Excellent changes on Melidrussa Blizz, thanks for listening!
good stuff 👍
Alright. It's good to see Blizzard listening to feedback and keeping the challenge reasonable. For instance, an add-on healing a boss for 40%? That's more than some healing moves.
Nice, very soon the leech talent will be enogh heal for the group. Keep up with these changes, cant wait to get ksm and +20s portlas and mog and be done with the patch week 2 :)
How about instead of keeping the heal in which is still arguably a wipe if it happens, they make the add not run at Mach 30 and ignore most forms of CC? I played SPriest in a SMBG and despite me having a 4 second stun that add was never dying with all 3 dps hard swapping because SPriest burst dps is hot garbage and the add can't be slowed and runs through abilities like RoP.I can only imagine how horrendous it would be with something like Frost/Arcane Mage who have equally bad ramp times but don't even have the utility of a stun.
Great changes, gonna be best M+ expansion to date!
at least that Umbrelskul fight is no longer absolutely anti druid