenzy effect.
Hope this helps someone out there :)
this quest actually gave me something fun to do when i wasn't raiding for a few days.
The quest start in Felwood and req to kill 4(four) easy 60 elite demon selfonly and raid drop of Onyxia - Black Mature ...... This may be first seriosly test for hunter in the game.After get this you look for other good ranged weapons in Raid drop,but it shame do not get this quest reward item :(
This drop out of high end instances like BRS, BRD, and Maraudon I think.
I got one of these from BRd today random drop in Ghost chest the warrior got it
Do someone Know the weakness of this 4 demons?
really need to know, just know that i need demonslaying and a elixir of greater demonslaying.
if someone new the weakness it would be really great!
Why would anyone use this as a bow when the staff gives 2% crit? Just get a decent gun or bow and enjoy the benefit of the 1 extra percent from the staff. Or...?
Here are the images of the Bow/Staff
Infact, Avatar on Warsong has completed it already, got the bow and stave. And yeah, he couldn't use his pet.
Those screenshots 2 posts down are of him, actually.
Edited, Mon Apr 25 01:01:38 2005
A gun that turns into a 2h axe! THAT whould fit me perfectly... =D
Very nice quest reward but this really is a slap in the face of beast mastery specialists and gun lovers. But it may be some consolation that it wouldn't take long or be too boring training bows with this weapon if it was possible to get the darn thing.
The reason blizz chose a bow and a staff is because no races have a racial + to either thus making it a fair reward.
I'd say keep it in staff form for the stat bonuses and +2% Crit chance. 44.0 DPS is nice, but I'd take Striker's Mark and the staff over this bow.
Oh, and an easy way to beat the quests for this staff/bow is to get together a group of your friends, get every buff imaginible, drink lots of potions, and make sure BOTH of your weapons have a demonslaying enchant. Before battle, drink an elixer of Demonslaying and have a couple on hand in case it wears off.
druids havent even got a epic q
Whats the best weapon
For those hunters on the quest:
- Drop Freezing, Target Simone, aimed + concussive. Pet will freeze. Keep Viper Sting on her and kite her back a little bit. Melee her down. If you have counterattack, deterrence, scatter shot, use it when her pet gets to you.
Used Elixir of Demonslaying, Major Rejuvenation x1. Also dual wielded with Demonslaying on both and use Aspect of the Monkey.
Burning Steppes
- Activate him in the NW corner near that Altar. Kite him up top and just scorpid, run in and melee for roughly 5 seconds, wing clip and get away. Whenever he frenzies just wait a second, scorpid and repeat.
Didn't use any potions. Just used Aspect of the Monkey and dual wielded demonslaying enchants. This is all about timing.
- Wing clips immobilize him. Put Rank 1 arcane shot on your action bar. When he fears its a ~600dmg DD and if you don't keep hitting him he'll deagro. After fear wears off quick arcane rnk1 and just avoid the bugs. You CAN use volley on them but I think it's easier to run around him in a circle and just shoot him, they are slow enough.
Greater Shadow Protection x1 (2 in some cases when the fight lasts a bit), and Major Rejuvenation x1.
- My favorite. Actually had to kill this one 3 times for a few of my guildmates. (This was post 1.6, and as long as you have the quest and are partied you can kill them for other hunters.) It's all about the strafe keys (Q,E). Activate him in the southern most part of his path. Theres a cut through the mountains that lead to the road. Rank 1 arcane, Aspect of the Cheetah, and Serpent is all you need. Just start with serpent, and run, just hit him with a jump shot Rank 1 arcane as soon as it refreshes to keep him agroed. (Jump shot is just jump and when you're in the air shoot, lol.) Reapply serpent as soon as it fades and just get him to the road. Kite him all the way down to Everlook and he should be dead before you actually get to the town if serpent was applied as soon as possible.
The only thing here is to have people clear the mobs out of the area for you, at least up to the road. And all you need to worry about once you hit the road is the opposing faction or the wandering Winterfall messenger pacl.
Hope this helps.
Edited, Tue Aug 23 15:43:40 2005
Just to point out that the transform from Rhok'delar to Lok'delar as of the 1.8 patch is going to be lost!
...but it says you can talk to Vartrus the Ancient to receive the item you currently don't possess.
soooo does this mean you can have both weapons at once?
I guess being able to change into a staff is somewhat decent, since Hunters are better at 2 hand weapons than 2 one hand weapons. It certainly saves you time and money for searching for awesome variations of both. However, I wonder, if you break the staff, would the bow also be broken, and vice versa?
Is is a drop, and if not, who makes it?
Edited, Sat Apr 23 09:42:52 2005
I like stuff like this in the game. It is BOP so only those who have done the quest will get the honor of having one.
