That looks awesome. Are those all the options previously datamined for humans, or is there anything extra as well?
I think they should name the faces, skintones, and eye colors too just like the hairstyles.
Wow.... just damn, that's a really good QoL change.
That badass looking forward to play my pally with that look 😍😍😍
and the most basic one is not here? :/ no hair option please even if it's against your aesthetic choice.
We need a Scars option for character creation.All in favor reply with "Aye"
please fix the eyebrows at least. theyre awful. they have no shape and look like a toddler drew them with a crayon.
Definitely a step up. Dropdown menus and the traditional arrow system is way better than the sliders. Seeing the camera orient itself to fit the rule of thirds is great. Only problem still is all that negative space. It still feels too empty. Putting those border boxes we have in the BFA character creator would really help take up the space, as well as help it feel more in line with Warcraft. Also, just a minor personal preference, but I think the gender/random/zoom/rotate bar would fit better beneath the creation options so it feels more uniform.
I really hope that those shiny nice improvements will also be supported by good core of the game. I personally don’t give a word how my human female looks if I again have to accept a broken game as a BfA is.
Character Creation screen upgrade is fine, but what we really need is a new cleaner Character Selection screen.
I still reaaaaally really want them to add a Bone Structure option. All the positions of the nose, chin, eyebrows, if they're smiling or not... create so SO much variety that it's insane. You can see what I'm talking about if you go through all the FacePose animations with a single face on WoW Model Viewer.
There are no words to describe just how *right* of a direction this is for Blizzard. Embrace the RPG and let me be whoever I want! <3
That's much better than those tiny sliders we got previously. But why did they remove Hair category and put hair style and hair color into face category instead...
A lot of work and resources for a low-impact feature. This doesn't change at all the gameplay. Since this is a monthly paid game, I would appreciate this changes between resets instead of a new expansion feature. But, there are probably a lot of people who cares a lot of these appearances.