what exactly hints at 2.5d here?
I'm gonna take a wild shot at the dark and say these might be referring to the possible cinematics like in previous expansions like with Khadgar, Gul'dan and Illidan in Legion; the Warlords of Draenor; and Jaina, Sylvanas, and Azshara for BfA.That's just my guess, because the only other game that I've seen that does 2.5D (as a point of reference) was in a game called Danganronpa, where the environment and area was all 3D but all the characters were flat sprites in 2D. I can't imagine what they'll pull here.
someone down below TANK SPEC, yes, not excited about expac, cause all I play anymore is tanks, nothing for me....
This is probably going to be for whatever the newest set of 'warbringer' shorts they'll be releasing in a few months to hype up Dragonflight just like the last several expansions.
We all know it's going to be an IG cinematic that some youtuber will make 10x better by actually working on it.Was the case during whoooooole SL.
So we're just gonna pretend Nozdormu doesn't exist? Even though... he's in the picture...?
i mean once we went to a 4d movie that we scratched a paper to smell 8 scenes (two of which were boogies and poo so we didn't bother)how the hay you halve, *that*.. ;d
Hi,in the Dawn of the Aspect section of the article,there was 5 drakes not 4 as i remember the story?Nozdormu was left out here as the 5th one who fought Galakrond.
Yes, fellow Commenters. You are correct. 2.5D refers to the moving comic type animated Cinematics from other pre-expansion Releases. We can stop acting like Wowhead's '2.5D' in the title and whatever they are, are two different things and essentially go "Oh, that's probably THIS thing from the other expansion", when that's literally what the Title says it hints at.
It isn't 2.5d, it's just tweening 2d paintings.