I've got 2 of the 4 heads so far. Have been griefed 4 times by Alliance trying to do Klinfran and its extremely frustrating. Having chinese farmers tap your mob mid fight can put a dent in your efforts.
I'm going to be using this bow until something better comes along, the staff is mediocre compared to using epic 1her weapons with +15 agi enchants on them. BWL has some mad loot in there and I've already got Brutality Blade and going to hope to get Doom's Edge (
) to go in my off-hand next to it.
Why does this person in the pic look like really low lv?
is probably the best place you can go for advice for that quest. It contains places to find the demons, strengths and weaknesses, useful things to bring with you (potions), and a video of each fight.
Edited, Sat Mar 11 20:10:48 2006
ok guys im 14 year old kid but my dad has few 60's none hunters i almost haave 1 60 hunter tho if my dad was go on hes 60 warrior he has almost all epics on him including skull flame shield and arcnite reaper. if he took me in MC could we solo the boss for the box to get the leaf if think we can reply plz thank oyu. good luck on quest.
Other noob : Sindailia
Score: Decent
Link to this post
The quest starts with the Ancient Petrified Leaf, from Domo's cache. The quest is here:
...wquest=7632 I repeat the quest start in Felwood
The quest starts with the Ancient Petrified Leaf, from Domo's cache. The quest is here:
being an MC item, Rhok/Lhok are awesome hunter weapons. The only ranged weapon you would replace Rhok with would be something r14 weapons or a crossbow of smiting if you are lucky enough to get your hands on one.
This is a quest item. The quest starts from a leaf you find in the chest after beating Majordomo in Molten Core. You turn the quest in to *figure it out yourself*. After this, he gives you three quests, where you must kill Azuregos, Onyxia, and three demons. The demons are level 60 elites, and require that you have no help. This includes healing, buffs during the fight, and fighting from other players. Also, you cannot use your pet to fight these demons. Sound crazy? It is. It hasn't been done yet to my knowledge, but three of the four have been beaten. The bow turns into a 73dps staff.
Edit: Beat by one minute. Damn you!
Edited, Sun Apr 24 03:17:08 2005
You must get some freakishly huge burst crits from this thing. I don't understand the Staff part for a Hunter, most Hunts have low or non-existant Staff weapon skill built up. A 2h Axe, 2h Sword, or even a Polearm would most likely be a better choice. Yeah thats what it should be, a Polearm equivalent to Typhoon :P That'll show em all.
pics of the staff and the bow:
gl to all the hunters out there, its not that hard to obtain
Got this bow today. It r00x :D
what is the name of the quest?
mmmmmbacon, yes, the quest seems extremely hard, yes, it prolly is. BUT; all 4 of the deamons have a weak point, figure out what it is, and it's not too hard anymore.
GL to all Hunters
if i'll get help from a friend out of my party?
that pic looks like its of a lvl 15-20... is it just a GM or a lvl 60 in low lvl clothes?
That one comment about warrior gear is stupid this is a hunter class item try reading
so many ppl complain about there being no choice of a gun or no epic gun quest, ask a engineer they make 2 really good epic guns! if you dont feel like running round the world killing elite demons and going and slaying ony and MC gather the mats for a gun you gun wielding cry babies!
Edited, Nov 3rd 2006 at 9:36pm PST by happyhobbit
It seems this baby will be buffed into the ex-$%^&ing-treme when TBC comes out:
The road to this weapon is a road of hell.
First you must get the quest from a run in MC, then sinews from killing Onyxia and Azuregos. But that's the easy part.
Next you have to kill 4 level 60-61 demons in Winterspring, Un-Goro, Silithus, and Blasted Lands. But you must Solo the demons, if a Horde or Alliance player so much as sneezes on him, it goes home to cry to it's mommy.
No biggie, grab a healer and bring that bastard on. But what's that? If you're healed or buffed during the fight, the demon gives you the finger and dissapears.
That's painful, but they're 60 or 61 elites right? That turtle or bear never did wrong, unless...no how could they...yep. Your pet so much as touches them the demon will also dissapear.
So it's down to this. No assistance, no buffs, no heals, no pets. You alone against the demon in a massive kitefest of doom. And if a horde player comes around to poke the demon, you're screwed and have to start the fight all over again.
However, you will be able to get buffs before the fight. So you'll need healthstones potions, marks, forts, DM buffs, felwood buffs and Blast land buffs.
Goodluck to all you aspiring hunters. And Godspeed.
edit: lolat yew grawss
Edited, Mon Apr 25 00:59:02 2005
Am I reading this correctly. The biggest Hunter quest in the game and I can't take my pet. At lvl 39 it sounds as tho I should focus more on marksmanship and leave the beast mastery alone for a while...
