Quick Facts

Mogu'shan Palace


  • Trial of the King – Ming the Cunning, Kuai the Brute, and Haiyan the Unstoppable have journeyed to the palace with their clans, vying to prove their worth to their king. Yet these mogu factions are plagued with bitter rivalries. Violence threatens to flood the palatial grounds unless the bickering clans can find a way to test their strength without coming to blows with one another.
  • Gekkan – As the mogu clans battle for supremacy, the cunning Gekkan leads his fearsome saurok raiding party into the palace's fabled treasure caches. Loyalty is not usually ascribed to these ruthless reptilian beings, but Gekkan's courage and tactical brilliance inspire a sense of honor in his soldiers.
  • Xin the Weaponmaster – The title of weaponmaster has many definitions among Azeroth's inhabitants. To Xin, it means that mogu weaponry obeys his every command. The king is more than willing to demonstrate his deadly skills to anyone who questions his right to rule Pandaria.



