such a joke to hide heroes behind the pass and not make every hero playable at once. and even worse - new accounts have to unlock all heros at all
I don't follow Overwatch, but this date lines up with the leak once again. Oct 4th. Was the release date previously known for this, or is that new info?
I'm looking forward to it. I think my biggest concern is the marketing that keeps suggesting this is a sequel, or something. I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about how they are looking forward to playing for the story mode (?) A lot of people seem to be expecting something more than a relaunch. For me, the 5v5 restructuring and push mode are drastic enough of an update that I'm eager to play, but I think most people are gonna end up real disappointed and that could have been avoided.
This is only for the PvP stuff. I'm still far more interested in the PvE stuff that we've really heard very little about. Where's that info, Blizz? :(
Is this a first person shooter or do the have 3rd person view?
I WANT to be excited about this... but it just feels like 2 years of nothing for a barley visible graphic update and 3 new maps.... oh and a probably HORRIBLE monetization....
Hope they will make a big team maps (like 10 vs 10 or 15 vs 15).
It looks like the first Overwatch, and it looks like PVP only? I thought Overwatch 2 was about PVE?