Am I on the right track?
I'm just waiting for some moron to post here that, "Hunters should definitely not roll on this bow, it is not for them, it is a (Insert whatever class their dumb ass is) Bow and you guys should just quit the game if you think this bow is for you!”
Just thought a few hunters would get a kick out of this, that are as sick of reading post like that as I am.
Aside from that, I can't wait to wrap my hands around one of these babies!
was a hard quest but possible, even if only just
got it today :)
best bow in the game, did a lot of aimed shots and my crits went up from 1700-2500 on regular mobs in burning steppes. not sure if i can score a 3k crit, but i'll see what i can do...^^
forgot to say:
the cooldown is 30s when equipping either of the two weapons, the cast time is about 10s to transform and it has a 30s cooldown before you can transform again.
Edited, Fri Sep 16 20:27:23 2005
Is this quest supposed to be hard? I finished it in roughly 1.5 weeks. I dont see how it can take someone months.
Got this beauty yesterday after getting the leaf from majordomos cache and the black dragon sinew from onyxia and killing 4 lvl 60 elite demons solo.
using both the staff and the bow. never gonna change that weapons for anything else :p
ooo dam... now i wish i was in a larger guild o.O
Raiding MC > Onixya seems like such a far away place for me couple of months yet, and we'll get there...
I would choose that over strider purely for the crit. Crit rox, More Crit the better. + a lil button with my bows name on it transforms into a 60-70dps something staff just if you happen to do to much damage which is likely with this thing.
Fd/disengage/scatter works well to ;p
Edited, Sat Apr 23 14:51:14 2005
guide I've made
I can't wait til I get to end-game. This is a pair worthy of our class. Now if they could just do something about the Dead Zone.....haha
Haha, hunter weapon.
And even if you couldn't use both, why wouldn't you just equip this bow and grab another weapon with "chance to crit" already on it? This probably being the only bow in game with chance to crit on it, it's worth using.
Why istant there agi on this?
finally got the sinew from onyxia after 9 weeks...ya the demon part wasnt that bad if you have the right help with the demons the worst part of it for me was waiting for the sinew to drop...good luck to everyone whos working on it right now
i will add that u'll also need a 'good' wpn when u does the q.. :-)
I got the sinew on my guilds first Onyxia kill. And had to w8 on leaf. But had a rly $%^&ty wpn. So the one in sili was a rly pain in the ass, since my DPS was the same as 0.. :'/
But then i got crossbow from ZG/AQ q :-) And the Demon was dead ;)
(I know my account image aren't updated)
I can understand this beign a very hard quest, it is supposed to be. The only thing that doesn't make any sense to me is the fact taht you can't use your pet. Your pet has been with you for the last 50 levels, and is a defining part of what the under is. So why would the Hunter epic quest force you to not use your pet?
Edited, Sun Apr 24 15:11:22 2005
Finally, had the demon part done for almost a month before Onyxia dropped my sinew.
<3 loving the bow.
call me lame or whatever, but this bow could do with losing the random blossoms
reward from hunter's epic quest
very nice
This bow is almost IMPOSSIBLE to get.. it's very hard to solo about 3 elites without your pet.. though I would enjoy this bow!
Well The quest is a whole lot of fun and annoyance at the same time. It's quite humbling and will change the way you look at your abilities.
Killed the 4 demons within 3 days, that was about a month ago. Really enjoyed the fight and they were alot easier than I expected. Though I do believe I was somehow positively bugged at Solenar, cause I didn't get feared ONCE =)
Just waiting till the sinew drops off Ony now ><
Spawn Time on demons: 15 minutes
You MUST Solo these, no pets allowed!
Outside buffs are allowed but you cannot recieve them during battle unless it is from an item.
Well thats not quite right all of it.
I did the quest yesterday. First of all the spawn time on the mobs are between 2½ - 4 hours. Its true that on 2 of the mobs you need to use arcane shot to hold aggro - but its a waste of mana if you use it on the others...
I used this guide:
it basicly got all the information you need - the maps are just not good enough - use the following maps:
Nelson the Nice (Silithus):
the Doombringer (Wintersprings):
the Crazed (Burning Steppes):
the Seductress (Un'Goro):
Mon Dec 12 09:00:12 2005
I'll be lucky if I'll EVER be able to solo/melee elite 60+ demons. I think killing ONE demon WITH my pet and my ability to be ranged, with my full Beaststalker set and my nice crossbow would be a feat. That's an amazing bow, but I don't think killing myself and wanting to throw my computer out the window is worth it. I think you'd need a whole armor set and melee weapon that are just devoted to strength/agility to even have a tiny chance. I hope the sadists at Blizz come to their senses and nerf this quest a bit ... it seems unrealistic and out-of-character for a hunter. I think they overestimate the power of mail armor.
