I like the change! Thank you!
Nooooo ... Only M+ should award Valor, not daily quests! Daily quests don't award conquest, so why have them award Valor?
thats not too bad I suppose. I am curious to see how much drops in each keystone level, and to what maximum - is +15's drop the most? +20? etc etc
you have to be in warmode to do pvp quests, and there is a chance that opposite faction people can show up and kill you.there's no chance that some boss out of a dungeon is going to show up and kill you.personally i don't particularly care. it means less farming for me on my alts.
Urgh... I always hate the words "total maximum". Especially with the way the system is atm, being a 'loot only from M+ upgrade system' (which I hate too - I mean seriously how hard is it to just give us the old justice/valor system from the good ol' days that people actually want?... it worked so damn well and helped bridge the gap for slots you were just too unlucky to be able to fill, and meant you always got something from every boss in dg's/raid). You could literally go weeks without obtaining an item to upgrade to begin with... and they cap it so that you're now double punished for it. There's no conq max cap, so why should there be a max cap for valor? and why can't PvE get the same vendor treatment?As for callings awarding points, I'm fine with that... but frankly 35 a day, with a max per week of 750, is pointless. If they want to give people the ability to upgrade some gear outside of M+, they need to a) allow us to upgrade non m+ gear too, and b) give us enough to be able to cap each week (like say... 100-110 points for a calling would mean we can full cap each week there too). Else what's the point really?EDIT: ok... fine... there is a cap, but it's 6050... which is significantly higher (4x in fact...).Conq also has a weekly cap, but if you don't obtain your full quota that week you can make up the difference the next week... again something that isn't here either :\
Presumably you can cap valor without doing daily quests, this is just an alt method for those who would prefer it. Also we just knew it would be a Broker!
Man, they really *!@#ed away a great opportunity here. The valor should be used exactly like honor. You're UPGRADING a piece, not buying a piece. It shouldn't be treated like conquest. PVP is limited by conquest and the ability to get items per week and then you upgrade those. M+ is limited by the dropping of said item and then upgrading it AND the fact that getting 8-15s in time isn't just a matter of skill. It's a matter of getting the right keys as well... There's already enough limitations in both systems, just let people upgrade their items they wish to upgrade by farming the content don't limit it weekly.
so what your saying is bring back justice points? Got it. I agree
I just hope that even tho you can get some from dailies, you still be able to farm ALL of it from M+.As a person that loves doing keys, i rather do a %^&* ton of keys to farm my valor points instead of having to do X amount and dailies to get the weekly cap.
I don't like that:- no catchup like pvp currency has- total cap is no no, you should not be pressured to upgrade items asap because overwise you will cap currency