Uhm, why does the holy paladin talent tree look more like a grid of spells, than a set of 2 talent trees?
Tbh, I actually think the Ret paladin talents are alright. Some changes could still be made, and should be. Such as Justiciar's Vengeance still being kind of a waste, it does 50% increased damage to stunned targets but that's about it. Unless I missed something.Also I don't know how to feel about Divine Storm being capped to 5 targets again, but now they're trying to revive consecration which from that talents it actually seems alright.Not sure if some numbers have temporary placement numbers or not but Executioner's Will seems completely useless, the duration of execution sentence is 8 seconds, and the talent cannot increase the duration past 8 seconds. So unless I'm misunderstanding it seems pointless. On a smaller note the new Final Reckoning Passive seems cool, but I don't see why you would hold it off cooldown.There are a couple more stuff worth mentioning but overall from a perspective of a Ret paladin who has decent high level knowledge I think its aight
I really don't understand who at Blizzard is absolutely in love with Justicar's Vengeance that they keep bringing it back every expansion. It's literally been a noob trap talent since it's inception. I wish they would just remove it entirely from the game like they did Inquisition. (And Inquisition was actually worth picking!)It seems potentially there could be some form of Consecration build which is interesting. Blade of Wrath throwing it down at a targets feet is a nice QoL.The Wake of Ashes talent choice Path of Ruin making it a Holy Power Spender is... odd. I think the damage tuning on that would have to be pretty aggressive to make it worthwhile of us losing it being a 3 HP generator.
I guess with these talents they are really committed to keeping protection in the holy power gameplay loop. I really hate holy power, haven't been able to enjoy prot since they added it to the spec.
ayo holy machine broke bruh
Good. Keep working on that holy tree. Maybe a conal heal for a melee healer ISN'T the best idea.
Exorcism is back.
The Ret tree is a jumbled mess. You have stuff that procs concercration on one side and the benefits on the other all the while your single traget is spread right through out. Just horrid imo
I tried creating a Retribution build that makes heavy use of consecration and it honestly seems pretty fun, though it is hard to say how effective it will be. Consecrated Blade + Incandescence + Sanctification + Exorcism + Calm Before the Storm + Golden Path and Seal of Mercy could make it a competitive option in M+.Curious to know what you guys think!
So basically prot SL and prot DF gonna be the same gamestyle divine toll + rightneous shield legendary &*! yeah (for m+)
well what else is new, theyve only just released it and ret already needs a grand redesign...none of the dragonflight trees have been that bad until now, the paladin general tree and the ret tree are just filled to the brim with all the effects nobody asked for, boring primary and secondary stat effects that will all stack with seraphim for the most bland build to date, and the ardenweald blessings? arguable the least popular and most divisive covenant ability in the game and you put it in the paladin general tree, make it really strong, and buried it on the left side under a bunch of healing spells?for ret, you put ashes right after ret bubble making it absolutely mandatory, it has continued to be a nearly useless DR since it was created in legion why is it still here? and blade of justice being the primary mandatory spell of the build despite all the threads begging for a revamped exorcism or a more creative ret paladin than just spawning various blades and hammers? why is that so hard.i try to stay away from the negativity and so far i have loved all the talent trees and content about dragonflight but this? worst talent tree i have ever seen in ANY iteration of ret since vanilla. guess this will be another expac where i neglect my paladin.
So Avenger's Shield doesn't interrupt casting anymore, or is that a tooltip bug?