Way to go Blizz, you gave hunters a friggin' warrior quest.
Blizzard sucks, they really hate us hunters.
Wtf do they mean by not letting us use our pets
guide I've made
Thanx Merwen ,Finaly i found your Guide link ,Great Guide...:D
Man i would rather use the staff on my hunter than this bow... Got the srtiker bow
but will stik with my 2 swords with +15 agility enchants
i just got the leaf been working on the demons and they KEEP! despawning in mid battle or evading then vanishing >_< makes me a sad panda
I really hope my leaf drops tomorrow
If the the priest eye drops, I'm screaming
I've been reading up on all the demons...I don't think I'll have to worry about killing them since they all seem moderately simply if you get the strategies right...
I do have 1 teeny weeny little problem though....
My guild hasn't been able to kill Onyxia yet T_T
'Least the sinew's after the demons, I'll at least be able to do something ^^;
I got my Blue Sinew though and everything so I'll get my epic quiver soon enough as well! =D
Oh, does anyone know if you just have to kill Majordomo to see the NPC that gives you the quiver or if you have to get the leaf or if you have to complete the bow/staff quest?
The quest starts, as pointed out in lower threads, from the Large Petrified Leaf that drops from Major Domo's chest in MC. To complete it, you also need Black Dragon Sinew from Onyixia. Optionally, you can get a Mature Blue Dragon Sinew from either Azergos or one of the Elite Winterspring dragons for an 18 slot, 15% haste quivver.
If you have any other questions, refer to
thread on the O-Boards for excellent strategy and videos of the actual demon kills.
If you are having trouble with the Winterspring Demon, try this. Pop a greater shadow prot. potion and wait for the cool down. Also, make sure you have some Resotritave Potion (very east quest picked up from the guy on the second floor at the inn in Kargath). Assuming you start at the rocks and work your way up the hill, he might get turn you into a demon. When that happens pop the Restore potion. The shadow protection pot. will help absorb some of the damage while the Restore potion kicks in. The Restore potion lasts for 30 secs and runs with the normal potion timer. Anyways, as I rounded the hill towards the road I was turned into a Demon twice but coth times it was removed, once on the road, never had a problem....Just an idea, hope it helps :)
Warrior Gear.
Stay FARRRRRRRRRR away from the Hunter who has this bow.... Can you say PWNED
Edited, Sat Apr 23 04:05:30 2005
Good progress has been made on this little guy so far, so I suspect you will be seeing screen shots soon
I'm glad they made this quest so hard, the reward is more than worth it. After all that bow/staff is amazing so why should every single hunter in the game be able to get it without truely mastering their class?
I'm not judging how hard it really is though because at lvl 50 i can hardly imagine taking down an elite my lvl without my pet
Edited, Sun Apr 24 05:03:32 2005
This epic quest compare with Priest's epic quest is just like heaven and hell. But to tell u the true, someone managed to get this quest done. Every demon has one weakness to hunter's ability. Hunter has to figure it out :(. Have plenty of buffs from friends/items/quests before going in battle. Good luck!
Edited, Wed Apr 27 02:52:05 2005
It's nice the quest is hard, but the part about killing azuregos is a bit unfair. On our server there's always a massive zergfest whenever he spawns, and horde have the advantage since orgrimmar is so close to where he spawns.
Sure, make it hard. But don't let it depend on your whole faction helping you kill azuregos.
To kill Solenor the Slayer, I had 250 Shadow resist, and put up with his fear
To Kill Simoine, I managed to get lucky and pull her without aggroing her pet.
To kill Kilfran.....its not hard
Yes, you can use both. I just saw a hunter using both the stave and the bow =)
i just got the leaf been working on the demons and they KEEP! despawning in mid battle or evading then vanishing >_< makes me a sad panda
Spawn Time on demons: 15 minutes
You MUST Solo these, no pets allowed!
Outside buffs are allowed but you cannot recieve them during battle unless it is from an item.
Ok still I am confused if you equiped one does it still turn into the staff and do they both equip at the same time because i've seen someone with this a couple days ago. Do you just get the bow OR the staff? or can you get both? Help please!
Quest is extremely hard, but it gets much easier if you have a guide, I myself used this:
. It tells you everything you need to know and it has videos of every kill (the one's who made it are geniouses).
I've got the first demon down, need to practice on the others now :S Good luck to everyone attempting this quest.
