Quick Facts

A Royal Treat

Collect 6 Royal Peat in the Garden of Night.
Royal Peat (6)


So nice to see you again. I've got a special request for you.

The Winter Queen herself used to tend directly to groves, in the early times. Everything she touched burst with life and power. Even the ground she walked on.

Over time, the Queen's Garden came to be known as the Garden of Night, for the Queen had not tended to her garden in so long.

But the ground is still potent with her power. It's the finest meal I've ever had. I know this is indulgent, but you and I both know I deserve it!




You will receive:
Sprigthistle Loop Valeshroud Torque
Faemoss Vestment Sapsteel Breastplate
Gormhusk Chestguard Runetender Tunic
Sapsteel Sabatons Gormhusk Steps
Runetender Boots Runetender Mitts
Gormhusk Strikers Sapsteel Clasp
Show 29 More
Faemoss Waistband Gormhusk Waistwrap
Runetender Cinch Gormhusk Wristguards
Wakener's Frond Withergrove Shardling
Ardendew Pearl Starlight Catcher
Grounding Surge Nether Precision
Celestial Acorn Evasive Stride
Lost in Darkness Accrued Vitality
Shade of Terror Cheetah's Vigor
One With the Beast Ashen Remains
Strength of the Pack Born Anew
Born of the Wilds Fury of the Skies
Maim, Mangle Astral Sapwood
Luminous Sylberry Duskfall Tuber
Hibernal Sproutling Ambuscade
Bonus Experience


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(62608))

