Happy to see the buff to Impending Catastrophe for warlocks in the Venthyr Covenant.
New Conq Banner for Warrior is actually looking really enticing, interesting changes so far
Those anima changes for Fury are making me happy. I'm already a murderous behemoth doing 200-300k dps in twisting halls. Can't wait to see what I get up to around then.
@frknsty Yea it boggles my mind considering boomkin is so braindead to play with convoke goes brrr of a spec.
can you stop touching my holy pala already?
Yay, Fleshcraft buffing.
Pally still needs *something* done to their mana consumption, but the real juice is the Spirit Shell nerfs. More, more!
waiting on for tanks balancing
I see mw got big buffs
Lots of bad formatting and repeats of the same ability with no changes between them.
Other tanks manage *just* fine without a raid CD. I still feel the change should have been bringing its CD in line with stuff like Barrier and AM, but--again--this is only the first pass.
warriors still need damage :(
Fleshcraft seems great if thats how it gets in. Mandatory for priests too in raids cuz they are so squishy lmao