Edited, Thu Dec 15 09:46:49 2005
which one shud i have i like me both *cry*
u get both the staff and the bow :) so, u dont need to chose ^^
I got the Black Dragon Sinew on the first Ony raid I ever did (I got to tag along with another guild). Sweet! That's the hard part!
Of course, I've only been able to make two Domo runs since then. In the last nine Domo runs that the guild has done (the number of runs since I started being able to tag along), only two actually dropped the leaf. I hope I can get in this week, because either the random number generator is broken on Dragonmaw, or it's due to drop the leaf again. (Yes, I know it's statistically the same drop rate, but it's encouraging to think that it'll actually drop.)
Looks allot like the Urgoz's longbow from guild wars.
Pretty easy quest to do when you get the hang of it. I did it the same day i got the leaf from domo. Only demon i had problems with was Klinfran, but i got him.
holy mother of .. that thing is CRAZY. Good thing getting it ain't that easy either.
Blizzard CM announced on forums that Azuregos will be removed from hunter epic quest in future patch.
Reason pet can not be used to help you is because pets are coded to act as party members for buff reasons. Game sees pets as another person. So hunters would quickly dismiss thier pets and use a guild Paladin instead. Paladin using Consecrate to hold hate and hunter with ranged DPS would mean demons dropped really fast.
Edited, Fri Aug 26 03:42:58 2005
no fair im not gonna go from 45 lvls of guns for a bow that turns in to a staff thats worth 18gold to a vendor y cant there be a gun reward?
this is clearly a warrior weapon imo
this is insane i wish thier was a gun like this
Edited, Sun Apr 24 00:40:06 2005
Crist! WHY oh WHY did blizz give my dwarf a +5 in guns when they desided to not add ONE freaking gun in rewards? ARR! FINALY a hunter quest, and it forces my dwarf to start from lvl 0 in bows, just to run around with a freaking bush between my fingers? Ok if youre a NE, but my dwarf? Hell no! I'm dissapointed, realy dissapointed! ='(
Edited, Fri Aug 26 03:34:45 2005
If you click on the link for what this transforms into (the staff), there is a link in the posts to a very comprehensive guide to the entire quest, from where to take the leaf to some tips on killing the demons.
whats the cooldown on this btw?
to be honest, do you really want to transform this into the staff? :)
just get a drop from a 40man instance for ur melee
My guild is in BWL and with the possibility of getting Heartstriker - same dps, about the same speed, only difference is the +9 stam for the Heartstriker, and the +1% to crit for R'hok.
Which one would you choose. It seems like, Heartstriker would actually be better because it would allow you to control your DPS better.
Is it worth the hassle of getting r'hok/Lok, or just raid, raid, raid, saving DKP for Heartstriker, when it drops. Right now I use blastershot, which I personally love.
It seems like R'hok/L'hok is more of a status symbol than anything...especially with AQ/BWL drops that are coming out.
the only reason ranged weapons are being buffed is because agi now only gives 1 AR...which means if u lose lets say 350 ranged AR in BC...thats about 35 dps there so the higher bow damage accounts for that
Anybody know how the transformation works exactly? For instance, can you do it in combat?
Umm, I'm glad they made this quest hard... I think it should be since these are "THE" best hunter weps in the game... I think that Chromatic pants would be harder to get, since Skin of Shadow is said to be around 0.04 chance to drop, other than from Lvl 1 rats in Desolace, which Allakhazam claims to drop at 14% rate :). If everybody could get this staff, the game would be too easy.
Poxet 60 hunter, i duel rogues and kill them all the times ;) - Windrunner
And you can pick up this quest where ?
Horde side please.
doesn't this tun into a staff, the HUNTER'S staff?
Stay FARRRRRRRRRR away from the Hunter who has this bow.... Can you say PWNED
i heard that say, you get the staff enchanted, and then turn it into the bow either the staff or bow would be destroyed or something else really bad like this. can anyone verify this?
I swear to god if ur gonna complain about "o no we dont get bonuses to bows" big deal learn to freakin use a damn bow who cares if u cant use the damn bow if ur gonna complain about o this quest is to hard or o its not fair that we dont get ne bonuses its because it wouldnt be fair,so i kindly say STFU about it
-Onato, 57 Tauren Hunter Kil'Jaden US
I just got to lvl 60 and for me this would be the best bow i could get.
Problem is i dont know how to get it. Have no clue where to look or even if this is a quest or a random drop. Can some1 help me with it and tell me how i start(if there is some pre- something that needs to be done first)
THx for helping a noob out.
Rogue item.
Why would anyone use this as a bow when the staff gives 2% crit? Just get a decent gun or bow and enjoy the benefit of the 1 extra percent from the staff. Or...?
