The Stonevault Dungeon Overview for The War Within

Ссылки на руководства

  • Refracting Beam: E.D.N.A launches a beam at up to 3 players, inflicting 1321569 Fire damage to any player in its path. This detonates any Volatile Spike hit.
  • Earth Shatterer: E.D.N.A slams the ground, inflicting 1762092 Nature damage to all players and sending out seismic pulses that detonate all Volatile Spikes.
  • Seismic Smash: E.D.N.A. punches its target with incredible force, inflicting 14096739 Physical damage and afflicting them with Seismic Reverberation.
  • Volatile Spike: E.D.N.A creates volatile spikes to erupt from the earth. Anyone moving within 4 yds of the spike causes it to explode, inflicting 3083662 Fire Damage to everyone and knocking back everyone within 4 yards and inflicting 154183 Fire damage every 1 sec to all players.

The High Speaker spent countless years attempting to restore the Awakening Machine. One failed attempt resulted in a new horror: a golem infused with Skardyn corruption. Crystals augment its elemental configuration. Though it barely communicates its alien mindset, its hatred for all creation is undeniable.

Skarmorak breaks itself to attack players with [Crystalline Smash] creating [Crystal Shards], and [Unstable Crash] sending [Void Fragment] hurling towards players.
At 0 energy, Skarmorak bolsters itself with [Reclaim] before channelling [Void Discharge].

  • Crystalline Smash: Skarmorak slams their fist into their target, inflicting 5286277 Shadow damage. Parts of Skarmorak fracture off, inflicting 2643139 Shadow damage to players within 6 yds of where they land, and creating a Crystal Shard.
      • Reclaim: Skarmorak's Crystal Shards respond to their creator, and will cast reinforce on Skarmorak, increasing the potency of Crumbling Shell.
      • Crystalline Eruption: Crystal Shard explodes in volatile explosion, inflicting 705585 Shadow damage to all players.

        On Mythic difficulty, Crystalline Eruption will apply a debuff increasing damage taken from Crystalline Eruption. This effect stacks.

  • Reclaim: Skarmorak draws in materials from the surrounding area, gaining a Crumbling Shell.
    • Crumbling Shell: Skarmorak is bolstered by surrounding Skardyn crystals, absorbing 2802203 damage taken.
      After taking substantial damage, the shell shatters, stunning Skarmorak.
      • Shattered Shell: Skarmorak's Crumbling Shell being broken briefly stuns him, and interrupts casting.
  • Void Discharge: Skarmorak expels pure void energy from its shell, inflicting 616732 Shadow damage to all players every 2 seconds. Each time Void Discharge inflicts damage its damage is increased by 10%. This effect stacks.
  • Unstable Crash: Skarmorak smashes the ground, unleashing void energy inflicting 3347976 Shadow damage to players within 15 yd. Additionally, Skarmorak launches a Void Fragment at players. Void Empowerment.
    • Void Fragment: Void Fragments inflict 2202616 Shadow damage to players within 5 yards, and leave behind a mote of void energy that grant Void Empowerment. These motes persist for 15 sec.
      • Void Empowerment: Become empowered by the beyond,
        taking 132157 Shadow damage every 2 sec. Additionally players gain 50% increased healing, and 50% increased damage to Crumbling Shell for30 sec.

Master Machinists focus on complex work at prestigious worksites. Глашатай Брокк and Глашатай Дорлита have worked as a team for as long as anyone can remember. Granted, Brokk's productivity is slipping, but both are authorized to defend their site with direct and efficient displays of violence.

  • Overview: Speakers Brokk and Dorlita call on metal and machinary to help them strike their foes down. Brokk calls a scrap cube with [Scrap Song] and hurls it at players, only to be [Deconstructed] by Dorlita in her mech suit.
    • Healers:
      [Molten Metal] Inflicts damage over time, and slows players hit by it.
      Players hit by [Lava Expulsionl] applies a heavy damage over time effect.
      Speaker Dorlita targets players with [Lava Expulsion] firing a giant lava orb at the player inflicting fire damage.
    • Damage Dealers:
      Speaker Brokk will attempt to cast [Molten Metal] inflicting damage and slowing players.
      Speaker Dorlita targets players with [Lava Expulsion] firing a giant lava orb at the player inflicting fire damage.
    • Tanks:
      Speaker Brokk's[Scrap Song] sends a scrap cube careening across the platform.
      Speaker Dorlita's [Deconstruction] Drags the scrap cube to the center of the platform.
      Speaker Dorlita's [Molten Hammer] inflicts heavy Volcanic damage to her target.

    • Silenced Speaker: This Speaker fights on with increased zealotry after witnessing one of their own killed, and calls to the lava surrounding them to aid them. The Speaker pulses 704837 Fire damage every 1.5 sec to all players. Additionally this Speaker has their damage increased by 75%.
    • Speaker Brokk
      • Activate Ventilation: Speaker Brokk calls to the ventilation system to aid him, causing them to launch Flaming Scrap to the surrounding area. Standing on these vents while they're active inflicts 1762092 Fire damage.
        • Exhaust Vents: The Speakers energy courses through the machinery beneath them, causing exhaust vents to expel flames, inflicting 1762092 Fire damage every 2 sec to players on the vents, and 4 Fire damage every 1 sec to all players.
          Every 0.5 seconds Flaming Scrap shoots to a destination leaving behind burning ground.
          • Flaming Scrap: Exhaust Vents expel flaming refuse, leaving behind a burning puddle inflicting 18 Fire damage every 1.5 sec.

