Really getting jazzed about this new class! Heal/DPS range is my favorite to play and these look like they're going to be fun!One small question, it mentions they were raised to harness all five schools of magic, but in the description, it only lists Blue, Red, Green, and Bronze. I'm wondering where the Black magic is. I'm assuming the class tree? Is it the defensive abilities?
I need the dressing room so bad, but I know it's a lot of work. Thank you Wowhead
Secretly hoping blizz decides to change black into a tanking spec.
The race and class are cool, but there is one fundamentally massive issue - the 25 yard range on almost all spells. Sure, in most PvE settings you can get away with it, even if it is a pretty big hindrance and makes the gameplay feel incredibly odd and is often more annoying than it would otherwise be with the usual 40 yards. But when it comes to PvP...oh boy, they are getting screwed hard. Not only are you always out of reach of other casters/hunters with their 40 yard range, trying to chase them down and looking like an idiot in the process, but 25 yards means you are also mere steps away from any melee class, who already have immense utility and damage, allowing them to just train wreck you with a full arsenal. All the while evoker utility is easily negated without even having a dedicated stun, poly or other incap, in other words, they have no reliable CCs which is what PvP is based on. Their one CC, the sleep walk, is also counter-intuitive, as a caster you want to get as much distance as possible, not reduce it.The long, frontal line 30 sec root is completely useless, everyone can just break out of roots, not to mention druids.There is no benefit in 25 yards, all it does is make the gameplay frustrating as hell, especially given how absurdly squishy evokers are. Not to mention the class is a hard caster, there is no way you will ever use empowered spells in PvP...ever, it's physically impossible without being completely shut down.
Now the question is…Wowhead mods when do we get dracthyr in the dressing room? I know hundreds of people who haven’t got alpha would kill to make one.
Wowhead mods! Unite and channel your power towards the dressing room! *clap clap*(No worries, am just kidding xD)
I've only ever played melee classes.Time for something new. : ) I'll be one of a million playing these Evokers, don't care.
I'd absolutely love to get to know my Dracthyr if they happened to be in the dressing room
This is just the tip of the iceberg and there is more to explore during testing. We look forward to reading your feedback and we will see you in the Dragon Isles.I hate this BS when Blizzard only gives streamers and youtubers invites for testing.
If 25 yards with several abilities that allow for casting while moving isn’t remotely viable, I don’t know how melee would be considered viable at all, considering several have poor movement and lack of ranged CC, I think jumping to conclusions that they will be completely unusable in pvp without people even having the opportunity to try it for real is a mistake. I also wouldn’t be surprised if empowered abilities were not interruptible, outside of a cc. Even if there DPS ends up in weird spot, I think the healers will really excel.
**slow chant** dressing room dressing room dressing room!...if possible please thank you <3
I'm wondering if a third talent specialization would be based on the white dragonflight