WoW, congrats to them.
So there's no possibility of catchup with the scaling done by Blizz.
Shakib using Tanking essences while in Havoc. Hmmm
So the new essences help? My M+ buddies aren't pro by any means, and we struggle to even clear a +12/13 in S2. Even trying to get a keymaster achievement is a complete pipedream.But if seeing that someone cleared a +20 which was a +28 previously means that something that wasn't accessible before is now accessible, it could probably motivate me and my band of casuals to try harder and get that +15 done with the help of whatever's changed: new essences, some classes get better scaling with higher ilvl, or even beguiling is a relatively easier affix compared to reaping.Then again, to be honest the reason why we struggle even at 12/13s is because of human error. Oops accidentally pulled that pack, or our regular high dps monk couldn't come, so we're just carrying a low ilvl guildy with poor dps. So eh.
While I truly am in awe of these players, I am also grateful that blizz capped the rewards at a much more manageable +10 (for the most part). Can be done by a decent group without worrying too much about including/excluding specific classes. Or gearing to a level where the gear from the actual instance is irrelevant (looking at 420+ pugs crashing through normal EP week 2).
As Darth Vador said : "Impressive."
Considering that they also got essences and bonus ilvl AKA they scaled higher as well, and just now are capable of clearing a season 2 28, that goes to show how much of a difference beguiling has on time compared to reaping.