Loving this mount
I need 10
Nice to see the extra effort in a mount special, and not just a talbuk reskin paint job
This mount is so serene and beautiful! And I feel as gleeful seeing the runestags prance in their mount special as I do seeing the alpacas bounce around
Majestic as heck! I love the mount special, though it seems as though a few frames of animation are perhaps missing from the kick? The motion seems a bit rushed and unnatural; might just be the gif though. Either way, it's beautiful!
I hope there's a tameable version of those beasts
Animation is So Much Better than the WoD talbuks, which really are unusable they run with such derp.
I love this mount ! *hearts in the eyes*
Well these look just great, and look at the special! That's no filthy animal!
As if I needed more reason to join the Night Fae.Also, shop mounts don't come in multiple tints.
LOVE the fact that it has unique animations. I saw the model and thought "Great, more Talbuk reskins...", but this mount has unique running and mountspecial animations! My druids are happy.
I <3 this mount special so much haha
It's awesome, can't wait to get it. So much better than those Bastion cats.
That model looks awesome. I can't wait to get one.
My larger characters can't fit through doors on some mounts because they're too tall. I hope some people can't fit through doors on this mount because it's too wide.
A mount doing dressage! Must have! That rear kick is called a capriole. Here is what it looks like from a real horse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oozXBbynyno
Now give us this as Travel Form for druids!
Gorgeous animation.