Not quite sure I'd call them "improved" but they are certainly different. I feel the older ones had nicer detail to them. :)
That is a lot more profound than the previous ones. I am pleased :)
I actually like this less, live made it perfect
Seems excessive, I hope an option of how pronounced you want it will be added.
I always liked the way the OG eyes created a spooky circular glow when you wore a dark helmet. Kinda ruined on Live. Hopefully this new one is at least more prominent in the dark though I doubt the circular, 'eyes in the dark' look is ever coming backI agree with the others on options.
You can barely see the trails on live, so I quite like these.
I don't know if I like this, in my opinion (Please don't yell at me, just my opinion), the live glow is softer and more realistic. (Good music choice on the video though.)
I think the animations in the video are bugged. the wispies should be flowing outward not being sucked in. Overall it is a little hard to tell because some of the screenshots have the particles looking low res. But the new ones look more fluid and less polygonal. Which is a good thing. I am definitely going to main my death knight for shadowlands.
Please watch the video, does in fact look better than the pics.
Remember the "new shadow priest effects" nobody asked for? =/
Personally, I would love it if they let us pick between Blue, Red, and Green. Depending on spec. Maybe pull a Purple in there since sometimes Unholy could be Purple.
I was excited till I saw it, they could've done better.
Looks a lot better in the video than the pictures.I do hope we get an intensity option in customization though so everyone gets it how they want.
I preferred the original ones to the ones we have on live I like this even less. Oh well, DK isn't my fave class anyway.
Really like the new ones. Give its a lot more oomph compared to live.
What would be great is to have 3 different colors for each specialty, blue for frost , red for blood , green for unholy
unpopular opinion but I liked the eyes the way they were before all these enhancements.
Old ones kinda looked better tbh, this extended glow thing will probably clip through most eyebrows... especially elves.