So they first of all nerf exp and then they increase exp so overall it's about the same as before (more or less)? I do wonder if they've seen stats that show not many players have reached level 100, I for one haven't, completed the main story which got me to lvl50 and then got bored in all honesty.
"and to help players seeking Level 100"What players?
There are tons of people playing this. its only the crybabies and plebs that complain about anything and everything about Diablo 4 that doesnt go their way....Go play Yahtzee. no one cares about your cries. Im still playing and this buff is good
Game is dead. World bosses go unkilled. Legion events that don't even get 1/3 mastery. PvP Areas empty. You might see a couple of players during an hour long Helltide. GG Blizz.
jokes on you........i've uninstalled the game :D
3 news in a row with the same subject this is getting way out of hand.
I never stopped playing, but this should have come if not baseline, at least one month ago.I just dinged level 70 and entered T4 after about 65 hours, I doubt I will be able to reach level 100 before season ends, even with the buff.I hope that for S2 1-100 time will be halved. It takes way too much time, for no reason at all.
Congratulation to everyone (myself included) that got scammed by Blizzard on the great season we the way the next season looks as *!@# as the 1st one.It's clear now, the seasons are just a scheme to sell yet another Digital armor. with the caviar that if you don't spend 2-3h everyday on the game you "lost" the game (yes the game is you/me chancing a timely digital carrot) thank u! I already have shores and obligation in life, no need for a video game to introduce more.Also, the time events are a blight. I want to log in and do something in your game, WHEN i have the time, i don't want a game to dictate what time i should ignore my life to rush to log in, to do something or "lose" the opportunity. This is all over World of Warcraft...and it tuned me complete off....i have a feel minutes to play the game, i log in, and oh look, i have to wait 20 minute for the next event, and after that another 20-40 wait for another event...and so on and the game is a long list of 20-40 minutes waiting "events" for a 5 minute actual thank u.
This is a good change. I'm only trying to complete this season so I can be one of the few who actually managed to keep playing the game long enough to get the title.