I farmed all the old twink items, and eye of shadow in winterspring to purchase my epic riding skill! What a grind!
i remember 50G Portals Deck.back then was so much gold...just hoping ppl rememebr that classic made gold have value and not charge a kidney and a lung for stuff.
I found a Krol Blade in Silithus; sold it for a couple of hundred g, easing my epic ride purchase.The first world BoE (and first epic item) I obtained was a Lifestone in Un'Goro. I kept that.
I remember getting a Krol Blade to randomly drop on my rogue.Can't remember what I did with it
will we able to turn off XP in classic?
One of the best BoE is probably Hand of Edward the Odd imo (epic, need level 57 Hand of Edward the Odd), totally worth it! (At least for a Holy Paladin)
Think I got taran icebreaker on a mob in Stranglethorn vale?I do remember getting Krol blade and used it for my rogue a while and got Skullflame shield that I thought was awsome at the time animationwise ;D Don't remember what I did with it if I sold it or gave it to one of my shield users? I have it in mog these days so I guess the later but think it dropped more than once for me.I miss the world drops we rarley see epics outside dungeon and raid gear these days. I do know they exist ofcourse (as I think I got a epic glove drop on my horde rogue in bfa but that its the only one I seen)and they are rare for a reason.But even with the rarity in vanilla it seem epics dropped more often? It felt so good when doing adventuring out in the world itself and one of those rare/epic things dropped.
Eye of Shadow and couple of Bloodvine sets paid for my first epic mount. Never had that much luck with BoEs, which is still true in BFA. xD
“Auction value is roughly 0 to 10x the vendor value.”You mean 1 to 10x(who is going to list some boe for less than vendor)
Ahh the Pendulum of Doom - had one on my enhancement shaman and killed peeps instantly in WSG with a windfury proc.
Glowing Brightwood Staff - I remember looting this off a scorpion in Silithus. One of the many epic moments in vanilla.
Don't think i ever got a random BoE epic back in Vanilla - to be honest.I overall agree with the list - only one i disagree with is the Monolithic bow - that bow is arguably best for it's level on a Warrior in that range - in terms of pure Stats.There are better ones in terms of Rogues - but naming it as bad, when alternatives are like,1 stat in difference - where of the rest of the lineup don't even offer stats - seems counter-intuitive.Fun fact, some of these items - i didn't even realize existed - cause i never saw em drop. :pBut - it'll be fun to try out some cool builds :)
Oh boy, I still remember that time in the Eastern Plaguelands when I got the Boots of Avoidance on a random mob, in late Vanilla. I was so happy! ^^
worst grind ever for Pendulum of Doom but paid off in the end at the time biggest sale i made 200k for it. then switched to servers top bag maker
I will never forget the Staff of Jordan that dropped from a raptor in Stranglethorn Vale. That sucker lasted me from 41 or 2-ish straight into Molten Core.
Yep, there's the item I'm going to have to make sure all my friends all notify me if they get one so I can buy it lol. Good ole BiS forever Warden Staff