The Accuser: The fact that you were not sent to us before Maldraxxus was clearly an oversight, Baroness. I must insist we get you a sinstone at once.
Baroness Vashj: My ambition earned me a place in Maldraxxus, Accuser. You would do well to remember this.
Baroness Vashj: I need one of the souls from Revendreth's Arsenal: Kael'thas Sunstrider. He and I have worked together against nathrezim in the past. See he is included in the envoy.
The Accuser:
Maw Walker, I am willing to acquiesce to the request from the Baroness for Kael'thas to accompany you on this mission.
However, keep an eye on the two of them. I am not convinced she is a good influence and may cause Kael'thas to regress into former practices.
He has been showing promise lately, but I would feel more comfortable with his if he had another century or two of penance in place.
Kael'thas Sunstrider: Did you happen to hear which afterlife Illidan was sent to?
Baroness Vashj: We think he may still be alive.
Kael'thas Sunstrider: What? The Betrayer still lives?!
Kael'thas Sunstrider: I never imagined I would have to deal with nathrezim again.
Baroness Vashj: You were never the one I accredited with good foresight.