Well, since you can use them both at once... why only use the staff? :p
And dont come with "No you cant" since I was playing with a hunter who equipped them both :) New since patch 1.8 :D
Anyone ? And do I have to go to MC to start it ?
You need a raid group to get into the instance... so... I don't suggest breaking all your dad's epics.
It seems to me that this is the most epic bow pre-BC a hunter could get... considering the stats of some other weapons I know this may sound absurd, so please stick with me for a minute. I don't consider this the best bow due to stats, because clearly it's not. Rather it's the most epic bow due to the series of quests you had to complete to obtain the bow.
The quests require a hunter to go solo against four elite demons. A single buff, heal, point of damage or etc. from another player was enough to reset the encounter. Basically anything that put another player on the demon's aggro table reset the encounter. These quests were custom created so that you and only you could defeat the demons. So if you have this bow it meant you learned how to play... There wasn't much you could do to get around this shy of having someone else play our account.
Thus I consider this the closest thing in the game to graduating from college for a hunter. On a guild application the Rhock indicated this players can kite, dps hard, manage aggro, and etc. I can't think of a single piece of hunter gear that indicates as much about a hunter's skill than the Rhok.
Don't confuse what I'm saying here, it isn't the best bow DPS and stats wise, but rather the best bow for proving one's merit as a epic hunter.
(reposted from the "Live" version)
With classic coming out, and me still transmog'ing my ranged weapon to the trusty Rhok, I was reading the comments section here and thought I'd post a few thoughts, for those of us that got the rhok and lok back in the day, and for those people that really didn't know anything about it and now find out it's the BiS, since it hasn't been available in a really long time, and a good portion of the fanbase wasn't even born when it was.
- If you were in a guild that raided MC and Onyxia regularly, even if there were 10 other hunters, you eventually got the leaf for yourself. But if you were like me, 5 priest drops happened first, then the one week you couldn't make the raid, it dropped, and it didn't drop again for you for another couple weeks. But the wait was worth it.
- Most hunters had crappy weapons when they got the rhok and lok, so it was a huge upgrade. MC bosses didn't drop a lot of gear on each boss in general, and mean/ignorant guild leadership didn't always give the few other ranged weapons to hunters, so it was rare to get anything until the leaf, which only hunters could get. I know it sounds absurd, but if you lived getting passed up by a rogue with a bajillion DKP, you know the pain. Myself, when I got it I had a blue bow from one of the 50+ dungeons (because Mag NEVER dropped his bow) and one of those level 57 green axes that looks like a ninja star on a toothpick (but it was all agility so kinda OP for a green). But you went from a ilvl ~60 bow with ~30 dps to ilvl 75 (which was what the stuff in BWL was) with almost 44 dps. It was a big deal. And the model is still so cool. Shiny metal with vines and wood, and little flowers that constantly bud. Still think it's the best looking bow Bliz ever made.
- One of the best things about the rhok was the shot speed, at 2.9. Until like WotLK I think, the hunter auto shot timer reset anytime you used an ability, whereas right now it just goes off regularly at whatever rate it's set to. So hunters had to learn to use their abilities in between that shot timer, called it shot weaving. Most bow speeds were mid to high 2s, most guns were faster, and most crossbows were way slower. But you wanted the speed just long enough so you could weave in your aimed shot, which was a 3 second cast. But with raid buffs and whatnot, it was usually 2.8. So with lag accounted for, the Rhok was perfect at 2.9. Blizzard really thought out weapons back then. But that shot speed had a HUGE impact on hunter DPS. The bow off Mag and the gun off Golemag in MC were both too fast. So you could use it, but you'd constantly be extending your shot timers. Even when BWL came out, the Heartstriker bow was too fast, the crossbow off Chrome was too slow, and if you ever had a dragonbreath hand cannon drop (kinda goofy looking IMO), it had the right speed, but rogues would freak out because it had the Agi & Stamina stats for them.
- A lot of non-hunters didn't realize that it came with the staff, the lok'delar. I remember a mage or priest dueling me, and the old tactic was to get into that sweetspot range where a hunter can't melee, can't shoot. But he got too close and I whacked him with the Lok and killed him so he took a look at it, and was shocked. It was also ilvl 75 like the rhok, but it had 73 dps, which was higher than most of the 2h weapons in MC, except from Rag. But the stats it came with were awesome. Int to boost your mana, +2 crit, it was really slow so the 2 melee abilities hit really hard (before all the normalization stuff). It was really a huge upgrade. But most hunters, I'd say probably all, didn't have their staff skill upgraded, so you'd see them in high level dungeons melee'ing everything with the Lok'delar, doing almost no damage, and pissing everyone else off, wondering what they were doing! LOL good times! The model for the lok was kinda plain, but came with the mongoose enchant look on it, the green flame off the top, so it was simple, but really cool.
