Nice story and weapon!
This is just a different color from the others right?
I wouldn't phrase it as "a nature themed warglaive" as it's just a recolor of the world drop. Saying it's a unique fel theme of the world drops, as it is, is more appropriate.
a little nelf story that does not just **** on everything. I liked this one. Nice little warglavie too. Thank you, <player>. May we speak again soon.Hints that maybe DHs aint fully forgotten in the current story? Thank you mr blizzard. Just be careful.
Imagine how much more juice they would have had for this patch if there were one of these for each class and instead of being hidden, it was an advertised feature. Imagine seeing "Also coming in 10.2... New, hidden questline weapons for each class" at the bottom of the patch notes announcement.This could not have taken a ton of time to design and implement and there are a ton of people who'd both want and remember a weapon they can actually use that was tied to a piece of lore like this. Everyone remembers their artifact weapons and it's not because of the AP grind or the 4% increase to Rip damage. Even when Blizzard has a great idea like this, they inevitably do it in such a #$%^&ic way that it still feels terrible.Doing it like this makes it feel like a cosmetic, not an actual useful piece of gear to some people. It's not great enough to be "OMG, CHECK OUT THIS SECRET WEAPON I FOUND" and it's too good to be a handful of throwaway quests that they never tell anyone about.
HI AS THE GM OF THE VEILED GLAIVE I JUST WANNA SAY HOW PROUD I AM OF MY GUILD! No secret finding intention, just a love of demon hunter related lore and an amazing community 💜❤️
Just to add more to this, as nobody else seems to have noticed yet, but when you have this glaive equipped or as transmog and use Fel Rush, it causes a trail of flowers to appear behind you.
horrible design
Hm. Odd lore. "Does Elune condone the use of Fel". Indeed. Elune has a strong divine portfolio when it comes to resisting or purifying corruption, especially when it comes to Fel. I wonder if they can spin their way to Demon Hunter actually being an ancient Fae teaching that the Legion stole.
Just fyi Vengeful retreat also leaves a flower trail
Tested it and Vengeful Retreat also shows flowers.
Vengeful Retreat also triggers the flowers. :3