Finally some sexy stuff for women. Looks hot af.
Looks good. Can't wait to get it as a Twitch drop.
also Tyreals Charger is available in the store for the first time ever
Since we have body1/body 2 option, can we also have clothes 1/clothes 2 options. For when you wanna have your female more covered or have *!@#ty male in hight tights. ;-)
Nice new shop tmog buuuuuut.... heritage armor when ? It's been 2 years !
How come the female version is more covered in-game than the wowhead screenshot?
Why is the in-game preview on my "body 2" character not displaying any skin? That was the whole reason I even considered buying this..
The regalia transmog gives you a few versions of itself including boob window for men. so yea good stuff
Really glad to see they're able, with this one and the warden one, to create some 3d elements and save us from these horrendous 2d dresses or pants.Now, we just need to see this on free sets. đŸ˜…
Did they fix that bug where store mogs just disappear randomly? Not buying %^&* until that's fixed.
Great looking mog set i'm gonna buy it for sure
Well, that looks amazing, not like the new cosmetics you can collect with the expansion but is that even a surprise to anyone?..
T H I C C thighs, dayum
Why do shop robes look like that and Dragonflight robes still look like the same painted on crap with the same model since Vanilla lol
Finally, a mog that will match the look of Talon of the Phoenix :D