Removed I AM however excited for 10.0.7 and hope people can start to feel optimistic about the game again.
Taliesin gives of an excitable energy for me. And is one of the main reasons I resubbed for DF. So why shouldn't they be here?
I always love T&E's content. They've made the WoW community much more fun to engage with.
I completely agree with Tali's view on the 10.0.7 "borrowed power" system. It's so ridiculous how people are infuriated by something that even blizzard said would be replaced when season 2 comes around, when that system only comes in the middle or towards the end of season 1, depending on how long it will last.
Points raised in the thread ABOUT the video or people / topic IN the video;
Love me some Taliesin! Thanks for the video post Wowhead! <3
Seriously, The Weekly Reset gets posted on Mondays. So, let's post last week's Weekly Reset the day before the new one drops... then watch people complain about old, outdated news.
they should make these only work outdoors so ppl arnt forced to farm it. and make it boa so you can send it to your alts if ur bored of it
I do agree with the preview image
People who are upset by the stupid ring should be campaigning against tier gear, OP trinkets, and any item with an on use effect. It's alt catchup at best. At worst it might have a slight effect on mythic + and perhaps pvp, but I doubt it.
huh. didnt realize there were that big of issues with the Trading Post. I didn't have any issues. got the items i wanted and the the Cat mount. guess i dodged a bullet. i might go spend some of the extra 'tendies' i got over 1500 ..just in cast there patch takes it all away.
how is the trading post "disasterous" i suppose its as disasterous as any of the content in the game? It's literally just a thing that generates free tmogs while playing? Literally not a topic
Posted 6/5 days too late, already saw it, and was hoping it was a new video!