When does this version come out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=372d40ROmI4
It’s using 11labs not chargpt to do the voices
Nice use of AI :)
Its a shame the chatgpt addon is only for classic. Would love it to come to retail.
the post is wrong its using ELEVENLABS not chatgpt to generate.
Using default ElevenLabs voices... :/
Blizzard: Has us read through quest texts even though any modern game is completely voice acted.Playerbase: Aight, let's use AI to make questing more enjoyable.Blizzard: No can do amigo. Also why do players hate questing?
I see Blizzard making this an official thing to the game. AI made it simpler than ever.
ChatGPT makes me really uneasy. Not liking it at all.
Btw, it's not "AI" (or imitative/prediction "AI" to be more precise), it's basically like throwing text into google text to speech.It's not generating anything, just reading the input and using the recorded voices to "text-to-speech". We should dial down all this "EVERYTHING IS AI!" thing a little bit.
bad, do not support this stuff, chatgpt is already getting banned in several countries, and this addon wont last
Wait until WoTLK end, after that most player will quit and they will probably be less cocky with their intelectual properties
This would be sweet to have if Blizzard did not want it gone
oh that would be cool if all the quests were complety voice activated in retail wow.. instead of half voiced half not ..