So every other profession gets something to look forward to while being an enchanter has zero benefit on it's own again?
I was kind of ready to be disappointed, but that tanking enchanting looks real neat. Appeals to both those that want to do damage and the ones who want survivability.
yo that naga hide is like 100% uptime for brewmaster and prot war if it is the same proc chance as our current ones
In the old days, we have Enchant Shield, Enchant Chest, Enchant Legs, Enchant Cloak, etc.. Now only rings and weapons. Hmmm.. -_-
Accept the long boi this is going to give to every chanter, yaeh nothing new.
Holy hell, they're upping the cap on professions by 25 points mid-expansion? What kind of sorcery is that?
Well at least no new mats to store in my bank, i wish they would cut back on the amount of gem types for jewelcrafting, either that or increase bank mats size.25 points does not appear to be worth increasing the cap for, i guess it won't be hard to get.
My OCD Thanks you Blizz
So is there any way you guys can discuss things like the costs of the crafting, the source of the base recipe / rank ups, etc? There's so little information on the profession stuff like what it takes to actually make the things...
Nice! Nevermind the alchemy trinket, engineer head, leatherworking/tailoring/blacksmithing gear or JC-rings - I'm gonna get that sweet 370 wand! Maybe I'll be raid ready for Legion content..
Rogues are going to love Naga hide
So will druids be able to enchant/equip the mount perks(ie. 20% movement speed, water walking etc.) on travel form?