Why even include Blessing of Summer in the talent tree when less than 5% of Holy Paladins were ever playing as Night Fae regularly. Feels pointless to take the least used Shadowlands covenant ability and lose out on something like Vanquisher's Hammer or Ashen Hollow. :/
I mean, that BoS response says it all, what a joke lol.Such stubborn design/development team. No one likes the ability, the naming convention for it makes 0 sense, and in the end its a talent you take to ......... buff someone else?10.0, can't wait.
"Also, Shadowlands and its story doesn’t stop existing after Dragonflight launches."I'm not sure if I hate this part more than Blessing of Summer staying. xdAlso, no it's not familiar to paladins. Less than 5% of paladins played night fae, even less in serious content.Please tell me he's trolling because it's way worse if he's serious.
"something we are discussing", so i take that as no's. Lame class design for holy paladins once again
Can paladin have a cov ability carry over anyone actually played? Like.... vanq hammer? *!@# I wasn't expecting ashen hallow cause it's balancing hell but NIGHT FAE? You trolling.
Calm down guys. As it seems Nimox is now working on Paladin with the other designers. He made the fantastic Shaman trees and the Hunter trees where he posts weekly updates and goes a lot into feedback. I'm hopeful there will be major changes to the trees as a hole in the coming weeks.
slightly off-themed is still not on theme though! so they know that its not quite paladin enough and they are choosing to go with the not quite paladin theme. ok and unfortunate.
they are encouraging the casting paladin playstyle over the melee playstyle. they are choosing the paladin to be boring and non-thematic. ok fine holy priest it is. but blizz doesn't need to work so hard to make my paladin vs priest choice so easy.
Bring Back Infusion of Light Fast Holy Light Casting Speed, they should have never taken that away from us.
One thing i hoped to see is to get rid of holy power as a holy paladin. It just sucks... I had hopes with Judgement giving baseline 1 holy power but they needed to revoke that... please blizzard (even if i know you wont read this) please reconsider the Judgement baseline holy power generation at least
The only benefit we want from the Blessing Buff is the Cooldown reduction the others are irrelevant
I'm pretty sure they retained this ability exclusively for holy to make them more competitive with other healers. They needed something other then more ways of making sure people don't die. I always thought it was an interesting ability if a little hard to use. Like a PI on steroids (where it isn't a given who you are going to give it to). If you wanted to actually make full use of this ability you'd almost want a person dedicated to tracking cool downs and calling out who the buff should go to. It's a powerful ability but I wouldn't say powerful enough to warrant that amount of focus. It's definitely not a cast and forget type of spell which in my opinion holy paladin sort of lacks.I understand it's not thematic, but I don't think that's something a little renaming (e.g. Blessing of Uther) and colorizing some spell effects couldn't mostly fix.Anyways, I find when I don't like something offering an alternative is a better approach. I wouldn't listen to you guys either.