            On Mythic difficulty, Flaming Scrap last substantially longer.

      • Molten Metal: Speaker Brokk sends liquid metal surging into targets, inflicting 1145360 Fire damage, and slowing them by 50% for 8 sec.
      • Scrap Song: Speaker Brokk calls to the metal surrounding him to coalesce into a cube, which he then sends surging across the room inflicting 80 Physical damage, and stunning players caught in its path for 3 sec.
        • Scrap Cube: Inflicts 80 Physical damage and stuns players caught in the path of the Scrap Cube for 3 sec.

    Eirich has been deposed, his authority seized! Overwhelmed, he fled to the innermost sanctum of the Stonevault. Yet in his machinations, he succumbed to transformation: Void energy from a malfunctioning artifact corrupts his living stone! Mystical revelations now shatter his sanity.

    High Speaker Eirich infects players with [Void Corruption], its damage ramping until it is removed.

  • Void Rift: High Speaker Eirich opens rifts to the Void, pulling in nearby players, killing anyone within 0 yards of the center of the rift

    On Mythic difficulty, Void Rifts move to a new location upon consuming [Void Corruption].

  • Void Corruption: High Speaker Eirich infects players with void energy, inflicting 528628 Shadow damage every 3 sec until removed. The damage increases by 25% every 3.
    Moving within 0 yards of a Void Rift will remove Void Corruption.
  • Entropic Reckoning: High Speaker Eirich unleashes entropy on all enemies, inflicting 1321569 Shadow damage to all players within 8 yards of the points of impact and leaving a zone of Entropy.
    • Entropy: Creates a zone of Entropy, inflicting 440523 Shadow damage every 1 sec.
  • Unbridled Void: High Speaker Eirich fires a cone of void energy at a player, inflicting 3083662 Shadow damage to all players in his front arc within 45 yards.

Loot for The Stonevault in the War Within

Accessories Drops
BackНакидка покрова кузниMaster Machinists
NeckСвязка ключей "Аварийное отключение"E.D.N.A.
Cloth Drops
ChestТуника скрытого в тени оратораHigh Speaker Eirich
WaistПояс безопасности ДорлитыMaster Machinists
LegsСтабилизаторы ЗАЗУE.D.N.A.
FeetБотинки искаженного осколка землиSkarmorak
Leather Drops
HelmЛичина големаSkarmorak
ShouldersШепчущее темное оплечьеHigh Speaker Eirich
Mail Drops
HandsЗахваты трупоедаSkarmorak
WaistУкрепленная противовражеская кольчугаE.D.N.A.
Plate Drops
HandsОпаляющие латные перчатки механикаMaster Machinists
WaistРемень кристальной расщелиныSkarmorak
LegsНожные латы нарушенных клятвHigh Speaker Eirich
Trinket Drops
StrengthОсколок СкарморакаSkarmorak
N/AРазогнанный метатель шестерангов
Melee Specs
Master Machinists
MasteryСрастание верховного глашатаяHigh Speaker Eirich
IntellectСимфония голоса хлама
Master Machinists
Agility/Strength Модуль преломления агрессии
Tank Only

One-Handed Weapon Drops
SwordStrengthРазящая проповедьHigh Speaker Eirich
Fist WeaponAgilityКулак обмана ЭйрихаHigh Speaker Eirich
WarglaiveAgilityСкардинский клинок милосердияSkarmorak
Ranged Weapon Drops
CrossbowAgilityБолтомет сладкоречивогоHigh Speaker Eirich
GunAgilityУсиленная отражательная пушкаE.D.N.A.
Ara-Kara Two-Handed Weapon Drops
StaffIntellectМелодичный железный шпиль песниMaster Machinists
PolearmAgilityДвуручный рычаг несущей рамыE.D.N.A.
MaceIntellectРазбиватель расколотых преградSkarmorak

Stonevault Mount

The Неисправный мехакостюм has a chance to drop off of Вестник Бездны Эйрих. Collecting this item will give players the Костюм в беде quest.

This quest requires players to bring the Неисправный мехакостюм to Глашатай Джурлакс in Gundargaz. (/way #2214 47.0 32.4 Speaker Jurlax)

From there, players will need to earn three trinkets from specific dungeons in Khaz Algar:

Once all three trinkets are collected, return back to Глашатай Джурлакс to receive the Мехакостюм из Каменного Свода Mount!

Мехакостюм из Каменного Свода
"Metal once ruined, restored to life by scrap and song."
Drops From: High Speaker Eirich from The Stonevault

Achievements for The Stonevault in the War Within

There are four Achievements that can be earned in The Stonevault.