- The other part of the quest, which only hunters really understood, was the quiver you could get. A lot of people probably still don't realize that hunters had to carry ammo, and they had a special bag that took up one of the 4 bag slots. Before you got this special quiver, the biggest bag was usually from grinding AV, and was only 2 slots smaller, but this one gave a good buff too. A lot hunters posted about having a hard time getting the sinew to drop, but if you went while you had the quest, all the hunters I talked to said it dropped in 20-30 minutes. Mine did. It could drop randomly for other players, so I think a lot of people tried to farm them to make money (sold for 200-500g, which was a ton), but I think hunters on the quest had a much higher chance. It was worth it though. When wow removed quivers and ammo, Blizzard blessed hunters and turned it into a 24 slot bag. I still stubbornly have mine!
- Some people just couldn't kill the demons! Oh it was fun to watch, listen to the other hunters swear and just lose it in voice chat (ventrillo in the old day!) trying to kill the demons. On PVP servers it was painful to watch someone get close, and no one was there to keep the riff raff from the other faction out, because people love to be petty and interrupt it. But most hunters that raided long enough, ended up having to kite at some point, and as long as you read someone's guide at the time (there were quite a few), so you knew what to expect and what skills to use, it took 1-3 tries on each demon. But all 4 were made to use all the skills you should have, and it was extremely satisfying to finish.
So all you new hunters, the Rohk really is the best, until you get a lucky drop in Naxx maybe.
Got my bow last week! ^.^ It was such a fun questline and definitely makes you feel so accomplished as a Hunter. I'd never gotten to experience it in the past since I started in BC so it's awesome to do it now (I've always been envious of the bow)!
I mainly followed Vyzual's video on YouTube,
"Wow Classic 2019 - Rokh'Delar 4 Demons Tutorial - 0 buff 0 help"
- to complete my questline (hope I'm allowed to link vids, lol).
I didn't get any buffs beforehand and I didn't have any help between the demons.
Not necessary to have damage-boosting ones
, but nice nonetheless. Definitely recommend mana pots.
I used
1 Elixir of Mongoose
for Silithus cause he was annoying which would have applied to Burning Steppes, but I died (rip). And then I highly suggest at least
1 Superior Mana potion
for both Un'goro and Winterspring then
2-3 Superior Mana pots
for both Burning Steppes and Silithus (could use Major Mana, but I like to save those for raid and pretty sure 2 Superiors is cheaper than 1 Major). I also ate maybe
5ish Grilled Squid
, but again, not really necessary - just to speed things along.
I killed Simone (the one with the pet) on the second try. I messed up, in the beginning, placing my trap on the pet so I had to Feign Death and try again.
Place a Freezing Trap down and have Cheetah on. Open up with an Aimed Shot into a Concussive Shot onto Simone. Her pet should aggro onto you, run towards you, and step over the trap - freezing it in place. The pet will simply disappear and you'll be left to kite Simone alone. Viper Sting her as she casts her ability, interrupting her, then keep on running and Auto-shotting. I weaved in Multi-shots usually right as she cast her ability, then Viper Sting, but you could probably do it the other way around. I stayed away from using Aimed Shot, but I'm sure you could sneak some in. To me, she is a little bit easier than the Winterspring demon.
Killed Winterspring dude on the 3rd? try. I kept messing up on my aggro range trying to get too many autos in on him for expedited damage. Other than that, he's an alright kite.
You'll find him wandering the valley as a Tauren where it says on Wowhead, wait for him to get to a rock near the bottom of the valley, clear the way to the road beforehand, then kite him up towards the road and onto it towards Everlook. While you're going uphill and leveling off on the road, you're going to want to Concussive Shot as he seems to be a little speedier going uphill, at least in my opinion (this is usually where he got too close and I died). Other than that, keep Serpent Sting up and at the max range. Slow and steady wins the race here for sure! You can weave in autos if you'd like to try, but my kill was just taking it slow with Serpent Sting - I would definitely stay away from Aimed and Multis. Instead of trying to make sure you're weaving in Autos, you can just stick with
Rank 1 Arcane Shot
and blast him with that whenever it's off CD to make sure he doesn't de-aggro (Serpent Sting won't keep aggro by itself).
I went and tried the Burning Steppes dude, but I failed like 5-6 times dying + 1-2 FD attempts before he despawned. x.x
Instead, I went to Silithus demon where I died probably 3-4 times before getting the hang of my kiting pattern. I had him like 5-10% on my 5th try, but I didn't auto/arcane enough and lost aggro.
