Oke oke tldr .... just tell me : flask duration increasing or no if I do everything in alchemy like before ?
'No new systems' but we're gonna make professions as complicated as all the previous expansions systems combined.
Profession overhaul is great, it’s not complicated. You get perks for talenting further into the specialization. Watch people on alpha and they all are pretty dang excited about it. This is 3 billion times better than conduits and all the other nonsense because it is up to us to determine what fave phial (formerly flasks with reduced costs and duration but can be stacked to get the duration to an hour). Multi craft / hq craft of phials and other items / speed craft and other things they are working hard on are really freaking cool.Having cool ways to dig deeper into professions like this is what we needed. You being a master of specific things make you stand out from other crafters too as you invested a crap ton of time into the frost potions + phials as an example. Once you out-skill a craft, you make the max version of it easily as apart if your mastery to it and you can add additional effects to it where others can’t quite yet. You start learning to make cool stuff at 25 as well. FFXIV crafting is sick and now we have our own in WoW finally.
general question regarding professions. Will there be any perks given depending of the choice of profession? I.e better alchemy stone / longer duration on flasks/ pots, blacksmith only weapon, better gems from jewelcrafters etc.