That's really cool. All the collecting was not a waste. But I have to wonder, can you still collect soulshapes post Shadowlands? I have a few Timewalking soulshapes I haven't been able to get and wonder if DF comes out before the event I need comes around again if they are just lost to me now?
inb4 Blizz changes the cooldown to 1 hour and the duration to 5 min because no fun allowed.
Or just add it to the barbershop as a travel form appearance option. Seems better to just do that instead of making it a toy with only a 10 minute duration.
but more importantly... will it still have the leap forward and the "anti-stun" effect it used to?Hope so but not holding my breath....*just saw it no longer includes "Flicker"... (sigh)
Cooldown is just too long imo.
I visited Muunn today before the servers went down and was unable to see any quest. What prereqs am I missing? I collected 8 or 9 soul shapes are am Renown 80 with the Night Fae. Please, someone tell me what I'm missing.
We should be able to pick if we where to gog critter shape or what not outside of cities.