Greetings again,Just wanted to provide one final update for this and say that we think we’ve resolved many of the issues with the Battle for the Undercity and the event should function mostly as expected. As was the case in 2008, it’s still possible for the event to become stuck on occasion, but the most pervasive issues are now resolved.It should be noted that if you were in-progress on this quest chain on any quest after “Darkness Stirs” (H) and “Return to Angrathar” (A) prior to Monday Sep 3rd, its possible you may not be in the correct phase to see some RP events or quest objects related to this quest chain that occur in Orgrimmar or Stormwind. The workaround for this is to simply travel to Tirisfal Glades and speak with Zidormi to re-enter the Battle for the Undercity phase. We apologize for that inconvenience but last week’s hotfix that forced everyone out of the Battle for the Undercity phase was needed to help players who were stuck because the Battle event itself was roadblocked.Any characters who are just starting this chain now should be able to progress through it without issue.We again would like to offer our sincere thanks for your patience while we worked to resolve these issues.