I think Silithus demon is a little bit easier than Burning Steppes, but definitely a big step-up from the other two and where you might struggle some more and face despawns. I started when he was just entering the AQ gates area, near a sloped piece of grey ground. I put an Immolation Trap down at the start, then began a very intricate kite process to never be in melee range - jumping down at key points and then back up some stairs and down again. I really can't explain the kite pattern well, but it's on the video I talked about in the beginning. You really got to see it then get used to it yourself! I was Auto'ing whenever I could and wouldn't get dazed (Cheetah on, he still runs faster than you), weaving in Multis when I was at max range - but not a lot, definitely a slow fight with using mainly Autos and the occasional Serpent Sting (which I recommend). Also have
Arcane Shot Rank 1
on your bars somewhere to keep aggro so he doesn't despawn during your kite because there were some spots I couldn't stop without him catching up to me to Auto. It's easy enough to avoid the beetles as you kite, but you just gotta watch your footing. I did not use the Warlock fear-immune strategy here.
Ugh, this one, in my opinion, was the hardest out of the four. I tried him once, failed, and then finally got him again with no time to spare on my second attempt.
I HAD to go back to my trainer to learn Scatter Shot. I had tried it the first time without it and I don't think it's possible without it. Well, possible perhaps, but you have to be on top of everything! You can use Wing Clip Rank 1 or Rank 2 here,
I used Rank 1
. Start by placing a Frost Trap (slow) and opening at max range with Aimed, Auto, Multi, then kite back. When he's getting in-range, that's when I would suggest using Concussive as he's soon to enrage. Scorpid Sting gets rid of the enrage and while it's active on him, he only hits you for about 8-15 damage per melee hit. Once he's de-enraged, run at him, Wing Clip, and run through him. If he dazes you, this is when I would suggest using Scatter Shot - or saving it for emergencies when he's close to you and enrages and you need to build space for Scorpid Sting. Once at range, for me, it was about 1-2 autos, run in to Wing Clip him, then run back out and you should get in range because he's about to enrage again (another good spot to save Scatter Shot is for now, in case he dazes you for the 2nd run-in to Wing Clip). I was able to weave a few Multis in here and there, but I tried to focus on making sure I had rhythm the entire kiting process. Once you have your rhythm for kiting, Wing Clipping, and the like - that's when you'll kill this. As for your Aspect, Monkey if you're nervous about getting hit, but I used Hawk for extra damage on my Autos.
Overall: I had a blast! I was frustrated, but in a good way where you know you've got this and once you've killed all four of them - euphoria! :p
Good luck getting your Leaf and Sinews, fellow hunters, and happy demon hunting! >:D
Just wanted to add a couple notes:
Silithis & Steppes were both easy for me to "cheese" after practicing the jumps a bit. I think both were 2-3 tries that I could easily feign death out and retry. Having Shadow Protection Potions for Silithis helped quite a bit.
Winterspring was my biggest concern having helped someone earlier with it...
I was well stocked on Restorative Potions which dispel the debuff if you get too close and I barely killed him after getting the debuff and melee'ing him to death... very stressful. This one took about 10 tries for me and 3 actual deaths - if you have a priest/pally/shaman friend to rez you it can be helpful, but I personally didn't want an audience and the graveyard is close anyways.
My last three attempts were great with just Restorative Potion and the "RangeDisplay" addon which will show you if you're holding the 30-35 yards, 20-30 is a danger zone and you may get debuffed, 36-41 is a bit too far and he may reset, but I seemed ok holding this for a bit as long as viper sting was up and I had recently done a Rank 1 Arcane Shot.
If my last attempt was unsuccessful, I definitely would have added Rank 1 Serpent Sting to my action bars because I was very low on mana.
Un'Goro was odd and took the most tries...
I tried the jump strategy, but you'll have to reset if you fall in the bug pit and getting dazed a bit made it really tough to do.
I then tried a full melee strategy with a ton of buffs (Winterfall water, Strength elixir, Nature Protection potion, Mongoose) and got her to ~10% wingclipping both and potioning towards the end.
I eventually had success by using Aspect of the Wild, not worrying too much about melee damage and just kiting the demon with wing clip & concussive shots. You can just walk away backwards from her and melee until she starts casting, then turn to get space & jump shot a vipersting. I only pre-potted with a nature protection potion on this attempt.
Yeh great bow, pity every single hunter that has raided at least once gets one, at least a choice of; bow, gun or xbow would have been nice
So happy this wasn’t a boss drop. Would have lost it if I had to roll against fury wars and rogues on this
A real shame that, now that we are in TBC we will likely never see a hunter with this again. No one is running the raids anymore. Would have been great for Blizzard to change this to a class quest to kill the 4 demons and drop the raid step. That way people leveling hunters could still get it. Was a really nice bow.
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