Does anyone know if a similar bug like the one with the ironhoof destroyer is present with the felsteel annihilator?
What about the people who already looted the Flopping Fish?We can't loot the toy twice, so if we already looted it, we can't complete the achievement?
the drake mounts must have recently been bugged, i received both of them and the ironhoof destroyer blackhand mount within the past year.
Holy...So mount drops can be bugged? Jesus... I’ve been farming Zul’Gurub 25 times a day for a month and no mount, could that raid be affected too? What about all the other raids I farm weekly?This really puts me off mount farming.
I really hope the Azure and Blue Drake bug was a recent one and not a bug that has been going on for a while. For the past year, I have been farming it with 7x alts, 43x weeks in a row, until I finally gave up and bought in the Black Market Auction House. Still glad I obtained it, but I would have been happier had it dropped via the normal way and I had saved my gold.Which brings me to the main reason of my comment: what would be the best approach to check if any other bugs are present in the mount dropping bosses? Submit tickets for all of them?
What about Gul'dan mounts from The Nighthold? I have 82 kills on Gul'dan for Living Infernal Core mount and everytime I've killed him there were 10-19 more people with me and I've never seen anybody dropping it since end of the Legion.
The green infernal is the only one with enough credible reports now to assume it's bugged. Keep trying on the rest fellow mount hunters!