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Iskaara Tuskarr Fishing Turn-In Gives Weekly Bonus Reputation
15.12.2022 в 06:00
The first time you turn in a stack of 20 fish at the Tuskarr Fishing Holes for the Catch and Release quests, you receive 100
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reputation for the five normal fish (
Чешуебрюхая скумбрия
Лазурная иглоспинка
Мелкокрылая рыба-пегас
Тысячезубая пиранья
, and
Темпоральная драконоголовка
), and 200
Искарские клыкарры
reputation for a stack of 20
Островная дорадо
. This was added recently as another way to earn Tuskarr reputation.
What you might not know is that you can repeat this every week!
At every active Fishing Hole, there's a quest mob with a repeatable turn-in with quests such as
Поймал – отпусти: чешуебрюхая скумбрия
. The first time you give 20 fish of each type each week, you'll get as much as 700 reputation for all six fish. After that, you'll still receive 5
Искарские клыкарры
reputation for every stack of 20 until the next week's reset.
This only works for one set of Catch and Release quests per week, even if there is more than one Fishing Hole active. Turning them in at one Fishing Hole counts toward the other Catch and Release quests at any other active Fishing Holes.
However, it does appear that they have removed the ability to get experience from this repeatable quest. There are several videos online of players leveling up from 60-70 in record time by turning in hundreds of thousands of fish, but this is no longer possible.
For more information about Fishing, Iskaara Tuskarr reputation, and Fishing Holes, please see our guides!
Fishing in Dragonflight Iskaara Tuskarr Fishing Holes Iskaara Tuskarr Reputation Guide
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