Changelog For "Azerite Traits and The Heart of Azeroth"
- 2020/01/13 at 12:52 PM: Updated with the fantastic one new 8.3 trait By Neryssa
- 2019/06/05 at 5:14 PM: Eternal Palace and Mechagon azerite powers By Archimtiros
- 2019/02/18 at 2:35 PM: Added the new 5th ring image for the Heart of Azeroth By Anshlun
- 2019/01/15 at 4:14 PM: Updated for 5th Azerite Ring. By perculia
- 2018/11/30 at 12:55 AM: Updates for Patch 8.1 changes. By Anshlun
- 2018/10/22 at 2:00 PM: Minor Edit By perculia
- 2018/10/22 at 1:59 PM: Minor Edit By perculia
- 2018/10/22 at 1:53 PM: Added M+ Azerite changes. By perculia
- 2018/10/15 at 10:59 AM: Updated with information of the Azerite Finder By Anshlun
- 2018/08/29 at 11:08 AM: Minor Edit By Anshlun
- 2018/08/20 at 9:51 PM: Fixed duplicate shaman trait By Anshlun
- 2018/08/09 at 6:57 PM: Minor Edit By perculia
- 2018/08/07 at 9:53 AM: Minor Edit By perculia
- 2018/08/06 at 6:12 PM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/05 at 12:31 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/05 at 12:28 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/05 at 12:28 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/05 at 12:17 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/05 at 12:08 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/05 at 12:03 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/02 at 3:23 PM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/02 at 2:43 PM: Updated DK and Druid traits By Anshlun
- 2018/08/02 at 11:59 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/08/01 at 11:19 PM: Updated Balance traits By Anshlun
- 2018/07/31 at 2:58 PM: Minor Edit By perculia
- 2018/07/31 at 11:39 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 11:34 AM: Removed outdated traits. By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 11:27 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 11:01 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 10:37 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 3:46 AM: Added engineering traits. By Night
- 2018/07/31 at 3:18 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 3:17 AM: Minor Edit By perculia
- 2018/07/31 at 3:14 AM: Large update to sort Azerite Traits by Ring rather than a long list. By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 3:10 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 2:43 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 2:43 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 2:40 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 2:39 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 2:01 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 2:00 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 1:59 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 1:58 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 1:57 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/31 at 1:57 AM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/30 at 10:02 PM: Minor Edit By Squishei
- 2018/07/29 at 4:55 PM: Added note that you do not have to PvP for PvP traits. By perculia
- 2018/07/28 at 11:20 AM: Removed incorrect Mage trait By Malon
- 2018/07/28 at 7:10 AM: Formatting By Malon
- 2018/07/27 at 4:19 PM: Header name change. By Anshlun
- 2018/07/27 at 12:54 PM: Removed several non-azerite spells/traits. By Night
- 2018/07/03 at 5:19 AM: Removed removed spells :) By Night
- 2018/07/03 at 5:17 AM: Updated with build 26970 info. By Night
- 2018/06/29 at 9:39 AM: Minor Edit By perculia
- 2018/06/27 at 11:01 PM: Updated - Build 26926 By Night
- 2018/06/22 at 7:44 PM: Updated with 26903 build info. By Night
- 2018/06/19 at 7:40 PM: Updated with build 26871 info. By Night
- 2018/06/14 at 3:41 PM: Updates with more information on Azerite pieces drops. By Anshlun
- 2018/06/14 at 2:59 PM: Update with new information about the catch-up mechanism of the Heart of Azeroth. By Anshlun
- 2018/06/12 at 9:31 PM: Updated with info from build 26812 By Night
- 2018/06/09 at 11:18 AM: Minor Edit By Night
- 2018/06/09 at 11:16 AM: Updated with 26788 traits. By Night
- 2018/06/05 at 4:37 PM: Update to tier information. By Anshlun
- 2018/06/05 at 4:33 PM: Updates to Azerite Reforging. By Anshlun
- 2018/06/04 at 10:31 PM: Minor Edit By Night
- 2018/06/04 at 9:18 PM: Tweaked monk and shaman traits. By Night
- 2018/06/04 at 5:19 PM: Fixed typo. By Anshlun
- 2018/06/04 at 4:32 PM: Minor Edit By Night
- 2018/06/03 at 8:59 PM: Minor Edit By Night
- 2018/06/03 at 5:41 PM: Fixed all spell tooltips, cleaned messy/extra text, specs now use h4, added note about general/zone traits and how rings work. By Night
- 2018/06/03 at 5:01 PM: All classes updated. By Night
- 2018/06/03 at 3:43 PM: Minor Edit By Night
- 2018/06/03 at 3:41 PM: Updated with DK, DH and Druid traits. By Night
- 2018/06/02 at 1:13 PM: Minor Edit By perculia
- Status set to Approved: 2018/06/02 at 7:12 AM