Plate seems so Dark Souls-esque, I like it
These look so much better than the dungeon armor.
I really like the more traditional fantasy look and less-exaggerated shoulders (by Warcraft standards).
Of course, Plate gets the absolute best and Leather gets the absolute worst. All is as it should be.
I like the mail set for sure, though the helm staying open is a bit weird. But still pieces I can use as with the rest of them. Hope the purple cloth one has a robeless version
Well heck, the quest models are the best looking models of the expansion so far--by faaaaaaar. Especially the plate armour.It's a shame the rest look so bad. xD
Well the plate set looks pretty good but the rest is a bit of a mess.
Finally new quest armor that looks awesome!
Mail yet again looks horrible, who is designing the mail armor in this game? I dont understand how they can take FEED back about other specs and different armors for different classed but never mail. The colors look so bad and some of them look like bird poop. Even mail sets look clunky and horrible. I really dont understand. You come up with amazing sets for other specs never mail. Please redo the mail ones even the dng ones look horrible no reason why mail cant get a mail coat mixed with fur... These things will never change lmfao blizzard hates the Mail users in this game 1000%. Even leather gets beautiful chest piece so sad.
Love those plate sets! Awesome.
I feel a bit ripped off that the 2nd cloth set looks like the mythic tier set from Sepulcher
Finally, I can make Orco Von Bismark a reality!
Ooh cool visor!
I wish the cloth armor pieces had better colors but aside from that these look GREAT
I am confused with their obsession with god awful color combinations..
Yes! More basic armor sets and love them!
how are these not 3d lmao
The only helmet that is worth a darn is the plate and to a lesser extent cloth (kinda hard to mess up on a hood).