lol they're making progress better slow em down!
Non-RWF raiders complaining about something that doesn't affect them at all. Kinda weird ngl.
Should just add a 5th difficulty: Degen God
After we tested bosses on beta, i expected blizz to buff them before release, they were quite easy even tho our gear was scaled to 411. Odd decision to change them during world first race.
I wish they'd stop doing this. They're pulling another Sepulchre with crap like this and making Cutting Edge unattainable for "regular" mythic groups. Just let Mythic be a challenge for groups, don't make it ball-busting and awful. No one cares how fast World First guilds clear content, so stop trying to extend it and make it harder for them to do it when they'll inevitably do it anyway!
Pretty commonplace of Blizzard these days to live-test their content, anymore innit.
This is because people exploited the game and now have rank 3 everything and rank 5 gear this early. You weren't supposed to access some of the stuff but through some cheese with artists consortium multiple people have jumped ahead of the attempted timegating involved with professions.
People will complain about anything.... Blizzard had hotfixes ready but chose to see what gear and strats were being used by the live players, which is 100% different than the beta testing that was done. They looked at the metrics and decided that some bosses, that have yet to be pulled, could benefit from <x y z> tuning.Not sure why this ruined some peoples days, makes zero sense.
Tuning the encounter around the best of the best...Bold strategy, Cotton, lets see how it plays out for them...