Then Blizz should give us a different mastery that isn't proximity based. Our mastery is the only healer mastery that is dependent on other people for its effectiveness. The only other mastery that comes to mind like this is the old mistweaver mastery that your party needs to walk over to get any use out of it.
Then just give us our old mastery back Blizz. We've been asking for it for years. Current mastery feels awful.
I’m sure they’ll subsequently give a relative buff to something else in the Holy Paladin toolkit to account for us being one of the worst throughput healers currently, after taking Away a throughput cooldown, right?
RIP the one thing that made the 15 yard base range of Light of Dawn tolerable.
Why are people whining about numbers balance in an alpha that currently has none
What ever happened to the paladin mastery where heals created small shields? I always thought that was fun.
who tf is making these decisions? have they never played the class?
This one actually makes sense to me. Although in fairness it seems like nobody likes the mastery. I won't play Holy pal, if I wanted to play holy it's for a change of pace not to be in melee again. So maybe there is something to that.